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May 2017 · 162
SunFlower May 2017
I pulled her down like I was an anchor

She sank to the bottom of the ocean

Her body slumbered without the awareness of any motions

The water slowly surrounded her entire body until it reached to her collar bone

gently the water wrapped itself around her neck like an intruder

forcefully it clutched for her last breath

she did not fear for death

nor did she cared

Sun Flower
May 2017 · 263
I can’t breath
SunFlower May 2017
My body fades as my chest burns and grows into a garden of flaming rage

                                       Words repeat as I am reminiscing and the voices become louder.                                                              

Weakness spreads through my veins and these chains bundle up in a blanket of power I can not fight.

                           I hear voices inside my head, saying” it’s your fault they’re lost.”

The garden of flaming rage turns in guilt

                 The flames burn because of the cold freezing snow

and my body reappears with scars of shame

                I stop to tremble as I let the cold air take my oxygen from my lungs

until I can not feel

Sun Flower
SunFlower May 2017
It’s the sadness in your eyes that darkens your heart

you were like a piece of art

your white pale skin carried no marks nor wounds

your silky hair and royal navy eyes appeared to be so alluring your suspected you were undesirable

but you were terribly mistaken..

May 2017 · 144
When I write
SunFlower May 2017
when I write, I release my pain

I unlock all of my restricted chains

When I write, I can see all of my thought appear on the thin colorless paper as I breathe my chest becomes sharper

When I write, I surrender all of my sufferings

my vision becomes blurry

and in the hopes that my tears won’t collapse

When I write, I express the words that have never been said before

I can burst out my emotions without grinning like a dolphin

I cover myself in each word as I draft my poems

Till the last tear drops, I will continue to write, and one day I’ll be okay

May 2017 · 191
I Am
SunFlower May 2017
I Am…

I might be a fighter and a writer

Or a lover and a hater

But don’t be deceived by my looks

Cuz I’m somewhat a traitor  

I might  be kind and a little rude

And I might have lots of moods

But don’t be mislead by my attitudes

I might be a seeker or a hider

But I’m not a spider

I might be one those drivers

Who are some liars

But I know I’m not a bitter

I Know I’m a little hyper

But definitely not a hiker  

So I ask you this are you a lover

And a hater

Or a hider and a seeker

Do you need a lighter

For your cigarette to become a fighter

My hugs need to be a little tighter

So then my despair can be on fire

My craves for the vapor is a little higher

I think I’m a survivor

‘Cuz I’m a striver

And a lot wiser

I’m like a tiger

But not a minor

So be a designer

And put on your eyeliner

and become a writer
May 2017 · 163
Un-Wanted Object
SunFlower May 2017
I felt like I was just another yard sale
the un- wanted and used object
at least look at me and give me some respect
I’m not something to ignore
and put in a drawer
I use to be admired
but now I’m fired
no longer required
May 2017 · 194
SunFlower May 2017
I was made to be a slave
and serve to my grave
I was told to behave
and never be brave
If I were to disobey,
I would be whipped because they feared for my people to betray
I could be sold
to a new household
and be separated from my loved ones
I could not fight back for I was afraid of their guns

— The End —