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Tafuta Atarashī Feb 2024
Do you feel the hunger
In my embrace?

A ravenous deep pulls you into me.

(Darkness clings to the stars
the ocean laps, crashes, and slips
Into the sands)

I sip, and sift you slow
through my desires.

How does it feel to be my need?
Why Men Cry in the Bathroom

For so many reasons.
I will tell you the why.
I think you know,
Or perhaps, you think you know.

Men are always O.K.,
Even when not.

We expect the worse,
Accept the worse,
We are forever unprepared.

Wearily, we cry,
In the bathroom, in private,
Lest sighs slip by,
We be unmasked,
Early warring, strife signs warning.

Copious, tho we weep
Before the mirror confessor,
It is relief untethered,
Unbinding of the feet,
An uncounting
Of beaded rosaries,
Of freshly fallen hail stones,
Of night times terrors
By dawn's early edition's light,
and welcomed.

But look for the mute tear,
The eye-cornered drop,
*** tat, that never drops,
But never ceases formation and
Reforming, over and over again,
In a state of perpetuity of reconstitution,

The tippy tear of an iceberg revealing,
And I see you peeping, wondering,
What is beneath

Look for:
the torn worm-eaten edges of spirit,
thrift shop bought, extra worn,
grieving lines neath the eyes,
where the salt has evaporated,
discolored the skin.
worry lines,
under and above,
browed mapped, furrowed boundaries.
the laugh line saga,
where better days are stored,
recalled, as well as recanted,
publicly, privately.

Why just men?

I don't know,
it is all I know.

Jan 6, 2013
your effusive and lengthy comments are each a poem in their own right.  

Tinkered with June 22, 2013
With a push from Bala,
A serial peeper, thank God!
I love him
I tell myself
I know that
We will be together forever
I don’t believe that
We could be separated
My thoughts tell me that
He’s the love of my life
Sometimes my heart lies and says
I could live an eternity
Without him
Like my friends say
“We’re perfect for each other”
And you can’t tell me
He’s not the one.

Now read from bottom to top.
Tafuta Atarashī Nov 2023
12 am.
I ghost write in your dms.
The hidden side of me
Comes out to speak
Descriptions of soft weekends.
Fantastical phantom words
That weave together our beginnings
We balance on a lie
If anyone found out we'd end
Delete the messages
Or press unsend.
Solely between us
Our secret sins.
Tafuta Atarashī Nov 2023
You're saccharine smile kindles
The wordsmith within me and
I alight with desire
To please you with words
In ways that no touch ever could

To weave dreams from ink
Into emotions that sink into your deep
Like fingertips drenched in nectar.

To give a pleasure
That burns fierce as the sun
that peaks over the Namibia desert.
Tafuta Atarashī May 2022

found one hundred ways
to say your name.
I gathered all the titles of royalty,
And the forgotten gems
Of dead languages,
And wrote them of you,
Attached till the end of time
To your every inch.


Fool am I, forever.
How I wish I could
Reach into the past,
Steal my poems,
Seal my pens,
Hide deep within, my letters
For a one in the future.
To tattoo her with e’ry character;
Rhetoric kissed into her skin
With phoneticized thoughts,
Communicated, like electricity
T’ween she and I, synapses.


She deserves my thousands of
Insights gathered in the palm of mind.
And I had given them all to you.
Forever, and in hindsight
And passive reflection
With soft of exhaled breath
Past lips goes,

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