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Surbhi Dadhich Nov 2017
The striking joy  bound shots
Of the partial challenging life
And the natural ins and outs
Regulates and balances human tribe
The most cheerful moments
Apart from dreary darkness
Gonna happen in astonished absence
This what shapes complains
Wish I could be there too
Wish the world creeps on
Slowly and even slowly
And Yeah, If this'll matter
And somewhat commence
Then only in our worthy absence...
Surbhi Dadhich Mar 2018
"Route no.5!"  the porter exclaimed
With a decorous softness
The rested passengers *******
Who never knew their destination
So tedious was the tyranny
Of the lives of the gentleman at the back
How commendable it is!
Never dare to trap peace
The stepfather of that lady passed away
I'm gently humble my lady
But not so fond of your tragedy
Oh brother! Such a great lover
Of music and rocking songs
But that's really not necessary
We're not so accustomed of unpleasant noise
Everyone's so pretentiously violent
With the possible exception of that porter
"Route no.6" the porter exclaimed
With the decorous softness
The rested passengers stormed
"Hey...! Now you have started looting common people ..just rethink of your bus fare"...
I slept in peace...
I go to school and then come back home by public transport ...and I'm so fond of it..
I usually sleep and miss my stop...this's also based on an observation..(as I pretend what a guy may be thinking cause he's been annoyed..
Surbhi Dadhich Sep 2017
This mysterious and uncanny silence,
The atrocities and sufferings
Children watching with innocence
Leaving all their childhood activities.
Steps are following with a terror,
With a clear  inspection
Police force with their lined cannon
People,  suffering, far beyond my expectations .
In their homes with a thunderstruck,
They know that their children will ask What is going on?
And they will tell as they hug tight
Don't worry, It'll  be over soon
Their hearts will be in a great plight
In the search of the infant caterpillars in the monsoon
In such a delicate and charming childhood..

Surbhi Dadhich..
Surbhi Dadhich Nov 2018
Frozen in daylight
Molten in glaciers
Loving is living
Beyond wildest adaptations
Flabbergasted in the fray
Of messy, mixed emotions
Face deep in downfall
Of kins' precautions..
Surbhi Dadhich Jan 2018
My rusting cries reached a deserted destination
Far infinite in the infinite universe
Neither assurity nor dimensions
Rusting cries tore into hell curse
Glorious stars were ashamed of disgrace
The moon bore the fire of hate
Sensitive planets turned insane
Rusting cries cried and turned pale
Reflected and are now again flowing in my veins.
Surbhi Dadhich Sep 2017
Advertisements cross basic necessities,
Influencing common man's salary.
Business world provides different facilities,
From beauty items to gross products,  and even machinery.
Common man suffers,
Due to different branded products of different prices and efficiency.
Overloaded by sale and offers,
We all are running in a race of jealousy.
Our choice becomes an ardent desire,
Perfection is now what we aspire.
We are contributing ourselves to these products,
Why are we so dormant in these aspects?

Surbhi Dadhich..
Surbhi Dadhich Oct 2017
Advice creates nuisance
For they are too plain
Giving stability and endurance
Revealed to the hearts of faith.

Advice creates nuisance
For they bind us
With expectations and peer- pressure
Leads to lost conscience.

Advice creates nuisance
Sometimes they are too uncomfortable
To fit in and follow
The experiences of elder ones.

Advice creates nuisance
But still they are followed
For the continuity of relationships fragrance
They always fit in and are followed..
Surbhi Dadhich Feb 2018
Chimneys smoking cigar
As the dusk perpetuates dawn
Thorps fusing in graveyard
As the ghosts visit haunts
Far in the distant lands
Stands a haunted bungalow
With the myths of royal clans
With grapewines and willows
Algae, lichens and mosses
Snakes poisoning the stuff
Rats feeding on corpses
Crying in the ink of blood
As the ghostly army of midnight
Babbles with a vexing parade
The chaos of tedious tramps
Blows ears like trumpets
In that grey grave
Glitters a gloomy groom
With his suitcase of nightmares
And curse dressed like a boon
As he steps long rambles
To unearth his mate
To add on tragedy and troubles
As he curses his fate
Love was his beginning
His aggression takes wings
As he cries with foxes
The gloomy groom has lent
His soul as it decays
Rats feeding on corpse
Accelerating lichens and moss
Five long years of waitin'
Reached a fearsome end
Villagers still cookin'
Lost someone never met
Bride faded
Love was his suffering
Ignorance was his victory
No chaos, no tramps
Not love nor trumpets
No hatred no disturbance ..
Surbhi Dadhich Dec 2017
Coiled with the arteries of the darkest hardships
With the cowardly deformed antibodies
Don't jus' move on with elegant potential
Little you know to perform and function
Rest and relax, may be swinging with someone's lap
Cheer, Just Chill, Stress? Oh! Nil
Shedding tears is my awaited ambition
"Am I so decent and naive" I asked
Decent!!!My foot ..Where you have been?
Shut up and stop this ****** ****
Get out right now..
Surbhi Dadhich May 2018
Had you commemorated our eternal camaraderie
Would've I dewed my deserts and droughts
Though the thorns did tore apart
The bugs of contempt still I caught
Oh! Impostor of drenched oasis
Every second of every minute
Of every hour of every day
I burrow my doomed feets
I enlighten in scorching heat
And in my ever dewed deserts
Bear must I inefficient oasis
Of ******* of your water channels
....Just now ...You've embodied me as my desert's camel..
Surbhi Dadhich Apr 2019
Your inflicted memories
Lick my wound with tenderness
An established testimony
Nobody ever confess
How bereaving is to strive
When our souls deadlocked
They heaved alive..
Surbhi Dadhich Feb 2018
All my roots are deeply penetrating
Down your spine
With a gush of rejoicings
For an adventurous ride
Your awkward arrival
Your farewell departure
Leaving indelible imprints
On the sands of my heart
I'm needlessly emotional
You're crazily horrible
I'm discovering freedom
You're looking for a confined shelter
In my framed portrait
With my allowances
Without any rent..
Surbhi Dadhich Jan 2018
An unfortunate sadist
A morbid *****
An overwhelming pessimist
Kind of brittle bone
Unconsciously conscious
Of defeated steps trodden
A rather peculiar guy
Winner oaths for lousy defeats
Frigid troubles a sort for keeps
Liked not being liked
Forget the unforgotten
Unconsciously conscious
Of defeated steps trodden..
Surbhi Dadhich Feb 2018
I've been looking for glass sheets
For clear majestic views
But a dreary kaleidoscope I find
Among the wreck and ruins
So strucked was I
To gain pleasure
In those mocking patterns
I've been looking for seashells
For silvery water outbreaks
But sea urchins I dwell
So strucked was I
To love the stingy pain
As I get abased
With the thorns by lane
I've been looking for empathy
But all I discover is cruelty
I've been looking for better
But all I found is clearly opposite..
Don't know the accurate reasons of analogy between thoughts and reality..
Surbhi Dadhich Dec 2017
Binded potential of yellow leaves
Bloom of the brightest flowers
Discipline of diligent ants
Self- sufficient soil of minerals
Emerald blood of infant diggings
Sweetness of splashy fruits
Medical stuff is in vain
Self- repairing is the aid
Independent of food
Clothing and Shelter
Independent of sympathy
Itself an elaborated narrator
A heaven for wings
No greatness reflect
Despite diamond qualities..
Surbhi Dadhich Sep 2017
That uninhabited and isolated island,
Crying for the devotion
To destroy the mysterious silence
And, then turn into a beautiful heaven.
The cries reached the fatal seashore
Where there was not any form of life
Except those wild thorns
Not even a single tribe.
An infant seed then came like a blessing.
Blowing in the wind as if trespassing.
Worried by his fortune
Why God had sent him to such a hell in that drowsy noon?
Caught in a frenzy of fear
He fell down
With his eyes full of tears
He was hopeless and frowned.
Suddenly, over a babble of voices,
He expected a thunderstorm.
He had no other choice
Except that isolated island away from the maddening world.
He was nurtured and became a straight plant
He was like a diamond among the stones
Slowly with giggles by ants.
And no one to destroy him even by chance.
The island's misfortune faded away,
It was then a blessed heaven
With different life forms
And, of course, with that mysterious super power's action.

Surbhi Dadhich
Surbhi Dadhich Oct 2017
For endless expeditions
In the hope of revenge
With adhesive addictions
Living a life in hell.

A bubble-like situation
Becomes a tragedy
Living a life in depression
Without any colours and melody.

Vibration is not in the heart
But in fear and goosebumps
Vibration is not in the hiccups
But in to and fro of dreams.

Life is full of ups and downs
It's grey sometimes
Though till now, I have never found
A charming moment of delight..
As interviewed by someone..
( poem)
Surbhi Dadhich Oct 2017
Are you familiar
That you are the chandelier
Of my mind
To enlighten the darkness
Of my dreary life
Are you familiar
That you are the insulator
Of my heat and cold
You're the orator
Of my principles and thoughts
Let me remind you
That you are my everything
Leaving you is not my cup of tea..
Surbhi Dadhich Dec 2018
shed in broad daylight, ablaze
shadows indignantly leaping
onto a reindeer"s freight
all barging for Everest expedition
bounding by degrees
amidst the arena of swans
honourable Prime Minister legging
a doughnut, soaring
then stationing intact at the peak
as needles pricking my conscience
i rise a tempering shriek
while the reindeers bellow laughter
with ****** oxygen,I gurgle
freezing, airy, thicker, fatter
yet another needle ****** my conscience
blasts me on my seemingly calm bed...
Surbhi Dadhich Sep 2018
" According to the Earth's gravitational pull
He threw his handkerchief up,
Deceleration would take place as it goes up
And there, It'll always come down
May be hard hitting your head..."
But it didn't as it was stuck in a switched-off fan
Innocous, curious laughs poised the atmosphere
Breezed a wind of arrogance and disapproval
"Wait..", he hopped and uplifted by table
Attempt to rescue, tide, brand handkerchief
As he rotated the fan,
" G' morning Ma'am" bowed the class
There he was
In front of the honorable principal
Sweat-Wet, Stuck on the table
Bewildered in a circle of loopholes
She giggled, wished and said,
" Oh ..My inspections truly reveal me the unseen parts of the story
That must be an integrated fun learning"..
My younger brother told me 'bout this incident in his school..
Surbhi Dadhich Oct 2017
As far as one gaze
Veins, berries blossom
Heaven has came on hell
Amongst the drowsy mist and fog
As far as one gaze
In the autumn twilight
Eager to escape
From his woeful life
Fruits are ripening
Flowers are sailing
Season of joy and fruitfulness
When the Almighty bless
The infant whining wind
With fume of flowers amid..
Nature is philanthropic
Nature is the Almighty
Nature is that spirit
That blesses us with every aspect of life
With purity and charity..
Surbhi Dadhich Apr 2018
Far in the barren fields
A farmer along with family lived
No source of childhood and income
Still he felt tables would somehow turn
When rain brought brutal repression
"Shouldn't we love our lives?" his family questioned
After a lethargic tornado of thoughts
He made his mind to board
A bus or a train
That could lead his way
To crowded towns and cities
They all were getting *******
And so started their game of mishappenings
A robber looted, a tenant bullied
Moreover he'd nothing to feed for his family
He rented out a tract
After nodding several pacts
With piles of loans and interests on head
His benefactor turned out to be a traitor
The fuel was he never had been the creditor
What would a debtor engulf from indebtedness?
The pressure on his mind bore deep as beetles
Sorrowful days and tearful nights
He attempted suicide..
Surbhi Dadhich Nov 2019
In the dark and deep interiors
Where harsh reality prevails
Where no state's aid knocks
A gruesome tale it entails
Where woman is a mother,
Sister, or a guileless daughter
Behind veils of ignorance
Where poor is beaten excruciatingly
For solely out of wantonness
A young girl writhing with pain
Fear, dysphoria of social shame
Where age-old myths are sacred
In their glum and gloated atmosphere
Where harsh reality prevails
Out of sophisticated, sedentary lifestyles
In the dark and deep interiors
Where backwardness is upheld...
Surbhi Dadhich Dec 2018
while the braggart toppings must brew
bestowed me sparkles your broils
as I lay boundless and bare
yet haughtily up to the brim..
Surbhi Dadhich May 2019
rolling back years and years
in that flimsy photograph
rolled from tethered corners
sparked memories sweet and sharp
barefeet were we as breeze blew
tugged solemnly,motionless
grievous grin, yet not so glum
sunshine blazed our freckles
a close look ,indicting
'' we could be a bit closer''
closer, at least for a span of a moment
span of years drifted us farther and further
your hiccoughs compelled me to lament..
Surbhi Dadhich Sep 2018
I'm grateful to have you as my cocoon
For I'm still a caterpillar
I'm blessed to have you as my shell
For I'm still a delicate pearl
The truth won't ever shatter
For you'll always hide behind my words..
Surbhi Dadhich Oct 2017
Behold her
Creeping alone
With brambling thoughts
In a woeful tone
Of fatal songs
Behold her
Giggling alone
With unseen appearance
Of  comic ghost
Banned the allowance
Of friends and relations
Banned the allowance
Of even nature and spectacles
Behold her
That uncanny lass with wrath
With a frantic faith
In sorrows and misery
In aggression and tragedy
Without any illusions
Keeping them from her
Is a part and parcel
Of her satisfaction..
Surbhi Dadhich Nov 2017
My heart is a bank
Of your treasury
You're the fauna
Of heart's biodiversity
The stars crept into Windows
The Moon started shying
The valleys got their lost chaos
Reluctantly or otherwise
Wish you the greatest years ahead
And the Happiest and Blessed Birthday
Yeah...As usual... belated...
Surbhi Dadhich Apr 2018
"Hey! I'm not an uptight
I caved in cowardly
I truly never mind
What people whisper behind
Believe you me"

"Oh poor! Is this why you burst into tears?
And still scorching and blazing
With red eyes and firm fists
Glaring glowing sweats and *******
You're an uptight
Believe you me" never mind"

Uh..That's none of your business
Why don't you just agree?
I never freak me out to people
Whom I'll never ever talk or meet

"Playing handball might cause serious injury
What I shouldn't..I should believe
You're honest and candid
Cowardly I'm caving in"

"Hey..wait a while..hello??'re gone
Let me confess
To be honest
I'm uptight
I always seriously sternly mind
What people whisper behind
Believe you me"...
Surbhi Dadhich Oct 2018
I wasn't nipped, coiled in a ******* bud
I wasn't aching, bleeding breathlessly
Why did I cease for fruits to pluck
The essence lured me in
I wasn't crippled with adversities
I wasn't molested by remorse and guilt
Why did I troop over berries and plums?
The bittersweet aroma lured me in
I am ridiculed at what to sweep in corners
I am repenting the bittersweet essence
Penning it down in a journal..
Surbhi Dadhich Nov 2017
When I was certainly sure
You broke my faith
At the eleventh hour
When I was about to pave
My journey alone
You tracked my way
When I was going to decipher
The codes of life
You jammed me with more mysteries
I can summarise
In a nutshell
You are the one of my cacti
Who gifted me a world of hell
Thank You for this blissful present
Which had left my soul a mere barren tract..
Surbhi Dadhich Sep 2017
Suns of hopes rise everywhere
Above the fatal world
Far above the sky's layer
Where hearty gardens shine like an emerald .
Every step with valour
Without fright and terror
Our destiny in our hands
No one can grab.
We are the lords
We are the slaves
Relationships are like chemical bonds
Devils surely get result of their fate.
Interested things are passion
Uninterested things are merely a profession
For fortune and destiny always attract
Leave a great impact
Earning wealth for leisure
The whole life will pass away'll become an incomplete and blurred memory of heart's treasure..
Surbhi Dadhich Mar 2018
Those mighty mountains veiled
With mist and an enchanting mat
Of wild ferns and eerie rampageousness
Saluting apart from the bowed stuff
Desperately frowned
Not a picturesque worth
Posed as the whole community
Of sand, stones and gravel
After thousands of years labour
Collision of their descendant plate
Or their kind god of land
Knitted every yarn of their unit
But everyday two devils
With their aggression and *****
Wears out every thread
Of that giant particulate matter
Dumping in crowds of tractors
To overdeveloped cities
To constructors and masons
After just three months
Gush of sandy winds led my way
To the way to saluted mountains
But once bowed land saluted
And the once saluting mountains
Were past under my feet..
Surbhi Dadhich Aug 2018
Moon coquettishly swinged
In your hazel hedge of eyes
As you gnawked with propensity
Deep down in my fierce eyes
In the mourning of the darkest nights
Alone as we boiled and burnt
A knocking shiver down the spine
The twinkle of lamps faded
As you strided
Precociously ushered
Hold my dreary hands
As my veins exploded
My pulse accelerated
You sighed, I was breathless.....
I dormantly backed for anybody to intervene..
Surbhi Dadhich May 2018 this ascetic infinite universe
The upheaval of my love resides
Extinct and extinguished
Geographically and emotionally
It brimmed out of the Earth
And the whole world bowed
Paid homage and honour
Seems like galaxy has shrunk
Widening the gaps between
Love and sacrifice
The universe denied to extend
My love still resides
Piles and piles
Extinct and extinguished
The universe is going to burst..
Surbhi Dadhich Feb 2018
I'm a mercenary bee with the sweetest honey
As I flap from blossoms to sailings
Humming hilariously to and fro the petals
******* the fleshy and succulent nectar
I'm flapping without lashes
The whole vast blue sky is mine
I'm an ideal applause
For the breeders dine
My community is altogether admirable
My hives are my fascinating creations
That viscous divine honey
Is my diligence culmination
I'm a scampy wee
For I'm as busy as a bee..
Surbhi Dadhich Nov 2017
Can't you see?
The fog and mist
The smog and soot
The ashes and the lava
Can't you  smell ?
The essence of poison
Yeah.. The fragrance of holy blood
The sufferings of the world
Can't you taste ?
The purity of devotion
The charity of donation
Life's every aspect and notion
Can't you sense?
The injustices against innocence
The crimes against humanity
Why're you playing dumb all the time?
I know,  your evolution was fake
You're still dumbstrucked?
Why don't you raise your voice
In this reign of evil
Where you have not any other choice
Surbhi Dadhich Jul 2018
While the ecstatic rain pour in aura
The emerald forests glistened diamonds
The blooming buds bowed enthralled
Lively squirrels swung down the trunk
Jumbos tumbled on petal laden carpet
Fraudulent owls sneaked out in the decent morning
Butterflies kissed flowers ******* the  sweetest nectar
The cubs paddled and panted through channels
Frogs voraciously gobbled the pleasure in drains
Peacocks' rainbow awed the mother nature
"Cascading streams engulf my conditioned elements"...
Surbhi Dadhich Oct 2017
Everything is for a purpose
But still there are many useless things
This means that we still don't know the use Of certain mysterious things.
Opposites attract each other
With a natural force
Repulsion surely happen then further
Due to the misunderstandings of special bonds.
Each and every cell
With a dynamic structure
Even shows a division of labour.
Predictions, Possibilities and Probabilities
With a great endeavour and hard- charging risk
With a bit of dedication and curiosity
Is what makes a businessman succeed
Not in his journey, but in his dreams
Everything smells same
It's our nose that is misfunctioning
The journey of life is incomplete
Without something
Something, for which I'm continuously searching.
Surbhi Dadhich Sep 2017
Close the Window.
I have lost myself in this notorious nature,
That bonny Kingfisher and those jumping Squirrels.
There, far in the woods,
Kids are enjoying their childhood.
That bird is toddling,
First step for her vast sky.
My heart is echoed by their chirping,
Producing that effect is impossible for the filmmakers , even if they try.
But, Why is that building around?
Oh! NO ,There are many found.
Those fleet of crows among pathetic peacocks.
Rushing in my world, slowly and steadily,
Going to win this race,
With a quick pace.
I can't see it.
Close the Window.

Surbhi Dadhich.
Surbhi Dadhich May 2019
His eyes were the smearing of ink
On a deep scented, long love letter
His skin was the radiant tint
On a warm, lusted petal
His brilliance brimming was rock-hard
On my 'oh so delicate' heart
His hair were specks of love
In my darkest nightmares
His jawline wore the jewel
The magic key to endless treasure
His hands were generously stemming out
Escalating my earnestness to be a beggar
His physique was the far-sighted temple
Mere sight of which shakes the conscience
As I inched closer , with a racing heart
An illegible fire resisted, tempting me more
As I stepped back, frozen
Yet in his unnerving trap
Clouding him behind his back..
Thank you for reading.
Surbhi Dadhich May 2018
Springs of infinite eternity
Centenary faith but immortal love
Bubbles of idealism blew away
Viscous spirituality rose in his heart
Elevation of selfishness and attachment
Detainment of worldly desires
Medication through universal panacea
Knitted in the same fabric of cohesion
Cohesion of his lively soul
Droolworthy negation
Fusing with the Lord of the Universe
He attained salvation..
Surbhi Dadhich Oct 2017
Bad and hard time prevails
With a close and shackled space
Going through the darkest days
Bare-handed with only faith.
Faith in the Almighty
Faith in the trinity
Faith in me
Faith in fraternity.
This inch-sized room
Without any gloom
Helpless and hopeless
In this shabby mess
The heart beats for an ardent desire
To see the outside world
Of excitement and happiness
Out of this temperament
Out of confinement.
I fear from the darkness..I fear of losing.
I hate dark rooms..This poem was a scary nightmare.
Really scary.
Surbhi Dadhich Nov 2018
Closer, she embarked
Trodded along the footprints though
Swaddled, she shrieked
No breathe gasped though
Thirst of affection she pursued
Lust of dominance she savored
Devotion, she encompassed
Devoid of esteem though
Roar absconded at all the places
She had been
She marched through with thick skin
Closer, she still embarked
Fueled with the spark of the road ahead
Yet when all their civility, cruelty lost
She was tagged with a reasonable cost
Throwing toxic streams on her colorful palette
She was sold for a tethered cow and carpet
True story
Surbhi Dadhich Apr 2019
Stony chirruping cuddle my ears
I woke up with pent-up emotions
Shooed the stony chirruping
Yet stony silence broke my heart
Crumplings of which dove refused
The sweeper swept them..
Surbhi Dadhich Jun 2019
Rains bring benevolence
Trickles to spurts
Blowing love and life
In that dead sun's blot
In the beautiful garden
Rains glitter the indigo blue
Harbouring the drainage
Invidious with stroke of brush
That never seem to suffice
Hands that rub jocular sunsets
The bounty of nature's fragrance
Are the hands that are crushed
Crushed into pieces by the creator..
Surbhi Dadhich Jul 2018
Revenge recoils from the bitten
The hags' from hell treason
Felinity of mean girls
Smitten with bad blood
The broth brims to brook
Molecules to mountains
Too many abysmal cooks
Scarlet flags waving at the top
The biters boil at funerals
Crying in the corners..
It's mean but that's how I felt exactly...
I feel embarrassed:(
Surbhi Dadhich Dec 2017
The drooling curiosity of fragile sensation
Drugs, alcohol, insomnia, depression
Drowned in the smoke of shame and insult
Driving the joy of fun and fashion
Submerged under the cruelty of unknown cult
With carnivorous companions
A kind and wise request
Please purify your mind
With the tears of joy and fresh scent
To drain out all the memories of repent..
Cellphones, Headphones, Earplugs, Charger,
Drugs, Smoking, Alcoholism, Money
Surbhi Dadhich Oct 2017
A curse for the heaven
Look, Children are creeping
To the prison
With shabby locks
As their ornaments
Look, Children are creeping
Whether willingly or otherwise
For their confinement
On the endless roads
Of the heaven
A ride to hell
A ride to prison
Perhaps, someone have gobbled up
Their rusted ornaments
Of books, toys, parks
Excitement and enjoyment
A curse for the heaven
Look, Children are creeping
To the prison..
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