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Surbhi Dadhich Oct 2017
Darkness Darkness everywhere
Sound of skimming swallows
Night's ghostly army here
Gobble me up on my pillows.
Cries of dogs and roost
The whole world appears lonely
Except from morning till noon
It seems to be cowardly.
The world appears to be in a great commotion
When risen up
Eager to be lonely
But,  at night,  it becomes so lonesome
Eager to seek pleasure and fraternity..
Surbhi Dadhich Feb 2018
In that slum, cried a soul
A guttural cacophony with frown
"Bring me some food
Or else I'll lose my hue"
Nobody responded and so the son
Dear fainted with the thirst of love
Day in and day out
As the soul slowly drowned
Nobody cared and so the son
The dear died drowned in hope
Nobody reckoned nor even the son
The departed soul
With the cacophony in frown
Cried, "May the Almighty bless you
For I've faded my hue..
Surbhi Dadhich Apr 2018
"Oh! There growls a sultry silhouette
The dense dreary poor soul
Shadow bickering seduction
As it swing round and round
But what's guarding it?
A Lord or his own companion
Who once lived or has been living
In its own pitiful pit
It's maybe a ghost, man
Gosh! Where has it gone?
Probably the darkest abaddon
To meet its other keen souls
And then the reverberation of rifle
Piercing the peace of the jungle
Arouses the croaked verdict
Defying the dumb appeal
An innocuous incredible creature gone
A tigress along with three cubs were shot..
Surbhi Dadhich Sep 2017
Indelible imprints on the minds and hearts,
Last forever all through our lives.
Even when we want to confront,
They get smashed like piles.
Something we like the most,
Beyond every limit.
If, disliked by others,
Makes us hard to admit.
In dreams , in every action, in our faith and our life's fragrance,
Someone always lives in our hearts.
With its delicate presence,
Whether as an inspiration or an irritant,
Who extends our isolated island to vast shallow sea.
Acts as a boat without every journey is incomplete,
Just like the shade of a kind tree,
They are the diamonds among the fleet..

Surbhi Dadhich.
Surbhi Dadhich Dec 2017
Diamonds pierced by sunbeams
From the jewels of love
Fusion of states filled with dreams
From the cups of thoughts
Donation of the sweetest smiles
From the hearts of gold
Reckoning of decentness
From the fields of mistakes
Codes never deciphered
Secrets never told
Diamonds pierced by sunbeams
From an unknown crown..
Surbhi Dadhich Apr 2018
I'm ostensibly doomed
My unconditional love reciprocated
In your candid emphatic heart
When I shook myself with the storm of sneezes
Of your unsympathetic disapproval
And harvests of incessant reckless refusals
When you never grant rewinding opportunities
The opportunity to rewind us
Into memories of affinity
When our stepping stones were trust
And not the rival lust
I'm doomed...
Surbhi Dadhich Dec 2017
Battle of raged thoughts and faded experiences
Multiple choices and multiple answers
Confusion becomes repenting grievances
Is the answer really enough?
Pulling bucket from the deepness of well
Slowly, steadily, patience
Hey! Time Over!
Grabbing with haste disturbance
Oh students, you've done that! How can you?
And then the level of questions tripled
And we find one's ratio
However hard you try, You won't gain
Leaving helpless and hopeless..
Surbhi Dadhich May 2018
If you had savored the venerable's vulnerability
You might not had detected the lion's
The overstrain of exhilarated excellence
Grounds them in the abaddon of disaster and nuisance
The criticism's eyes stare wild at their wisdom
The unripened harvests of the press nurture
Extremes, ethics, etiquette
Their emeralds douse to Scarlets...
Surbhi Dadhich Jul 2018
Victoria's feet soaked deep down
Shuffled, wrecked under the alcoholic trail of thoughts
As the crevice of pane pulled
A chariot, enthralled was she
The resplendent charioteer hailed
The chandelier, glowing and gorgeous
Embraced and embarrassed as were they
Victoria leashed the chariot
The magnificent chariot boarding chandelier
Departed from the crevice of the pane
Pulling a trail of thoughts and beaming
Victoria growled and dreamt in peace..
Surbhi Dadhich Oct 2018
Engulfing dew from misty cold
Snoring on frosty haystacks
A dense carpet swirling around
Of crafty creatures and hags from hell
Fresh rainy aroma in delight
Inescapable , unhindered through nostrils
Neither railways' wheels of time
Nor bickering souls tarnishing demeanour
Mounds of besmeared rocks
Severe yet silent
But since joyous moments last momentarily
An ant from the core bites me harshly
I step into droughts of aforesaid enlightenment
As I close doors into confinement..
Surbhi Dadhich Dec 2017
The torn crystals of vengeance
Maddens my sultry soul
Dusting off the ghost appearances
From the sponges of cavity holes
Remembering the forgotten crimes
Shattering myself in the web of confinement
In the darkest and tepidest plight
Submerged in the ink of vain appeasement
But the world heals the wounds of hate
Soul enlightened with curious fervour
Pastime of mild pains
With dramas, adventure and wonders
Tears are spilling over the past incidents and experiences
Dusting off the ghost appearances
To enlighten my calm soul
From the sponges of cavity and holes..
Cleansing and purifying are in progress..
Surbhi Dadhich Apr 2018
I stepped into the waiting room
A frazzled girl I stared
Lying down the unswept floor
With a severe shiny glare
People passed by and by
As they finally reached their destination
The girl then stood quivering
Out of frantic frustration
Down the steps
She lost somewhere
I followed her till the very end
In the freezing night
She met her destiny
After covering miles
Spinning around for someone
Frowned and bewildered
In the storm of flickering emotions
When the moon shined even brighter
Stars died of embarrassment
I rooted her adored
Hugging was she passionately
To the most generous creation
As the flood approached
And the warmth entwined ecstasy
An unexpected reunion of two souls
And the unpredictability of lovable fantasy
I never thought of passing by
She adored me with her destiny
And so did the stormy night
With the peace of fraternity..
Surbhi Dadhich Sep 2018
Why do male passengers leave their seats
For young women, youthful ladies?
For demonstrating gentlemenly ethics
Or for paying due honour
While women empowerment snores in mere wildest dreams..
Surbhi Dadhich Jul 2019
An overladen birch
Roots of which stimulate,
Shake, with a stony breath
Under the carpet of wilderness
Stingy insects rushing their way
To the broken heart,
Shattered as much as twigs around
Crumbling of which rustle,
Rustle with sweeping breeze,
Breeze that marked the end
End, a devastating one
Under the hanging birch
As the beetles sung the death march
The paddling flocked together
Dancing in a monotone of calling,
The silence of which silenced them..
Surbhi Dadhich Jan 2018
Snoring wildly on the emerald carpets
With lush and frantic hue
Cushiony petals are dancing puppets
Destination never has gone through
Crops bearing golden yields
Threshed with ardent love and devotion
There.. farmer's friends crawling deep
Displacing under fine fragmentation
Endless barriers..Endless notes
Endless beauty...Endless codes..
Surbhi Dadhich Oct 2018
I hallucinate the havoc departure
Under the oak and warm sunshine
Among wreck and decayed matter
In the vast expanses of ghastly spirits
That dilapidated graveyard
Devastating eagle
Amidst sticks and shovels
I hallucinate..that breathless moment
Digging into labyrinth
Waving ephemerality..
Surbhi Dadhich Jun 2019
******* is the claim heart says
Of soreness silence before us
While the world rushes aloof and apart
The silence that silences engulfs
A void, a vacuum of dreadful pitfalls
Our old photographs melted in the rain
In a raging storm that wrenches the heart
In a fury of sadness and pain
A storm clustered before silence
With us , parting apart and aloof
What 's been settled is unsettled dispute then
What's been engulfed has to be estranged again..
" It's no harm. Pay no attention to it".
Surbhi Dadhich Jul 2018
When the clouds clustered over night's chandelier
Wheels of time and whirls of tide
Trampled on my heart out of gears
Trail of time trespassed over drains of havoc memories
Filled with foulness of regrets and summons
My heart was being beaten like hollow drums
Echoes of warm invitations in hell striked the chord
My vessels waterlogged
Narrowedly exploded..
Surbhi Dadhich Dec 2017
Oh black beast
Should I call a Vat
Or a mighty priest
For your mental improvement
Oh! I didn't warn up you!
Or aware you
Of your allies or foes
Let me tell you
Animals don't require reminders
Let me address you
Above your shoulders
Till you can behave naive
Among the hatred that I crave..
People living in society must live in social harmony..Reminded me of a cruel incident
Surbhi Dadhich Nov 2017
Bully! Look Stars are creeping with dotted veils
The Moon is hopping like waves of amusment
The clouds have forgotten their destination
The butterflies are adoring the fields
After their confinement
Pearls are embellishing the beautiful petunias
Green-blooded creatures are singing
The songs of petals scent
The whirling wind is yawning
To remould the attire of heaven
The stones are melting
With the soul of soil
The Sun is late today
The Moon is on time
The Ants are celebrating their gallantry
I'm astonished by the Nature's fallacy..
Inspired by someone.....
Surbhi Dadhich Jan 2019
You fenced your divine heart
Against old principles
I succumbed the reluctance
Yet flown over fences
Yet evaporated out of thin air
Yet mitigated the wall
With unsavoury remarks
Yet..away from your fenced territory..
We can't force our will, love, dominance over others..
From varied perspectives..
Surbhi Dadhich Dec 2017
Drifting miles for fresh beginnings
Waving with glittering flowers
With the cheerful affinity
Fear is then recognized power
Thorns are the tender cushions
Thirst is the quenched satisfaction
Errors turning into omissions
Demotion seems worthy commission
A neat slice of trust
A thread binding emotions
Dreary dark life embedded with commotion
.....A peaceful heaven of salvation..
Surbhi Dadhich Oct 2017
I thought recklessly
And found ultimately
The existence of evil
Threatening biological purity
I thought recklessly
Excess of everything
Is the worst
Is it the same
For the very good and truth?
I thought recklessly
There are no limits
Evil and good
Are the two sides
Of the same coin
Evil is mandatory
To balance the good
To hamper the growth
Of good to become evil
For the defeat
Of any cult
Any type of fault
Blameless holocaust..
Surbhi Dadhich May 2018
Sparkled wisdom yields ash of ignorance
Though knowledge brings acknowledgement
The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence
Finite mind is still a million miles away from infinite intelligence
What we had not conquered certainly proves out pleasant
Encyclopedias may outshine evil
Though the golden heart outbursts
The endearing upheaval to riches
Soon or later transmute to lethargic
Finesse of our hearts borns reform
The sailors shall sail on and on
And the flames of ignorance
Would fly high above..
Surbhi Dadhich Aug 2018
You, with your knives and swords
Foster my humiliation with your red flags
You, with your mean, abrupt cold- heartedness
Shiver me through harsh ice extremes
You, like an enlarged untamed bull
Smack me disastrously in debt trap
"Down the road, trodden could be imprints
Had I been the chalk of your footprints"
I, with freezing spirit wish
I wouldn't lament my footprints..
#case   #bullied   #a     #newcomer   #hell
Surbhi Dadhich Feb 2020
When the streaks of dawn enter the crevices of the windows
The eyes refuse for the emptiness to subside in
Although the sweet chirruping and rustling of the Neem's lave leaves
persevere to pose positivity yet
The loneliness, the vacuum subsides in

I chatter, sing songs of Hope and homecoming of warriors
Beating the wrinkled skins of old drums
Yet my heart rings no louder
My conscience seems shaken

When the sun sets in
Sets the Oblivion for 'they' return
With wide smiles and affectionate hugs
Howling joyously as they bid goodbyes

In the sunshine , solidarity Sparks everywhere now
As 'they' leave to be able to feed their malicious stomach
The bell chimes from the nearby temple
The pacing footsteps outside fail to rekindle

Loneliness subside in...
Surbhi Dadhich Nov 2017
The swift fumes burst away
The darkest and ghostly soot
With glittering rays of sunshine
And an overwhelming tribute
A kind tribute to all those who suffered
A disgraceful tribute to all those too who let them suffer
Hearts squeezed on with harsh casualties
With rivers of devotion and tears
And invulnerable and hopeless prayers
For the morality and peace..
Solace and Peace..
Surbhi Dadhich May 2018
I remember those drowsy days
Veiled with rampageousness
When you lodged next to my door
For just a fortnight in that fussed room
When you were the killer
And I unrehearsed detective
When you were the beauty
And I...the monstrous beast
Sheepish daunting crass cacophony
The neighbours reported of our peculiar phrases
But fortnight brought feud
Cause you were still unattached
Unrecognized to someone
Who always looked up to you
In spite of your diaspproval
For your grand arrival...
Surbhi Dadhich Dec 2019
When she called me before the streak of dawn entered the crevices of our window
While he still roamed fearlessly with his friends circling around , chuckling
I desired to be an unmindful young boy who could delight under moonlit night
When she asked me to wear a colourful scarf that choked my natural breath
While he could gloriously flaunt with open arms or unsuitable body positions or devilish laugh
I envied of being a feisty , free soul that he is
As I suppressed my 'inappropriate' behavioural potential when she pointed fingers and put red flags
When he could be just whiling away precious resources while I would be precisely guided about management
As I bloom, I blossom more and more
Fret is unfair as it spreads out its arms as dismal failure...
Surbhi Dadhich Oct 2017
Glowing Petals
With Pearls
Sparkle among the ferns
Glowing Petals
Whisper and Chatter
To butterflies
Seeking for nectar.
Glowing Petals
Are bonny flee
Crying for aid
To humming bee
Seeking reputation
For dispersal and Pollination
Glowing Petals
Sparkle among the ferns
Spreading a concern
Not to illuminate the light of others..
Surbhi Dadhich Jan 2018
G'night ...
And then thoughts at laundry
Desires in drowsiness
Inevitable seems attractive
Soul spitting mess
Have a good sleep...
And then nightmares drive me crazy
Lately after the stroke of midnight hour
When the ghostly army of night
Is still in great darkness a snoring sleep in heaven...
She again woke me up..
And she said..
Surbhi Dadhich Mar 2020
I remember when I became gravely cold earlier
Your warmth of love melted it
To seek marginal doses of your affectionate hugs and humour
Yet, I think my desperation has been blunted by my avarice
For I comfort myself at the mere sight of your lipid face
Your dimpled cheek lost
Under the lining of dreadful covering
As you wave 'goodbyes' at me
'Goodbyes' that don't seem warm enough
For me to not reproach myself
And when I looked up, you seemed cold and distant
Miles and miles away...
Surbhi Dadhich Dec 2017
Mere recklessness
And then the insane regrets
The deepest roots of the heart
Then enjoy the feast of grand events
The cried sighs sing for choir
The beats boost with bare bumps
And here the mind dances plainly
With the trespassing emotions badly
And then with frazzled snores
Enter the world of dripped eyes..
Surbhi Dadhich Jun 2018
As I roped the exquisite enormous pole
The soul orbitted a million times
When I crystallized my silvery lure
The nature perished me back fire
As I transcended the elegant steps
The weeds of shady shadow came along
Though I dispersed out with caution and fret
Unveiled kittenish memories I followed
Though the dusk unwinds dawn
Yet peals of laughter bursts frown
My shady shadow and silvery lure
Grew gunnies of grey granules..
Surbhi Dadhich Dec 2018
You cried, bellowed
I shook from miles
You howled, perturbed
I electrified, jostled
For tactless aid
You ,crooked and bruised
Faltered, while breathing at throat
Never did I flustered over
Yawned , propped in the corner
You shrieked , lungs slitting
I bragged of unkempt conducts
While you burst your nerve
I waved
You exploded..
Surbhi Dadhich Feb 2018
There in your little streets
Or the drained narrow passages
"Gush before pay"
Cried a labourer seeking wages
Along the uninhabited rye
Or down the isolated alleys
Those tough boatmen
Still ferry
Corner of highways
Or a traffic jam
Rushing in a great haste
As they move for a hope
To enlighten the griefs
Of others..
They don't walk steps
They take progressive leaps..
Wrote it for hawkers and vendors..
Surbhi Dadhich Apr 2018
Heaven hallucinates me
Heaven of the inadvertent utopia
The sacks of anonymous pleasure
Piled over the funerals of euphoria
Heaven hallucinate me
Heaven in the invisible grain of sand
In the spattering of silvery raindrops
Banging my top vacant storey
Bursting my heart as bombs
Heaven hallucinate me
When that poor ragpicker wears a smile
When gloomy darkness starves for glittering light
The warm hugs of sun
The recreation of nature
Heaven for which I dreamt for
This isn't hallucination
I'm..I'm truly in heaven..
Surbhi Dadhich Oct 2017
Your rampageousness
Is your jewel
Your amazing appearance
Makes me dwell.

Your isolated way of life
Is your speciality
Your unique storming mind
Raises my anxiety.

Your patent desires
Including a ride to hell
Support to every form of satire
Cynical or pell-mell.

Your strange hopeless habits and action
Makes me even moider
Shameless, crooked and insecure
Makes me wonder.

I can guarantee
I haven't written it
But, it's your birthday today
That I have to reveal and admit.

I am not so fond
Of our broken bond
But still May you live long!
Even after that tragic troll..
Surbhi Dadhich Mar 2018
He was badly injured
Blood was quenching the thirst
Of eroded plants
The deserted way was grieving
With the sighs and panting
A strip of bandages adored
The heavy rescued heart
And then someone with a thick mustache
Dragged him towards a haunted hut
The stranger put alum
As blood trickled with pus
Moreover the stranger took off
The bandages of his heavy heart
And his warmth drowning wrath
Till the man became convalescent
The hut wasn't built in thick woods
It was in the slum of clothes, threads and technical loops
People might have stitched the man's wounds
Probably they were the best tailors of the town
The man is fine now
In those deserted ways
He's been trained the art of removing bandages
Strip by strip..
He gained his name and fame as one of the best tailors
In a town of trespassed healers..
When I was told to write a story when I was 8...this's the only one which hit my mind..I was told that this had no meaning..when I read it today...I was emotionless..
Surbhi Dadhich Oct 2017
Heart wanders
Here and there
Violates and hampers
Without any care.

Delicate and so fragile
Like a vast landmass
With infinite memories piles
Against striking mind.

With wounds
No one to heal
With guesses profound
Makes appeals.

Emotions flow away
For a woeful voyage
It becomes dark-pale
Binded with veins of *******.

A peaceful place
For our soulmate
It's disease free
When it sees well- being..
Surbhi Dadhich Nov 2017
I've made my promises
My commitments
I've made my sorrows
A wounded guilt
I've made my ignorance
A delighted disgrace
My deep valley of emotions
Crying for travellers
Nothing to spare
For my wicked soul
Nothing glittering
In my heart of gold..
Surbhi Dadhich Sep 2017
Dependant infants in their Mothers arms,
Unable to open their eyes in the light.
Cared with a great charm,
New-born heightless hopes arise with the heart's delight.
As he grows younger and even younger,
With the passage of time.
Heavy responsibilities on his shoulders,
With all the relations, travels journey of life.
Some fulfil them as duties,
Some as an enjoyment.
Some as a liability ,
Whereas some as a rule of temperament.
We are born in this world ,
Nothing to come with and nothing to go with,
And This is why,  sometimes a gap becomes necessary
To balance our lives with heavy loads of responsibilities..

Surbhi Dadhich.
Surbhi Dadhich Mar 2018
That convict boy playing truant
With his fellow ragpickers
Day in and day out
The harvesting season of buffer
Has gone..Gone his bread and butter
Barefeet as he walks
Across the aisle of thorny bushes
Later at those anonymous paths
To cook food and wash dishes
Weekends he polishes the pride
Of nobles branded shoes
Sunday is quite busy
To sell newspapers at streets
And each night with a wide grin
And some books and a few cash
Departs he to the house
In one of the poorest slums
Which people assume a 'dumpyard'
He isn't a beggar..
He really isn't..
Surbhi Dadhich Nov 2017
Hey! Lil Champ
Don't you recognize me?
I, who gave you so many candies
Hey Lil Champ
Don't you remember someone
Who played and hopped with you
Everytime, Any hour
Hey! You mustn't drain me out
From your memories
From your dreams
From your rides
When you committed a mistake
I was the one who was always scolded
When you dared to complete a challenge
I was the one who became your ladder
Don't you remember at all
Not even a bit
Why are you dumbstrucked?
Please, say something
Do you remember me?
Won't I be sorry?..
Surbhi Dadhich Apr 2018
High above the world's hectic tumult
Emigrating doves tore breeze in solitude
Gleaming ***** paused and then resumed
No one to bother or worst intrude
Embracing the gulp of dust and vapour
And riding on their tantalising bubbles
A crass crow came candid with croak
And bashed and entangled with one of those
The collision followed a cat fight
Only during their unison flight
A crass crow and doves and doves
Those doves were weirdly enough
The spectacle highlighted with the impressive shower
Of the feathers of the one that couldn't empower
Gleaming ***** resumed with the cult
Of curses and gloomy ******
Fly high as they with their sarcastic grins
Cracking jokes of the ****** and assassin
"The innocous crow soul rest in peace
This's what we can pray for thee"
Reached they their destination
Without any guilt and confession
The morning kissed their eyes
As they began again flying high
One of them entangled with a crow
This time both breeds were equal though
Lest the history repeats itself
Or there'll be pleads and requests
But the former often occurs
And a cat fight had begun
The croaky crows were the winners
The doves flew away in tension
The next morning embraced the eyes
Of both the groups for their regular journies to skies
History repeated itself
One of both again entangled
Lest the history repeats itself
Or there will be pleads and requests
The former often occurs you know
But not every time on show
A round of pleads and requests followed
And all reached their respective homes..
Surbhi Dadhich May 2019
Mama shooed me off
Banging the door against my face
The creak cacophony pierced my heart
A homeless heart pouring at hearth
The floating moon in the dark sky
Flaunting flawlessly, mocked at me
Thirsty soul was I, thousand reasons to cry
Shivered barefeet on the thorny streets
Although umpteenth mornings came
Melodies to rejoice
Yet darkness tamed me devilishly
Unreasonably, piping no choice..
Surbhi Dadhich Oct 2017
I am hopeless
I am clueless
I am alone
Lost in a melancholous tone.
Lost in your unconditional love
Hampers my growth
Breaks all my oaths
Nerves flow with grievances
Disproving all the instances
You asked me
How I was
Though you knew it all...
Still, Then Never mind
I am awesome and fine
Not because I am in you
But, You are in me
And, that's what I discovered true.
That You will be always in me..
Surbhi Dadhich Nov 2017
How many bridges have we burned
How many lessons never learnt
Try and do but then we don't
Say we will but know we won't

How many flames have we shot
How many mysteries never caught
Reveal but then very well refuse
Admit but still confuse

How much more can we take
How many do we blame for our own mistakes
We know what we need to intercede
But how far do we take that belief?

How many desires we breed
How many sins we commit
Though we know for what we aspire
Still we keep on fits with betrayed trials

How many years have flown by
How many tears have we each cried
Far too many I believe to count
From lips that move without a sound

How many theories never understood
How much head we put
How much we neglect
The oscillations of solace..
Back with A collaboration with Mike Hauser...
A great experience....Exciting journey..
Surbhi Dadhich Dec 2018
How much water dribbles
With deafening thuds
How much dry sympathy
Heaves with a warm sigh
While glaring at immoral furore
Over scorging throats
Who'd be the reformist plumber
For countless ,crooked creatures
With leaking wisery
How much then water has dribbled
With deafening thuds
In drains and floods..
Surbhi Dadhich Jan 2018
I still have you on the retina of my eyes
Hazel- brownish chuckle-headed features
Jolly grace showering from your bonny plight
And your perfect physique and stature
Your cheerful character is still on my dreary sheets of life
You somehow jeers my attention
With wonders of divine
A role- model of pure affection
Hub of the anonymous pleasure
You're still on the retina of my eyes
On the dreary sheets of my life..
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