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 Jan 2016 Tardigrade
The human
 Jan 2016 Tardigrade
"You are so deep in your thoughts you could die drowned by them."
 Jan 2016 Tardigrade
 Jan 2016 Tardigrade
we are different.
but we shouldn't be trying to fit into society.
society should aspire to be more like us.
 Jan 2016 Tardigrade
Nathan Pival
You got me
After everything I'd been through
I wasn't a fan
I absolutely did not like that

I wasn't happy about being happy
If that makes any ****** sense
But I wasn't

You had a certain way about you
That I couldn't ignore
No matter how hard I tried

The way you smiled
And how I would just see you being happy
Left me in a spot
That I couldn't escape
No matter how hard I wanted to or tried

I still don't like it
Because you have my heart
I am not okay with that
Even if I trust you
It doesn't make it okay

We're all weirdos
And subject to reality
No one can change
How you make me feel
When we are around each other

I worry though
That if it doesn't work out
I will never find someone else
That I share this same connection with

And I'm tired of saying this
 Jan 2016 Tardigrade
3888 days
 Jan 2016 Tardigrade
you showed me how to laugh through the pain
and what unconditional love is
your golden eyes shined through my soul every since day
and you must've received 100x more kisses than the days since we rescued you
but heaven got the angel they were begging for since the second your soul was given to a beautiful puppy today
and I hope they treat her well
I love you, Becky. Thank you for every single laugh you gave me and all of the kissies you'd give me.

— The End —