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Mar 2021 · 431
Norbert Tasev Mar 2021
Even a sharp-roaring cold can’t fall well; Your ***** of true pearls will stick to the veins of your flaming face like a red apple and will smash and knock when they hit the ground! He would sniff high up, gasping for mountain air a little cleaner, preservable, like an asthmatic! Your confidence erupts in your wounded petal soul; your selfish life is nailed to a chair or table; you are starting to get used to it gradually: you can't be right either. They'll knock down your worn-out taxi clock!
What a killing, lousy slap in Life! And maybe for "some" it's the leader, because that's all there is left! Holy indifference already envelops you as a restraining force! The Present is creeping and twisting with Angola! And everyone hides back into their own flesh when they humble themselves! Depth and Height are already nesting there in everyone! A mysterious intuition of prophecy is often torn out of non-existence; decisions are forced out by the Word of Traitor! In your shivering smile, you may know yourself when the snow falls!
Your introverted loneliness is also becoming more Stone Age; your soul is constantly hypersensitive Irish on a barely known chessboard! The restless, curious child inside rubs the purple petal of your heart! With an open mind, you would welcome everyone to be your sincere Friends, but you are already going to the wall from the corinates of jerks! - You expose yourself to the fact that by listening to the solid vases and the rattling of fragments of memory, which are emptied of your past deprived life, you are still listening!
Mar 2021 · 412
You frailty
Norbert Tasev Mar 2021
In the complex fullness of moments, even a hesitant step can tread on a butterfly carelessly! With a swirling, frightened rainbow wing marching richly into proud freedom! Hesitantly tumbling, the lonely silence can also hurt: the eye perseveres searching for punctuation engraved in a wall, while the claw rays of the accompanying moonlight appear on a ominous veil of nights! We also deliberately closed the proud sighs of our eloquent words to our hearings!
In no man's land a wreath of thorns has been woven out of sorrow! Wounded resentment is more easily absorbed into the depths of the Spirit; the burden of accents can permeate every well-groomed, spicy sentence because it is throbbing and present, like a sick plague! As a child orphaned by ugly deeds: I am embarrassed with terrified eyes at the same time, and I do not know if you will be complimented by a merciful, angelic goodness in the manner of Don Quoijotek. "I can only let silent anyone I sincerely want!" My melancholy pleasure, immersed in lethargy, would still be good to share with the babysitter; in the captivating Universe, we could all be together even in the moods we can experience, and it would be unnecessary to further complicate the rules of our secret childish rhymes in a hundred ways!
The smallness of our details is often heard through the purities of decipherable communications; the latent curses of envy-jealousy are already crystallizing in the marshland of hateful temper! There is no longer much meaning in the word consolation, where human intention alone can make up tempers! - Disembodied anxious, great dreads in the depths of eternal-childish souls: the smell of rotting rot flows in prodigal hearts! Even in my few minutes of imagination, it was enough to marry misleading lies! It is better to get out at the very beginning from the protection of conceivable emotions, and let the snowman alone melt into the beautified memory of summer!
Mar 2021 · 415
Anti Genesis
Norbert Tasev Mar 2021
Gaggling gaggles are bluffing, and they can imagine being immersed in screens in five-minute positions; they burst like imaginary greats with low IQ! They're shrewd! Navel peeps and self-appointed snowmobile self-propelled! “They maniacally print little-known relationships as they turn from *** lovers to consolations! The World puffing on stilts stands for hijackers of hope!
The pumpkins of grandparents swim like yellow rotting fruit in the buzzing idiocy! S rhinoceros-brain gorillas boldly stab their fangs while it lasts a night of artificial seance! Only the suddenly attacked lizard millionaires and fake Predators still bask in the golden sands! For every other livelihood, an enduring creature is dying with its wind-lined wind cramps exploding daily into an arrogant phlegm-like!
World-beautiful mermaids also all pass out; thirsty intellect has already escaped the conversion and another stumpy **** is being made in electric brains! Man stands as a selfish carnivorous pond and the Executioner's Time Index also returns! The constantly functioning Brain is constantly shrinking and cannot feed more Estonians; the outrageous free thinking thickens on a pinhead! Airborne dirt poisons the drying up possibilities!
In the lap of lasting Peace before Man, the suddenly attacked, crowded camp of penniless caresses clings to, while thinking intellectuals can shovel fu… diligently after others!
Mar 2021 · 390
Norbert Tasev Mar 2021
Surviving prosperity is another burden, and not a beneficial human lesson, for my longing, wandering emergency bird self! If my sensitive soul sensor catches bad coordinates, I chew and accuse myself constantly and digest! I have been known as an educated man for a long time, and yet today more scientist minds are honored! I became a highland loaf, or a stranger in the field; chased peanut steaming silly grotesque idiots! This is why I have always loved to hide in the hiding places of illuminating senses! Only vigilant Prophets can put order in the ring of hunters if they still want of their own free will!
I deliberately don’t knock on the crooked herds of computing diggers! Pale scared you are already constantly dodging; incense-lost advanced settlers happily at my table who get rich from gigantic possessions - afraid - they would give nothing in return! Pallerized, more pores can still grow up if they are surrounded by a foolishly turned-out century! There can be no confusing fiasco left but a victorious deal at all! A briefing - if you like it or not - deserves merely privileged ones! Ground dexterity is key!
Our employee inactivity is obligatory for blind robotics and it can be sold, our reality can no longer be cherished by loyalty! After the final count, he was easily attacked by fiesta! Simplified ground fat: Who doesn't take care of themselves selfishly, it's trampled on easily! "I could never judge you with gratifying pleasure!" Today, Asian laziness breaks down on everything; for sculptors sneezing against a wall, it is rare for a laurel to be created
Mar 2021 · 384
Guardian of the Canon
Norbert Tasev Mar 2021
A pre-dancer would be carved out of me in vain by the faded, sloppy World: a jerky cord! A flattered prophet and a witty eccentric, I would rather never bargain with his selfish laws if they sounded! Let the rebels breathe without me! In the open, many times I still feel bribed by my dreaded fear! As a startled little boy, I am already ashamed to go among the people who keep promising! As a disillusioned light, I would look for my prosperity, who if thrown out the door isn’t sure it will climb back out the window yet!
The insidious eyeball of blindfolders flashes like a loot and strikes every second; double handshake often turns into strife when there is no Eris nearby! - I ***** in the ambiguous obscurity as a stray dog and I have to beg for the pondros that have taken on human faces: "It would be good to gain experience and expertise as a friendly favor!" "One fateful day, I will eagerly be my own destiny and a compromised accomplice with a terrible organization!" The world is already facing slow motion warping; I would wait awkwardly for the right moment so that the flame of the Universe minutes could wink at me again!
As an unwanted payer, can the captivity of elevator shafts be left to mine alone?! Incompetent weakness surprises him by surprise; no one cares about my cared limbs! Silent, konok interest strains me and recreates my imagined dreams every day! I enter the crater of unknown moon courts in a spacesuit body and I can no longer bother that my worn shoes will smell at most! Soft intrigue, konok closure is gradually following me! Even now, as an adult, I imagine my precious Time to be spent with my loved ones!
The camp of the disabled did not help to find new opportunities! - Wandering mortals thrive selfishly into the gaping cavities of piles!
Mar 2021 · 349
Sand grains of denial
Norbert Tasev Mar 2021
I know I should finally cling like restless grains of sand in the cracks of rocks, like a stream bustling in the thin veins of stones, like the esteemed promise of the Truths! In hurricane storms sweeping the seas, the defiant sailor, or like a True Pearl-sized tear on truly sincere faces! I still crouch wordlessly in rose petal hearts and I would wait anonymously for the right moments! I still don't know what this uncertain expelled Fate can want with me and can I still find the secrets of Happiness ?!
As if in gravitational gravity alone I would fall; grabbing the two ends of Being, I pulled with me the ingrained shadows of my past! Many times I couldn't be good enough with petty Differences! Brown blinking dots smiled from laughing deer eyes and I imagined that; it can be found in Harmony! The walls of a selfish prison, I feel every day, lean inwards: the trumpet of Jericho calls for selfish revenge and I know that as the shadow of haunting nights, like a crouching animal, I cannot drop my panting head! Like crooked spider legs are the cages of my breathing ribs; and it would be good to know and feel! I would already step out of the usual World if I didn’t have to look back as an account!
In my heart there will always be a knife in pain anytime I break it! Among my hedgehog spikes, I can only extend a friendly hand to Angel! If almost every dawn is a torch, my Hope can stretch its arms again! And **** is always accompanied by trendy method ?! "As a hesitant fool, every word burns your soul!" It would be good to believe again superstitious eyes really
Mar 2021 · 386
Norbert Tasev Mar 2021
Volatile is the greatest thing in Life, whether it’s cigarette smoke or a three-day Universe kiss! Beating heart muscles ran out of mood; every beat is stuck and slow because this rusnya World has drowned in cocoa! The stunted petals of flowers are caressed by selfish prostitution! Our dry emotions die in the silences of symphonies! The only antidote to gigolines curling women is the current cultural defiance! Prove human indispensability with unwavering faith! Present, in gorilla-brain bodies and in the hazelnut brain of bikini fairies, the taoed extent has increased!
The charm flirting with the gods would hardly affect anyone anymore! The "pig-headed lord" has become money again! "Whoever looks wolf-eyed at the monotonous fall must have been a little engaged to Death, and he has put an end to his own cowardice!" "As a man, he falls into the cavities of swirling ravines that he also has a responsibility!" It stretches like a delicate leech in the life-destroying annihilation! Their rotting, spread-legged, lustful-smart foreheads are all driving you towards the economical business! - Waving with suicidal laughter, none of them break towards new-normalcy!
Winking invites those who make a lot of mistakes to a coup! Clinging to the crumbling fence cages of finite democracies is the second ordinary citizen who dreams of America! A dazzled, deliberately deceived, imperial market: whoever has more relational influence can rightly override the diminutive things of life with arbitrary despot rights! "I should take care of the petals of stolen, sorted roses, not tear them off like wild beasts."
Mar 2021 · 333
Something starts!
Norbert Tasev Mar 2021
A single superstitious deer can fit an entire human life! A star shining like a glory in the darkness left alone! The humanity of moments pierces into enchanting gazes and argues with immortal Love! We see tiny swan ducks appear in the silent future, and certainty stretches between trembling lips: a talkative army of faces rushes through the tactile fabric of Time! Already all of them are bragging! It jeopardizes every request and every sequel! Falling always leads close to ourselves! Tons of heavy loads sit on our shoulders; our urgent years just don’t rest!
The Memory will also be an endless, silent caravan if the given minute calls! Peeping, finite lines are rearranged into the Arc s with Time-intersecting folds! Everyone can be a child-adult again if they don’t know the rules of survival! Hurricanes of fate come together and always come back! The invisible Truth culminates with true tears! - In the superstitious mirror of eyes, when all the illuminating, proud flames go out, deep-water mud peaks! Crowded madness washes away the interests of the worldly sensation! Man can be tired if he is vulnerable soon!
I am embraced by myself, human law, and it does not leak - crushed into colors, retained Promises my confidence and tomorrow! I still have to face recurring, threatening days anyway; the eternal friendship can still keep a vigilant separation from Being! In immortal throbbing sighs, it would still be good to believe hopefully; aloof, for human luck if you can boldly turn your back! Smile: a conqueror of tamed, small pleasures, can you return to the gray ordinary?!
Norbert Tasev Mar 2021
During ugly's swarm of cheap prostitutes, don't worry about crushing! Don't let anyone believe you peeed in fear! If every curse-memory and minute-man rushes, a thousand ghosts could throw lasso into your throat every day! Silence can hardly surround you anymore, because you could not come to terms with your Difference! Indifference is listening to you with its great petals! Sooner or later, the World will collapse again, and you will hardly hear the supplications of your wounded soul! Honest prophets are worried about freethinkers and the Sincere Prophets are turning into stray dogs! The chaos-silence of the stars hugs her upside down her *****, the Nirvana-Nothing is still bleeding from the wounds of the earth!
I notice the grin of Mayan-smiling, ******* Angels: as Man sells himself for sale! The restless tranquility of your soul is a privilege and a rare holiday! "You should become one in eternal universe life on your Dear side if you could hear the wide screams of my heart attack!" "This is how you hide in stone silence if you are tensed into the Hangman-smelling, hibernated Time every day!" With fierce fear, atomic bomb angers are also lurking; instead of the right paths, they steer you towards your diverted, cross-decisions!
Your lonely ancestors are named — no wombat puppies and loyal hedgehogs! You have your last solid excuse for yourself! From barely pre-human swaying nights, you can barely hear: You pay with the momentary click of your being when called by otherworldly voices! The horror of your suicide is getting closer, trembling over your head! "You have to be in pain all the time to understand the incomprehensible human offspring constantly censored even in the forbidden phase of your body!" With whom will you share and share the childish cramps of your soul?!
Mar 2021 · 42
Night of Time
Norbert Tasev Mar 2021
The Infinite cries, moans, hurts in me; there can be all suffering because the Present is pregnant with eternity! The Flame also believes in pain when it is in labor! How will the fate of the Individual continue to develop in the desolate mischief of the Komos in the expelled space ?! - A junk camp of grim illusions is fighting over our heads! It is devoured because we feel the behemoth in all their members at night! The career desire of the blinding Celeb-Beauties seems to be grasped in this present age, and any collagenized peony can be a presenter!
The Indifference described to boredom and the sponge-like **** in human heads became complete; the unrecognizable will-gates closed and the Night was complete! The tomb of Orpheus is dead in Time, and the tiny soul of the Universe can no longer cross the human ocean! Scattered Pile of Ruins In time, human benevolence also descended into insidious souls! Everything can only fall apart on this expanding bullet; the thinking Logos spark fades away and the tuna is threatened with a supernova explosion Stupidity!
All dreams of clinging deep to the rose finger of redemptive dawn; prevent possible floating with a practiced routine! In vain would gravity pull the Man down! A gaping vortex will lead you to temptation and you will not be able to free the inner night in itself to create its finishing silence! Hanging on hidden stars, Hope sighs! "Perhaps I am still laboring because in the depths of my wounded heart, Death from heart attacks always knocks!" I would still be looking for a solid point, which would certainly reassure me with a drop of self-confidence and courage; the yolk of the glittering burst of light flows s in the lap of the trenches of galaxies the yawning moon crunches…
Feb 2021 · 460
Blurred future
Norbert Tasev Feb 2021
Where will you hide if the iron hands of raging gorillas get stuck
in grabs and you break out of this time forever
because there will be no one next to you?!
What kind of Soul pulsation, lost drum can drift anyway?
Which of your face shadows is soaking in the water of haunting nights?
Are you constantly terrified that the danger is
complimenting you in your uncertain world?!
"There's no ringing in the firewall of hell for the eternal losers!"
Your body orbits in a dream bay like a mutilated planetary continent,
and when the spikes of insidious thorn bushes pinch, even the Angels laugh!
You know, a calculated moment of loss can surround you at any moment
and devour your wounded Soul!
You should look for your Underground Sun
radiating within you even more boldly!
The unreal in the Present amazes you!
Ever since I feared the Cassandras-Report;
you can't hide anywhere with your merciful gaze!
Phantom pain throbs on the cochlea of my throat
and in the headwinds, Fate!
"The cheap little world becomes a *******!"
In Adam's costume, I would honestly stand before
the Beloved: Would you accept?!
The molecular gates of besieged Eden should not be
taken possession of as a colony of cheap wars!
Your dreams are spurred daily to return to
the ruthless reality with caracan!
We mirror by blurred in black and white!
Your bamboo hand worships knives when
you bite into the Universe!
You know: in the face of the very Hyenas Age,
the "no more" instinct is in check!
- Your faithful items will be waiting for you when everyone else has left.
Feb 2021 · 408
Falling return
Norbert Tasev Feb 2021
Perhaps the always Faithful Mirror has already become a Traitor;
the structure of movements and
faces does not show only the essence struck by the stamp!
We cross the stage and bravely defy danger on board decaying boards!
Secrets are still hidden in the degree of surprise minutes
and waiting for suitable eruptions!
It is the deserving shadow of happiness that is happening in us!
- The smile-tear clown bathes his face in a silent moon mirror!
"Indifferent and idiot-producing phlegmatism greets you!"
The disgust of our selfish concealment can easily settle on others;
to the smell of our prey overwhelmed by success-seeking breakers;
how long does the silly age of hungarians go on?!
Prophets would already flee Nineveh
because their bribed mission had become angry!
******* Angels like killing knives,
spoiled knife-spoons and broken refractions!
Everyone is laying their cages more and more,
because Happiness always takes another
hard-to-heal wounds; indelible stigma!
Fence, ****-In time, the final maze path
can also be easily solved:
Start s End in front of the same gate
often that's why we stumble!
Wells that are overzealous on our bitter,
unhappy faces are hanging True Pearls!
"We should have deliberately escaped this sensational,
continuous squirrel wheel world!"
A broken World is behind us!
As a hesitant lamb, anyone among the hordes can tear apart;
we walk the field of our existence as orphaned wanderers;
in our throats the redeeming Death throbs…
Feb 2021 · 381
Escape probes
Norbert Tasev Feb 2021
You wear a tailor-made shadow jacket and you frighten the days of the living with your silent footsteps! Your twilight wounds as insidious stigmas;
they burn first and then they get drunk in you until the brain!
In addition to all the prickly criticism, a blade or eyeball knife that
can inflict incurable wounds and your selfish hurt may have lasted a lifetime!
The shivering of street lamps in the alley can push alone,
cellular light into your room!
As a silent language of anger,
you are wasting your wasted time
on your gainable happiness!

You collide with yourself every day and you get out of everyone!
Suffering crocodile-teared chubby faces are your only sincere confession;
teasing the words teasingly on the strings
of your soul like fake cards!
Staring at your tap, you beat the monotony
of your clicking clocks in your throbbing veins!

The pen-paper-pencil becomes an illusion in your hand!
Your cherished tongue Atlantis can no longer swing between your lips;
your vile peace also seems to be distorted,
and Morality has become a gallows flower!
You dominate, tact, and play chess when others just look at you
— and because you lose yourself at every moment
so that the other half-whole Man can find your fragile balance.

So much of Swinging Time has run out in vain:
when will you be able to truly rejoice in livable, immortal moments?!
The holy words of love that babble you?
Feb 2021 · 373
Dirty rhapsody
Norbert Tasev Feb 2021
How much easier it would have been without
the memory of the humiliated gymnastics,
which, with the whipping of executioner ropes,
haunted new targets every day with fear of death;
only a few could understand the Truth of
the present out of blood-soaked eyes!
All human Judgments and murders could be
measured against these only then;
finally, every insidious glance was already
a murderous thorn in our vulnerable hearts
and we sobbed doomed to lonely orphanage like alamus,
pathetic worms while we looked down
at our own soul wells, gathering courage!
We could hardly hear that any of us had
committed suicide because they could not
bear the stigma-wounding evils of their bachelors!
The writing campaigns also started with Executioner jokes!
In a treadmill world, magnified evil also seems bigger, scarier!
*****-smiled male pillars practiced slap-dancing times
until the “others” could learn how to serve and pit at the same time?!
Washed, washed clothes also had to
be reused, and the torn Budmilos bag cost a lot!
There could have been no pathetic chance
for the Guardian to escape the apocalypse
of everyday terrorist hells to Infinity!
They were forced to tolerate the pain
of the usurper as a lifeless object;
the sentient Spirit was as much drained as
the foreign matter from the tendons of skeletal bones!
Feb 2021 · 325
Norbert Tasev Feb 2021
We are already stumbling more and
more crustly into the idle Infinity,
and we are rooted in a wooded mood;
the vulnerable Soul is damaged anyway
and the Will-pulled bodies eventually give up anyway!
Distorting ratios are not dwarfed - but they increase by division!
The dream of everything is a silent wilderness!
It’s hard to cling to the forgiving power of chance,
just like a smile close to a ditch!
The Vacuum still exists in sheer space,
even though there is no one to capture or fill it!
There is always just a kind of alarming,
internally warning selfishness!
It is becoming more and more difficult to look wolfishly
and flirt with sincere Truth;
the usual, homely Death is staring at us!
Fear s Pain beats as expelled; the murderous silence
devours our loneliness and the fact excites us
that we can't get any closer to solving it!
It takes place in the body and in the brain and produces some strange,
chemical reaction! What we have become thickens into what really hurts!
Every level you start leads to the darkness of the impossible!
In the depths of restless souls it is difficult to live in peace!
Our shiver scale scans us all the way
to our vertebrae and back!
If we are helpless with the formula
for solving situations in our heart chamber,
there is a risk of explosion.
In the hourglass press,
the tiny grains trample each other orphan;
they're in a hurry somewhere!
The border is watching the barrier
of the Spirit and often stirring underworld dust!
Shards of self-digesting blood are also falling…
Feb 2021 · 428
Norbert Tasev Feb 2021
In the interactions between the human body,
as he is mesmerized by a smile of Heaven,
his eyes stray as flirtatious Angels stared at Jacob's ladder!
You have to move from hardship to hovering
and you don't feel that everything has happened in vain!
Eyes superstitious with respect to
the weight of the earthly Eden are bound,
and the refuge — apart from the Universe — is all uncertain!
The psychological fire of attraction pulls
our wounded souls back into the Present!
"There can be no shadow of impending Death, only fear!"
The enchanting rainbow of eyes can only be
blinded in faithfulness in love!
In the depths of dusk, how does a Star of Bethlehem guide us?!
- What is left of your fatty breast milk on urgent request?
You would eagerly **** the life-giving kisses of Being that
has bound itself to you with its love!
An orphaned stalactite cave has also become
the donated teary eye that sees everything awake!
Scattered fates remained in the scattered knots of Destiny!
The bone-dry wave depth of Silence addresses you
as a minute; the rhythm of the drumming echoes in your ears!
Only your dear can guess where you are!
With two arms, you would surely embrace the peace you find;
you would not be so vulnerable to Nirvana's loneliness!
"The roaring basket of skulls is sprouting today,
instead of sparkling intellect!"
Instead of kisses, a thickened membrane is strained
on the withered boards of worn-out palate floors!
The seductive Light tolerates under the jawbone…
Feb 2021 · 344
Norbert Tasev Feb 2021
A Star stares at me with a shiver-ruthless!
A sticky, swampy light leaked from the wall of my room;
have the orphaned Gods been extinct with the survivors?!
- True pearls squeak in my eyes; it would have been better
to lock my cherished Spirit treasures in a shell of nuts or shells!
I feel that I have definitely been left to myself,
as the laws of learning survival are
not always guaranteed by the experience gained!

The wasted Time clicks faster and faster
on the yarns of Being; the earth dances the same way!
I was frightened by the awake little child:
I had to forget something that had happened to go,
to sink it, to be healthier and more confident,
and in every small part I should not have had to constantly
carry the burdens of my past Sisyphus-trying glaze!
I hardly could have been another Man:
yet the promise of another man can keep me in action!
Yet many, many lived, imagined instincts became role models in me;
as a one-man legion, like an imitating yet authentic actor,
a list of conscious intentions swirl in me;
broken deoxyribucleic acid would still marinate immortal Love!
We need to keep our eyes on the passing, which still deserves us!
As a denial of ourselves, none of us hopes for goals,
because greed has quenched our curiosity!
And the Moon dawns on us every time! Inwardly,
we are offended and vulnerable to blood clots,
while our body sheaths want to resist change;
as a decomposed pump, even the overzealous heart
robes with fidelity in our chest cage!
Feb 2021 · 467
The symmetry of Nothing
Norbert Tasev Feb 2021
Like a trembling bouquet of flames, leaning on the edge
of Nothing trembles at wise,
knowable facts!
I try the cunning plans of my imagined death like desperate suicides!
In my soul, an unspeakable horror and ingrained Fear of Death strains,
and the unrepeatable desire of the Universe cuts into me
like suddenly hooked lightning teeth:
"You should not be destroyed yet!"
- If one is still breathing and counting Being may be eternal!
The monolith remains even as the tale has shaped itself!
The essential Infinite spirit energies are in wandering order
and become one with their external influences;
perhaps two opposing effects could still
give birth to the solid essence!
It is always surrounded by the dizziness of Nothing;
there is a harmonious symmetry in it: True s
False as Being s the recurring Deficiency!
- The change shows only the Finite;
live throbbing can sprout from continuous germination!
“I get a sore flame-burning in me and a whitewashed ghost
provides a waterfall if I can still break out in my bitter loneliness!
As a purple tongue of flame, everything is enveloped
and filled with envy and evil jealousy; save God to be in me!
I’m more of a squeaky human spark in the expelled darkness!
Among the artificial paradises of Eden in the world,
kittens with artificial liver, glue-smile and gorilla-brain muscle sprouts
abound in coastal ****** while also oiling each other!
The illuminating and eternal lanterns of cultures could
only be invented by the watchmen;
as they get past their meat tunnels,
sooner or later everyone is overwhelmed
by the uncertainty rooted in uncertainty for sure
Feb 2021 · 377
The bribed tourist eye
Norbert Tasev Feb 2021
Not the Celeb Striptease that bitterly enters everyday life, the fierce spiritual sin that can reach the intentional peak in deliberately sold-out ****** pleasures! The stench of revenge that does not reach the perpetrators still smells so far! All the candles are already broken! Already, the ghost roller coaster is puffing in idiot showcase heads! As a stair constriction, they cut off the path from career opportunities! For pious handrails, you know, there is hardly any laurel these days!
Buksi also cherishes childish hopes for Hope, which is the only opportunity to hold on! Man would be forbidden to crush himself; on the trampled donkey ladders of careers, only the better known can have the prerogative! He can be succeeded as Susuphos by those who have managed to book accommodation on the shores of failure! The cultural and human **** lurking in everyone can still backfire and hit hard!
Thrown out depression should be forgotten; loudspeakers should stay away with their inexplicable accusations once and for all! Overbearing bad faith gets stuck in every fence obstacle! As an iron ball thrown into a river, he dredges in a confused seaweed, the unknown groping, who could better understand the giving emotions!

A ship that has been sinking for a thousand years has become a beautiful prayer of morals and compliments! Things that happen happen are always always repeated, and the human mind often wonders: how does it exist to put young chicks in well-paying jobs with a giggle giggle ?! "Every scene tolerates the Traitor, but only a few trust him."
Feb 2021 · 379
Norbert Tasev Feb 2021
Listening is still ticking, but he would confess his throbbing memories of the Unstoppable Heart if he could speak! In a rotting ***, the leaves of the blood that are damaging to the soles burn with petal flame! Arterial muscles quarrel with mischievous blood vessels; the stressful Nervousness orders with a squeaky heart attack alert! A cracked envelope rages frantically in a haunting ominous night! An exclamation voice sobbes in me as many times as I can; I lived in anxiety between my shackled body walls; in a turbulent world I should still be consciously alive to see the flames of eternal Friendship in cometary rose souls! -
A prisoner with a winged voice would often be released from the prison of my rebellious chest! "My darling's immortal gaze is drifting beside me!" The nightmarish melancholy light of moons is marching more and more unpredictably as he is constantly tempted! The fever of my patience can be overcome only by my human humility! Fear of Death increases the massive **** that leaks in a bone prison; his fat glass beads always appear on my face! "A shaggy storm will soon pass over my heart if I let my Being things happen in time!"
Painted nail queens run through life; scooter Shadow of doom haunted behind unlocked stiff eyes! On a UFO-suspicious night, even the car horn is like a Stranger; in all my spoken words only the Silence lies and grows; flourishes in its destruction! Even in earth mirror lights, desires sleep and instincts flatten! Tunnels are dug with a sure career consciousness by blind moles; among silent, moist roots, they are sure to matte to the Finish! It takes an unstoppable push s who is not rubbed enough in this present world is easily trampled before being led
Feb 2021 · 397
Blurred future
Norbert Tasev Feb 2021
Where will you hide if the iron hands of raging gorillas get stuck in grabs and you break out of this time forever because there will be no one next to you ?! What kind of Soul pulsation, lost drum can drift anyway? Which of your face shadows is soaking in the water of haunting nights? Are you constantly terrified that the danger is complimenting you in your uncertain world ?! "There's no ringing in the firewall of hell for the eternal losers!" Your body orbits in a dream bay like a mutilated planetary continent, and when the spikes of insidious thorn bushes pinch, even the Angels laugh!
You know, a calculated moment of loss can surround you at any moment and devour your wounded Soul! You should look for your Underground Sun radiating within you even more boldly! The unreal in the Present amazes you! Ever since I feared the Cassandras-Report; you can't hide anywhere with your merciful gaze! Phantom pain throbs on the cochlea of my throat and in the headwinds, Fate! "The cheap little world becomes a *******!"
In Adam's costume, I would honestly stand before the Beloved: Would you accept ?! The molecular gates of besieged Eden should not be taken possession of as a colony of cheap wars! Your dreams are spurred daily to return to the ruthless reality with caracan! We mirror by blurred in black and white! Your bamboo hand worships knives when you bite into the Universe! You know: in the face of the very Hyenas Age, the "no more" instinct is in check! - Your faithful items will be waiting for you when everyone else has left.
Feb 2021 · 328
I'm telling myself
Norbert Tasev Feb 2021
Broken coconut squeaking milk on the sand; softly embraces the cool lover! The contemplative looks into distant waves like shards of memory! The deserted shores are waking up. The undulating chapters of tadpoles are starting to breathe! These intricate beings flow and return according to their completed plan! There are still thousands of image-memories floating in our brains, the memory full of flowing motion of thought; distant ideas can fade into glittering gems, but more importantly hand in hand - the romance of sunsets!
He easily slams into the lust-shirt of loves, but isn’t the sincerity of Loyalty a sackcloth ?! We mutter the exaggerated Word of Confession in front of ourselves, while we hide the circle symbols of Love in the sand and let the cultivated Order disintegrate into ourselves! His shimmering wide model of the Universes will happily lick our bodies, in which the Spirit can still be a free prisoner, surrendering himself to thinking depths!
I would flee to the outcast captivity of hugging arms; there would be a door and a tunnel and a rescue line at the same time - and you have to survive with clenched teeth! Ominous game today is the uncertain Future! Death picks up heads rolling on endless rails when it strikes! - We have whispered to our speaking shells our most precious secrets: take note of the realm of Poseidon, when the heart of Being eternal may already be boiled into one in the Universe; immersed in each other! Immersed, we discover ourselves with the immortality of every moment!
World-deafening proud Silence can no longer bother us! Although it is impossible to make a living, blowing slices can only be understood and listened to through a shower of pounding petals! In the balmy touch of swan hands, we forget the Wonder we deserve.
Feb 2021 · 373
Everything has changed
Norbert Tasev Feb 2021
Everything is flowing as a stream! And I feel that in every lasting moment, all the details are still back! I would seek refuge to still retain the shaky ground of my self-confidence to find two pairs of Angelic eyes on this earth! You can also find the only one, the True One, if jingling pennies with content cannot fall into ruin! Dust and ash stick to my hand only; it is now the line of cleaning in my attic!
If I could, I would be bolder to close this current scapegoat Time! I would hide from my curious eyes my destiny, my pain, which may be experiencing me in a form that hides a hundred, and I am still guarding it! "In my smiling faces, I can hardly rest any more!" The flower fragments of my tears wound again; his shadow films are spun by the Hyenas-World: copied, brainwashed embryos are already alive everywhere, the age of sincere emotions of Loyalty is over!
A frozen wave frozen in every thought! Secular serenity is not even due to insured income! The handshake is lowered to the palm spun on a wand if the ancestral right of the given Word is violated! The vowel Promises of Being are already frozen! The insidious machinery of the Underworld is already visible in this arrogant world, measured in arrogant, evil respects; Death will surely give matte chess! Everything flows back into the distasteful bucket of gentleness and cruelty!
They play sauna on dragon scales on the side of their oversized gorillas! - I should have been someone! as a roaring question mark to constantly vigilantly ask about everything and everyone; I disappear as a rushing highlight in the night ...
Feb 2021 · 353
Norbert Tasev Feb 2021
When Can Bird Whistle Finally Become Silence? Peace redeemed forever from universe kisses ?! Our mundane words tick like bombs only in human hearts and teary-eyed stars serve to protect instincts! Crazy in the meadows of bone fields, ku has lost his entire life, and you can never find the solutions to survival again! V.I.P. night drowned in bubble night; the slow destruction of themselves was signaled by the timed hell machine! Fragmented, the sight glasses were broken; the Present is bent on its glass tiles! Instead of a multitude of friendly faces of people, yawning skulls greeted the homesick everywhere!
- Our weary fears also sin against us in this way; in the cool masks of faces we often get lost if we can’t see the differences! In the shadow of our silence, we know nothing but we are fleeing! By law, Being rips out your Dreams of Silence; a line of falling shadows plunder in Time! If your faces are already cast, your soul will sin! It closes in itself the many hopeless moments through worldly labyrinths, there is hardly anyone who would do your common detour with you! - Naked squirming can squeeze so night-shroud! Moonlight bulging on an ax haunts you when you have to be alone!
The meaningful years listen to you as an accountable prisoner! The night of the flu soaks with you in piles of trickled lights: No-Time the conceived Fate can fall through if you are not careful! Someone is diligently tearing the shackles of your humiliation to get in! With a disgust of rotten miracles, a world that counts to the core is vomiting out there! Day-to-day sensation and fog-people are rolling and eternal Friendships are breaking up!
Feb 2021 · 366
Norbert Tasev Feb 2021
If I were to gather my courage I would gladly be comforted among the rose petals of my lips; the cherished Universe, as a kind, caring Mother, would extend her sacrificial arms for me and comfort her with her kisses! Our wonderful words would wander into our eyes in the tunnels of secret telepathies; phenomenally laughing stars!

"I know I'm still strangely ridiculous today, and yet the eccentric inertia of men in love as men in love;" I would protect myself from self-damaging disappointments and yet cling to the tropical atmosphere of love tendrils!
In the selfish depths of my childish soul, patience is wasting patience! Thinned hugs revolve around Procrustean beds, like notched knives! Disturbed innermost compulsion is chasing me to confess with open mouths of surprise to many who thought they were not even known!

"Pebbles of stars stared into the black water of my eyes!" - Silence will be a white spot! In my weeded life, I match myself; the transient Time stretches itself to the bone wings of heaven as a victim! Every kiss will show golden figs, I just haven't noticed so far?
As the rootless flower, the moon is in the water of the sky! The dream stumbles at the moment of imaginary surprise plans, and blinded rainbows run at the crossroads! Toothless traps make this ******* Laugh laugh! - Crushed silence anesthetized for a long time, even the Humpback of Humanity! Under the stepping, half-silver shadow of the Moon surrounds the unbearable visions of the Future of Nineveh.
Feb 2021 · 155
Passing cradle
Norbert Tasev Feb 2021
Pass-wise rock, since My shipwreck is linear; like a sprained, bald string of numbers!
Dozens of childish playfulness clings to me because I assume Peter Pan syndromes rather than absolute strict adulthood! The petty warts of wild times burn in my body, immortal Universe would be given by all my words of compliment; it is still intolerable that we will also exchange our principles as used underwear! "Misfortunes approach me with determination!" The official indifference binds its negotiated, alamous alliances with Nothing, and the reserve pleasures already lack all the absolute Promises of Goodness! "I have a lot of useless promises and Van Gogh's ears cut!"
Scandal if weeds and those fighting with themselves are already pathetically ridiculous! Man's transition between an animal's slaughterhouse ?! Why should this be the case? Bus stop people can only stare puzzled if someone collapses in front of them! Perhaps every Being showcase is being prepared for litigation, and the pain has also usefully acclimatized! - Many times our rails break during our journey and the switches can break; even the legendary train is wasting its trajectories!
The mirror looks at itself on a vigilant examiner as the other childier looks in: the Future passes into an inedible surprise if we no longer take care of the Present! My faithful exploratory amazement would set off again into unfamiliar imaginations, while joy appears unintentionally on the chalkboards of my years! All honesty is another test under a sharpened Guillotine; my hesitant crying face is an all-around little boy clinging to him if I can't do anything else
Feb 2021 · 400
Notes from a visitor
Norbert Tasev Feb 2021
It is becoming more and more difficult to desecrate and die; Every roast pigeon word adopted for the Word can only be left on cracked lips! A meaningful conversation is interrupted and an embarrassing silence begins with a raging one! He forces himself into evasions as if he were being ***** by Honesty! - In well-washed Pilate hands, they land like cheap glue banknotes; bribery rates! The Truth itself became a nailed, leaking wound; bleeding constantly on its own! Confession, because you are forced to betray yourself more and more often!
As a god, the conscience is shattered from within: "Why did you have to choose an easier, served path ?!" "Incomprehensible will binds you and shackles your mind so that you can act!" Silent wounds and yawning cries can remain just instead of selfless help! In tumbling bodies, the watch clings to the dull beat of drums; as a sign of attention, everyone nods, though they may not know what Promised? In the cavity of black holes, how should we listen to horns? - Rolling Mirror-How to look back from Time so that the personality can no longer be distorted!
Arrivals should be received with crowded Judas pockets; dried meat sticks to the resurrected skeleton until eventually the disintegrating viscera of the naked body can remain! - The sly shape can still only flatten out; like a fleeing seal on a melting ice floe who drowns in life-giving water in atonement; the cat is always the one who plays with the mouse and never the other way around! As a killer, the Sun also distributes its nuclear fragments to the earth - yet it warms
Feb 2021 · 341
Ruptcy proceedings
Norbert Tasev Feb 2021
Anyone who has become a caress and has satiated for many years now looks down on his luxury citadel: self-tanning, solarium kittens can already easily lose their basic colors! The dreamy lifestyle and the stylish jaccudzi fall apart into its parts! The prostitution of Being a ******* can no longer be traced; even at events, a stone-rich snarling shell can be witnessed by those staring at the screen!

Distinguished, twinkling accomplice-masonry smiles at wedding moments; one is barely twenty-two, while the other is already seventy-five! Between two hot quarrels, a giggling, grinning charm-grin! Prolonged myocardial fever, near infarction after promising!
They embrace each other like the newly initiated, while in the depths of their souls a superficial blush breaks their superstitious petals! The price of any phenomenal glow is real Betrayal! Why whirl if someone longs for a normal life on the side of the happiness found? Under the roof is the well-assembled dowry! Dads of large families broke out of the gate-closing panic because they longed for the adrenaline-boosting nectars of common forbidden fruits!
The warfare of Propaganda-blonde underworld bombers is already plagued by the wallet and the red carpet! Everyone circulates like an exile and everyone is eagerly surprised by a special adventurer, his career appetite: the satiated woman is always hungry even on the bed of Procrustean beds!

The joy of life of the Cassandras is already on schedule! You can make a bargain with a light heart for cooling latrines, company-wicked villains! “Imaginary hysterics imitate a deliberate nose fall in their mouthful of nail shoes so that the tabloid press can write about them for days.
Feb 2021 · 402
The Pagoda of Peace
Norbert Tasev Feb 2021
On the branch of Time our hearts tremble many times and then fall back; our proud destiny holds down like the roaring flames of stray comets! We will be dusted as the eternal part of the Universe! The Tree of Life may still survive in this way; trembling above a twisting price insecure We carve the gallows of our existence if bitterness settles on our eyes! You are an amphibian and many times stateless! Neither in redemptive serenity nor on an Odyssey trip can you find peace until you get to know the One-One who truly loves you!
Well, as a diver, you often ponder the sins of your selfish hatred! You leave me foolishly guilty, let the eternal, found moment come on while you accuse yourself of stupidity: you would already need a sure point of rest so that you can gain not only crying self-confidence, but also karakan courage! You would call the eternal Beloved; a personal good friend you loved for yourself and who could decorate your crypt-dark home with your golden heart in the eternal May!
In silence, waterfalls rustle from the eternally hesitant wells of your eyes and everything will be flooded with self-forgiving, unconditional Grace! And on your tormented face the flame of offended Love burns as if oppressed by a heavy dream; my unexpected insomnia encourages killer vigilance! “Many times I still allow myself to be loved as a deceitful child so that the aggravated insult can sleep in me; his half-nailed man sneaks into his unhappy little snail shell if he doesn't dare risk it!
"What is Life for if you do not sacrifice to do something noble ?!" "Your conscience is still sounding, albeit fading, and when will the fleeting pagoda of Peace be yours forever ?!"
Jan 2021 · 341
Schakled Ego
Norbert Tasev Jan 2021
I look up and the bored blue sky still messes with sooty clouds; appointments for true pearl tears! My imagination can hardly joke these days: y has become the era of brainwashed, grinning idiots! Like in an hourglass, the precious grains of man’s desire to go beyond himself to trample on others immediately! Will the chain of eternal Friendships remain a dream ?!
Wind-shattered crackling rags break into your face; **** wrinkles, and you can do nothing more to understand the rules of survival!
You are falling uncontrollably into the deep stack you have dug for yourself, where you are greeted by a gaping darkness, and maybe no one is bothering you! There is no one who is humbled by evil criticism at the same time; your heart also sinks every day, as if a candlelight swaying in a crystal mirror is swinging and you can't find a way out yet!

You’ve moved your ever-imaginative mind to another brain-hemisphere so you don’t get infected with stupidity!
You may also know: If you believed strongly in yourself, the Spirit would line your body as a lasting defense, if you accepted yourself a little more boldly and started to be Being: terror would overwhelm you already, but you could always find more courageous helpers in trouble!

You lived under the weight of your story - watch out! Don't crush it! They listen in forgotten footprints even after your cloak shadow, your slippery stones are gone! Step by step, his late words will echo the chain-twisted sky ...
Jan 2021 · 351
Norbert Tasev Jan 2021
This is how we march towards the Center of Invisible Essences; we scan the rays of our eyes round and round after the compromising Love while our hesitant footsteps are quiet. Frightened by the dark roads of the underworld, the living child is immediately within us; would hear the muted pulsation of perforated pocket watches in the dream Dear if you could have found us! Perhaps you can still look boldly into stellar gazes and confess your sincere emotions!
The Desire to cherish the cherishing illusion of sunshine is still firmly stuck in the illuminating lamp of the mind! Eternal renunciation can keep everyone afloat - yet it sinks into preserved Indifference! When can the twinkling lights of accepting understanding through the hazelnut gaps of scarce human brains get Heureka deeds again ?! - The devourer of bridal virgins insidiously seduces whitewashed tooth-citrus compliments and can't wait for a lasting surrender! The seawater of all the hidden tears that stand one step before the penitential reassurance storms into a raging protest!
When the encrypted, exotic symphonies of ***** lips are lost, something is destroyed from the Essence; Deficiency-people, human-wreckage can also be the prey of a donor-giving trust! Haunting Moonlight music calls for Silence: it lets Hope through the built-in cell grids of walls so that you can cling to something else with deliberate, selfish stubbornness! "Minute-blue people are screaming in the solid pockets of hidden centuries!" With the heavy bumps of our subconscious, the dawn sky with black gasoline smoke is miserable past!
Jan 2021 · 437
On the porches of the days
Norbert Tasev Jan 2021
I would have to cling to impenetrable, eternal lights as an eternally hopeful little child so that the many thorn-offs would not reach me! Addicted to snuggling up to Infinity and believing in the healing magic of roe deer, that there may be another way out! The hidden Existant casts light out of the fog and the fingertip blade gap of gladiolus hurts the cups of my heart! Many times his hooded mists close to Being, and the Well of Nothing demands more thirstily! As a volatile butterfly, joy sins with someone else! Shelter should already be found for the volatile moment!
Fire-eyed cheap-soul chirping is the computing compromise! Falling stars are still running in the trajectory of my life, as a richly fertile stream, my crater tears immediately flood! I deliberately hide my smile to the Beloved who can still comfort me! - I feel like in the junk market of emotions, like petty faithful bustles and “some” can come up again at any time! I would still cling to the cooling beauties of the Universe! I listen to the confused drum beats of my heart in my whispering ears; I always understand the impending danger!
Suicide leading to suicide should not be considered if unresolved troubles are towering over us! "I should believe in myself that cherishing, friendly hands always reach out to me, and Honesty can surely take it for granted!" A single piece of stone The law of my being is often unable to shout, though many times it would be good to shout out loud so that others can understand listening to rocks can be melodic even from the blood throbbing in us! False or hostile to the human Word, meaningless envy nest in still-budded gazes and rapes daily
Jan 2021 · 286
Inward migrations
Norbert Tasev Jan 2021
Deep in my soul is a deep, falling cavity; I have piled up my understood memories: an Angel, the minutes of the Universe, the faithful promise of kisses! My thoughtful Rodin forehead is full of scratches! The half-truth of the True Beads wasted behind my eyelids is lingering! The Present also disappears my person as a coward as a silent curse! In human hearts, in the depths of ******-staring star gazes, it is rare for a shipwrecked footprint to remain!
I pursue in search of eternal non-arrival! Asphalt sea road ripples to the rhythm of my steps! Behind my face it would be so good to get to know the other one too! Waves of vortices rupture, pull you down into the deep! They run through the channels of invisible veins, I am even enriched by the emotions that have happened to others! - Like the rock! I fall towards the captivity of yawning depths!
Her lovely butterfly pupil trembles inward; door handles always closed door snaps into my soul! "Pessimistic pain spins from my face like bouncing plaster of rain beads!" I always step back into myself; instead of being able to move! I'm falling out of the night! I can cling to the illusion of mirrors; after all, they show Reality and I would touch the receding candle flame: it is bound by the tough consistency of roots, the negatively charged atmosphere and Fear!
The crescents of your lips can no longer be nicknamed by the Dear! Living dream images invented in yourself are slapped in the face and then dragged back to the ground! - Everyday tempers are unspoken, until they are finally ground and squeezed! In the beginning it would have been the friendship of Faithfulness, and the consolation of Betrayal remained.
Jan 2021 · 407
Norbert Tasev Jan 2021
The Night will lay you down with your heart attack! You stretch with hibernation in the soft, receptive darkness; in vain the fibrillating heart sways! Space-indifferent ice-cold shower-pull swings and welcomes into the abyss! Silently-anonymous Universe listens to the unexpected beats of your heartbeat; you know that you will always be indebted to Being! In vain does destruction bite you like cheap worm offspring - the trembling seismograph nerves are still clinging to the Colombian eggs of exploratory cultures! The puffy syrupy formula of your corpse crumbling through your pregnant nightmares!
You know, the Dream is the sister of your selfish Death in every count of cases - your vibrating, dull fear of death closes you in the evening! Lay down your lack of self-confidence in silence; you stretched out in rocking angelic arms as your Flame of Being ignited the last great and wrapped itself in motherhood on the Last Judgment Evening! Even your standing Executioner Time returns as a deceitful eternity because you can no longer expect anything like you did when you were a child! "When you already know that every fraudulent Promise will only delay another sounding anticipation - the passing of thieves and thieves will take you away!"
It will also rob you of your last dying breath! Horror has dug into your brain: be sure to commit and commit suicide from wounded pain! Your terrified fears are still squirming in you: pairs of train tracks and a screaming whistle indicate that you will be admitted to the service of Executioner Death
Jan 2021 · 334
Norbert Tasev Jan 2021
Your clattering heart stands like a tower clock; your heart beats like a bouquet of roses for others! You fade yourself into the tempting moment if you can’t take care of yourself anymore! In the morning, you sip the drunken sediment of ash-flavored coffees so you can safely return from the land of hibernators! You can’t even understand yourself: a sudden force is pulling inward, maybe it’s hardly communicable anymore!

You can still try to move from the chambers of forgetful yesterday to the overcrowded everyday! With a panting rush, you can hardly move yourself on the spiral trajectory that has been pushing you away from the funnel edge of the chasms designated for you, you are forced to look wolf-eyed away until you become more distant and more disbelieving!
Every lived pile of visions can break into you in heavy debris, your only thing could be to pick out the more valuable ones; everyday life can look like a silent puppet wrapped in a blanket! With the brush of your eyelash, you are constantly trying to imagine yourself in the other place: will your desire to create ******* remain hopeless ?!

The scooter of the Universe dances around you like a big bang, when only a radiantly exotic pair of eyes winkes at you; and you can easily lose confidence in yourself, because it is rare for beautiful Lady Angels to be honored at any time with their gaze! As a wordless, orphaned little boy, you stumble idle like swallowing a stick or making a bell; and if it came to you soundless as Light, through the praying words of someone's secret telepathies, the throbbing argument of your loyalty as a rustling source would still unite.
Jan 2021 · 396
Norbert Tasev Jan 2021
An intrusive suspicion lurks from within, watch no adventure! My handcuffing Being still tied to the detainee, escaping nothingness, the loss will unfold in a conscious euphoria, because I really wanted to believe in true promises that were proved again only in their lies! The unstoppable threat is already ubiquitous; red knife shards dazzled in the face of a scorching sunset!
Even the working Cosmos seems to revolve around itself merely for deliberately forgetting Man! The pedal of my line should be turned into turbo speed, and six while I have the strength and holy Will!
Something could have grabbed me and now I am missing it; voluntarily, I fall faster into the cavity-bottom of undermining pits, for I cannot know who can still hold my hesitant hand to pass through the fierce congregation of great, success-besieging great fish? And if there is even a Career Opportunity at all, the mercenaries of Blind Luck are immediately sawed apart by self-bribing five-minute famous s chopsticks! Most of the villains today are like a rubbed businessman, for whom the World is still a usable toy!
The running shadow of Silence would crash, and trembling centipede rat leeches would **** each other's blood, if it could be obtained eagerly! "A stern-hard hand waves at Executioner's bean," What the hell are you scribbling for? No use! My mother's redemptive voice, the hustle and bustle of horror, sways space after hard-judging words; many times every equation seems unsolvable!
How can I learn the recipe for survival, which I myself doubt many times?
Brain-softened gorilla brains, chirping-smiling, kissing little kittens, lift yourself up to the pillars of universal knowledge — and don’t be as dark-foolish as the midnight forest!
An intrusive suspicion lurks from within, watch no adventure! My handcuffing Being still tied to the detainee, escaping nothingness, the loss will unfold in a conscious euphoria, because I really wanted to believe in true promises that were proved again only in their lies! The unstoppable threat is already ubiquitous; red knife shards dazzled in the face of a scorching sunset!
Even the working Cosmos seems to revolve around itself merely for deliberately forgetting Man! The pedal of my line should be turned into turbo speed, and six while I have the strength and holy Will!
Something could have grabbed me and now I am missing it; voluntarily, I fall faster into the cavity-bottom of undermining pits, for I cannot know who can still hold my hesitant hand to pass through the fierce congregation of great, success-besieging great fish? And if there is even a Career Opportunity at all, the mercenaries of Blind Luck are immediately sawed apart by self-bribing five-minute famous s chopsticks! Most of the villains today are like a rubbed businessman, for whom the World is still a usable toy!
The running shadow of Silence would crash, and trembling centipede rat leeches would **** each other's blood, if it could be obtained eagerly! "A stern-hard hand waves at Executioner's
Jan 2021 · 388
Depth cries into depths!
Norbert Tasev Jan 2021
My Universe is shaken by falling stars! In a pitch-dark night, I would still hold the tearing sky with a will to urinate; pathetic son of Atlas among the more steadfast! The sickly-yellow Moon, like the mgposhadt apple, terrifies among skeletal trees and descends into the pool of blood of the fainted Sun at every whim! The sonnet wreath of single-serviced sun-scented smiles is further multiplied by the selfishness of Memory and pleasures that shines on the faces of mothers when they feel the jingling beats of the other precious, angelic existence!
The stars shining on the light carousel orbit in an X-ray; the sun is always on fire! "He who doesn't wait for an answer on the donkey ladder of Being even shrinks!" Every memory is a deceptive dream! The constantly renewing responsibility drives us into a drifting dizziness: the intention of improving people! Its freedom of abysses cannot be enough to soar to infinity in our Pegasus-cherishing human spirit!
As on the seabed, we seek our place among the true Beads in the expanding Universe until our swirling hearts can find peace! Another self of ourselves cries out to another depths! In the infinity inside, everyone can already imagine themselves; we should delve into ourselves to find the presence! We are curiously searching for beggar-beauties while learning the point in the bright smile of human-eye stars!
There are innumerable circles around your Heart Center in which the Heart of Being throbs; the fog of damped dazing stunts benevolently soothes and seems comforting! As a sore clump of meat, like in a forest, I suddenly fall into the murmuring memories of the wild om
Jan 2021 · 300
Norbert Tasev Jan 2021
Three-quarters past six! Im expelled from the redemptive eden of the dream, because the sobering, dawn robot must begin: mechanical action! Your visions will force you back into your half-hibernated waking dreams! Your clothes are patiently waiting to be pounded and chased into the pounding drum of your washing machine; your body is suddenly saturated with expired consciousness: The Sun began without you!
You would keep waiting for his word to see if you can still hear it, but the outside world is listening outside and hardly answering! In the universe of your skull, the Moon Stars are dizzy before morning coffee; deepening cavities for a smoother future! Wordlessly shade around you the shadows of your ruined possibilities, what couldn’t you grasp?
Many times you sniff yourself more because the insidious lie contained in the uttered sentence is unbearable; organists are raging more and more wildly, hyena-throated pathetic minute-blue people! He who has always persevered, trembled and feared would always like to hide! In the primeval forest of your blood vessels, the channels of throbbing blood streams would be reabsorbed! Your true wisdom is what you keep silent in yourself!
Your things, your overworked organs, are still tired and exhausted, until your metabolism calls for a natural thing! "Who has learned to recognize the moods of his selfish body so that he can no longer snuggle into lying words!" He's still listening to you Whole! The Calculating Parts are listening to you! Do you want to calm down in an even more predictable motion and you can't even know when the Light is shining on the petals of your wounded Soul?
Jan 2021 · 167
Summoning the Universe
Norbert Tasev Jan 2021
The petal waves of dawn gently wrap around the Goddess sketch of your budding body. The bronze-brown arch of your fragile dove shoulders, like a bow-string trained at rest, stretches gently first and then balances halfway between the Universe and Immortal Transcendence! Shining brightly like a Star in your petal face, your fiery Gioconda's eyes glow, constantly conveying with faintly hidden secret smiles, "How much I love you!"
In the crystal pots of mirrors there shines the truth of your pearls: the essence of your smiling tears! You’re not smashing your precious diamond treasures because you were sad, but because you feel the irreversible future deep in your banging bell-heart! The passing will be able to enter between us in a perilous time and the wind of Death will hiss in our cracking bones!
Even on our flaming faces living for each other, tears can be a stigma if our pain is stronger than our giving love! We can still boldly pass on the drumming little piece of our body while dissolving and comforting in each other's redeeming kiss! Clean water wells are our souls! If a bucket can fall into them, we can watch its splashes forever! Our feelings for each other are falling apart!
The purple piano of my tongue kisses your navel on your pond, even drunk on a donor! - In realized brilliance and Destruction in each other, although we can decompose into our elements, we can still brave
Jan 2021 · 323
Imaginary vision
Norbert Tasev Jan 2021
We are looking for new celebrity Adam and Eve every day; no one doubts the guarantees of barely fame anymore and the jobs they get easily that are filled early! This way you can soon get into the top smiling idiot-trainers who sold themselves! They raise exemplary stunt cathedrals out of self-righteous swearing! You can see watercolor-petaled flowers in your beating heart while barely listening to the words of your redeeming love! Blood-red wounds dried senselessly on your forehead: your handshakes, if any, were immediately bribed and betrayed!
Every day he already encounters himself with the fire of those who would most like to hide from gaze; life offers its bribed, lying cedar dreams and it matters whether they have ever been loved for themselves! Outside, our self-possessed Narcissus obsessives pull themselves to a gallows every day when they answer valuable questions in the dark, even at night! Being seems like a single, crazy illusion! Needle and thread will sew your cross-dress even on yourself and your skin! Between your lips, your outspoken tongue is still swaying into the bloodthirsty belfry!
You are still playing chess with yourself with sets of risks of dubious value: “Where can I go if my longing soul cannot yet be called by wise advice ?! "You can only be on balance with someone who cares for you if you're ready to break out of your stubborn wanderings!" And even every fifth minute of your serious, encrypted privacy can be boldly trampled on the wavelengths of your electronics, you are an emigrant of Cyber societies
Jan 2021 · 353
Commemorative model
Norbert Tasev Jan 2021
… Because in every movement you live, there is a Memorial model! You wave at him, saying you can easily forget! Time-Space is just a small part of yourself! It is as if the traitor is already deliberately shrinking himself! You can die in your iris life if you can't trust anyone with a vow of allegiance, and history will dissect all your petty deeds with a pin! What you may have done and imagined to be bitter is all motionless: a chapel can only open to exceptional People in your heart! And it can be opened daily by Someone who will lift it!
A thick crust has become your matter of sorrow; like incense! Invisible judgments have raised an eternal word against you, your silence on the deliberate solid wall and your deeds will be excused! Will everything remain as it was abandoned ?! I wish a reconciled side by side could always surround us so that we can no longer betray ourselves! Spread out from the comfort of reflected cramps! - The shining star-flowers of the night are allowed to be seen; the last cry of those kneeling before the killer minute may follow, like the conspirator!
Facts purgatory! The end cannot simply be the End! Conscious completion cannot even be measured by mortality! The ever-disappointing, trembling Hope can hardly gather in spirit!
Norbert Tasev Jan 2021
Our fallen footsteps are hesitant! He is always behind us and can hardly find the eternal no-arrival! Judgment also sounds honest in your language, because whoever could learn to walk once will break his leg with insidious intent! The fall of knocking True Beads nails to the landscape while the pitfalls pull towards the depths of spiral swirls!
Invisible scratches hurt my budding, exploring eyes: invisible veins of fidelity! Bruising in the incised sinus! The moon's eyes are also a flashing yellow ulcer!
Brutally tearing proud, poisonous precious artificial nails on this earthly night from butterflies to a swinging fairy! In a single spasm, the body trembles naturally! "That's how our unfolded lives bleed by punching ourselves!" Our feet hesitate to stand on the truthful pieces of our broken ****** stumps! We should still reach the worlds of Atlantis that are immersed in ourselves on the backs of tamable waves! In our souls, hissing to himself, an angry sower stands clean, alone! He deeply condemns the superficial indifference of today's world, the fame of being famous for five minutes!
Our instincts will be overwhelmed as soon as possible! With his argument, Death is slowly felt; from the deserted body of our lovers, the hope of a new Life can hardly be born
Jan 2021 · 309
Career slavery
Norbert Tasev Jan 2021
Every movement you find is already lying! Most words of Faithfulness are shattered back to self-betraying souls! And you don't even have to think about the heart with the music of the beats - when everything is spitting in your face! The formula for eternal distancing is built in the soul, but at least it controls! Only the lost Man cannot get rid of the determined stubbornness of goals! It guards me vulnerable like blindness to some disembodied stubborn duplicity! When you think your juice-tormenting problems aren’t present maybe just the most contagious!
Dark rooms with deep sounds words recurring distances! Many times volunteer career has been articulated! Confidence-lost simlis sniffers bathe in thin back-face styles while you get crowded, bark, fall! In yourself, you may be doomed if you know about yourself; it can turn everything back in you! No more movement can be left of you! The clocks are slowly turning to betrayal: the arranged, finite counters of your mortality - because you have to keep the **** earth-named bullet: the traveling planetary continent in motion!
You will be wounded by the Light around you, no matter how you travel: in the depths of sparkling True Pearl gazes, offended tears shine like diamonds! Harmony is a good little scanner! It requires constant balancing! Everything can hardly be forgiven: only a few, if they possess it, have the ability to give up!
Jan 2021 · 317
Where something can happen
Norbert Tasev Jan 2021
My body takes the form of a prehistoric man, my tufts of hair are distasteful jungle cave drawing; even deliberately and slowly stumbling, I stumbled into Times as a strange eccentric! I deliberately frown at my worried forehead - as before a far-reaching task - so I can still think calmly! If those who wanted to know me sincerely looked into my eyes, who sinned with tears and whispered with True Pearls: I could watch my reborn sunset within me!
Based on pre-designed cat-and-mouse war plans, we have the ability to make a living; who else can listen to my whispered words of help ?! Millions of wet glass ***** are resting in the chubby cracks of my face, and many hopeful smiles often seem lost. "In this present age, it is as if the crow, the jackal, who is digging his eyes, is farming on the same rotten beam!"
And this repressed tremor echoes constantly in me, as if my Soul was bursting deep in its tormented excavation somewhere in its little bagatelle cavity somewhere! Now, as always: I try to escape from everyday challenges with rules and the rituals of selfish rites, if I can't count on Someone who will lead by hand with charming redemption! In dim mirrored silence, I am still wasting in front of prohibitive barriers and I would wait my turn until doomsday!
Norbert Tasev Jan 2021
I need transitions and stagnation, even if the "you're afraid!" Can make you more tormented every day. It’s as if something weird is happening to me in a call for challenges: an instinct duel is then taking place as a dance of tingling molecules in self-exclusion! From the Time we always leave in a row behind us, a consecrated moment of Being emerges: the lasting fullness of fragments! Maybe then if I downplay myself as a breaker petting me, I might get what I missed in my pathetic life; celebrating my lies will only come to life then really really!
My constantly dreaded, strained nerves dipped in gunpowder would escape exploding sparks: as if chewing and crusting inside at once: Pain or a tolerated stigma wound! - There is a deliberate death jump in brain-washed brain cells in this Age; a self-proclaimed, meaningless daredevil five-minute-man-made Babel chaos! My eyes seeing everything, two eternally teary islands of mist! I am horrified by the ceaseless departure of human promises, the thought of exclusion! I would still cling to the handcuffs of friendships with my head raised!
I'm finding it harder and harder to put up with the good shape! These many false, given Word-traps, like a rope into which I hold my foolishly palisated head like a loop! When the haunting moonlight of deceptive crowded evenings hisses, I still feel: Valuable Nothing
Jan 2021 · 297
Scattering dawns
Norbert Tasev Jan 2021
Once again, the shattering shard of the approaching night beats and sobers up: in a precious day, less can be lived again! The longevity of our promising promises disintegrates when we understand our shining, precious Star-eyes, our lies pity! Our exaggerations are already emerging from the cavities of the eye-craters aching like stigma - we should divide our days, which are scarcely tailored in the final Time, better! It would emerge from all the ashes that failure could only hold - it could resurrect with a stubborn blaze for yew-flowered Hope Days!
So few could have been left wrapped in unquestioning words of Faithfulness by the Judging Handshakes, forever confidential gazes! Celebrity graces, mannequins, money-hungry gorilla-jams with swollen biceps, who are accustomed to bowling in the crossfire of suspicious Cherub and Jackal glances, prevail sooner than a comet dying among vulnerable Humans! Eden tomatoes are just the redeemed gon, if they exist! A stranger and a stranger who came out of their rags and you could be the only ****-bitangs, knowledgeable relics that you did not listen to the words of a wise-prophet!
Behind the paved paths of your career, you laughed at your stumbled victims rather than uplifting them! "My never-before-seen confident smile only exists in legends!" It would be good to survive even among predatory fish!
Norbert Tasev Jan 2021
If the Sun calms down today, perhaps I can objectively state the fears of my dreaded fears, not in vain and maybe I will not be alone forever! It became a negative of many memories in my brain! A cherishing move takes hold of me, and it would be good not to let it go with the Goodness of an unconditional donor! In my room at night, the only contiguous falling reassurance — with every palm in turn, can only hesitate any human Promise — is the moment that can be evoked with a single act, when we gave estimated hands unconditionally to the other and he was so relaxed as to betray his word!
This is how a given, trusting word can only become a nodding, apostate Shadow! On my face, tattered, tired tears, like bouncing glass *****, trickle at a slow pace, Greek! I would love to throw out all the ingrained nonsense out of my brain! Immortal Dear unfolding, flawless figure as if he no longer promises me his redeeming unearthly charms! I still keep my restlessness to myself like the scream of an orphaned child!
Waiting for a new reverence for selfishness, I take part in disguised annihilation as I stifle my will to act every day, my heart attack tempers! I am a child even after all these years, and the fragments of the curved mirrors of my face are constantly wounding the Past with their testimony! - Can the lace bushes in love with my words burn someone with a warm glow ?! "I am pondering the depths of my expelled defensiveness, I think: what did I have to ruin so far?!
If the Sun calms down today, perhaps I can objectively state the fears of my dreaded fears, not in vain and maybe I will not be alone forever! It became a negative of many memories in my brain! A cherishing move takes hold of me, and it would be good not to let it go with the Goodness of an unconditional donor! In my room at night, the only contiguous falling reassurance — with every palm in turn, can only hesitate any human Promise — is the moment that can be evoked with a single act, when we gave estimated hands unconditionally to the other and he was so relaxed as to betray his word!
This is how a given, trusting word can only become a nodding, apostate Shadow! On my face, tattered, tired tears, like bouncing glass *****, trickle at a slow pace, Greek! I would love to throw out all the ingrained nonsense out of my brain! Immortal Dear unfolding, flawless figure as if he no longer promises me his redeeming unearthly charms! I still keep my restlessness to myself like the scream of an orphaned child!
Waiting for a new reverence for selfishness, I take part in disguised annihilation as I stifle my will to act every day, my heart attack tempers! I am a child even after all these years, and the fragments of the curved mirrors of my face are constantly wounding the Past with their testimony! - Can the lace bushes in love with my words burn someone with a warm glow ?! "I'm pondering the depths of my expelled defensiveness, I'm thinking: what did I have to ruin so far ?!"
Jan 2021 · 146
Interrupted vision
Norbert Tasev Jan 2021
Time is getting old: His stubborn, abandoned cradle is rocking forever - with a desperate omen, I push minute by minute forward: why doesn’t glistening hope shine in the grayish blind spots of his eyes? The chances of a hermit retreating into yourself are growing! And Being also makes a split in consciousness when you let yourself be auctioned off! "Between the grooves of your face, the nest of ancient fires is trembling, and yet you seem incapable of breaking out of the murderous cage of the rings that grip your life!" And Someone can hardly ask, "You don't feel like going on a date ?!" "Even the Redeeming Peace is immediately burned with a dangerous calculation around you: in the depths of your soul, your conscience roaring in massive armor roared: 'Fool, foolish Robinson!' Only digest yourself if you are so idiot that the happiness of others is more important than yours! ”
Because you have become unsolicited and useless! Something big, big Truth has yet to be confessed, but your mouth often closes its chunky gates along like a interrogating tomb! The closed circle around you is getting narrower and even Pi seems infinite: Man should stand up from all situations; every day something important dies in me! What else could an immortal stamp-will help me to continue to swing again - I look down on the Treasure World silently crumbling inside me!
Sometimes maybe it’s not the Future anymore - Our vulnerable soul is miserable! My soul, if I am not careful, can easily sink into the sluggish ocean of Nirvana! Even our precious rich words can only be worth the True Beads found in shells if someone listens and discovers them!
Jan 2021 · 371
Minutes in the net
Norbert Tasev Jan 2021
Loneliness-seeking shock flares up daily in the trenches of my deserving face! In my brain, harsh thoughts strike a pinch: what a horrible joke every single charm-smile, art-liver-like mimicry stray look! When the immortal Universe sins with glittering stars - the happy destruction of fearful momentary moments may be the most important thing! Your budding vortex, my pathetic attachment to Being turns you into another world and your watchful gaze is crushed into millions of shards by the bitter loneliness of uniqueness!
The unconditional, gloomy nightmare of the Night is ingrained among my sighing bones; tearful and weary tears of my eyes are embodied in unshakable figures! "You wake up so many blind dark, many sparkling pills, in the shadow of a wounded Spirit, because there can be little vi kiss medicine for my wounds!" Between the flames of my hidden demons and my digestive Hyena hells, I still live persistently! I am a punching, drooping wanderer, I can hardly want to find my place many times, and my mood - which will one day click out - started to suddenly turn rancid!
I would call on my immortal Beloved, only to be able to listen forever to the courage-pouring, lily-loving voice of the south company, the chirping of his silky ***** as a tannin — and I still couldn't solve the big riddle: Who is the goddess on earth?! Until the bleeding twilight bleeds on the web of embezzled minutes: What else can I have to do with the Savior Light at all?
Jan 2021 · 315
Broken verbs
Norbert Tasev Jan 2021
I already regret that I was weak under the burdens of fierce moments of Destiny-screaming, and I let go: His visions of the Prophet for this aimless, bribing Age are all cut off and remain witnessed and rabbit-hearted all the time – you tread out! In the home of squeaky souls, I had to hide my righteously: I immediately raised my head to the promising encouragements of false promises and empty voices, and in vain I began to believe for sure! Where is the imaginary Future today?
I interrogate the murderous, melancholy Silence! Are the already laddering ****-sawing hands sawing the ladder of possibilities and hanging in the air between strained, cheap intentions, a yawning chasm below me! I would put my already incredible yet stubborn head in the Eden lap of someone who wants to comfort me, and I would confide the legitimate complaints of Being together with confidence; I would not run away from problems intentionally, but with the handshakes of Faithfulness I would find and solve them!
And if my stumbling, melancholy body still deceives, it betrays me: my heart-pounding, hero-loving heart with romance cannot easily give its head to betrayal! - Exiled in the World; I stumble like he can be tripped every minute and sent to the ground by my opponent - I feel in my rib cage - if something has already cracked! I bleed inexorably in my banging petals! Would it be nice to see what secrets Tomorrow's fierce-breasted Tomorrow can whisper to me ?! Will their star-flowered holy smiles still open to me, and can I discover a human Star glistening in the mirror of each eye?
As a ghost of silence, I still traverse the dormant darkness, bathe in the sewage of humiliation - and it would be good to be merciful Someone who could open my heart to my soul to find the beating treasure in it!
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