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text me when driving
I am tired of living
say goodbye cruel world
You've been known to reside inside the pockets of our local ******,
more often in my mother's bedside draw.
You were my childhood kiss,
a silhouette of senses dancing on the street;
adolescently sweet.
You were his means to an end,
a partial paralysis of collapsed arteries,
swore only to be a friend.

"Step a little closer,
come take a clearer view."

But those to make it out alive are few.
You said you'd take away the pain,
you became the blood inside our veins.
I watched him rot straight down to the bone,
his agony poured out in moans.

"The shakes, the sweats, how can't you see?
They're all gifts from me."

They always warned us of your games,
I should have known it could only end in shame.
But you were here to stay,
and oh,
how we played.
Spin off of a previous poem, "*******".
He abandoned you for no-mans-land
For ****** souls and bullet holes
With blood as thick as water
And it wasn't the first time you drowned in shallow seas
Your wounds won't clot unless you touch them
And you won't find plasters between sheets
History repeats itself
And you're becoming your mother
But if you pull apart your skin for long enough
Maybe you'll find solace
Or maybe you'll bleed out
 Aug 2016 SteffyWeffy
Dana Colgan
Sickness listens to us sigh.
Sniggering snidely as we die.
Seeking our soul as we comply.

But still I live
And yet I am not alive.
A bird whistles at my window
pretty song
A train whistles after midnight
rude awakening
A dog whistles to attract birds
then eats them
A man whistles alongside the tracks
a railroad tune
Sung years ago
Perhaps in Hackensack
 Aug 2016 SteffyWeffy
I was held close on foggy mornings
Clouds rolling in to the tune of distant thunder
A tangled mess of gray sheets
Goodbye on the edges of our teeth
Looking back now through clearer lenses I know you better than I should
Lessons and years of laughter lie between us
Still, I slumber while watching traffic in my sleep
She twists and turns under sheets and covers.
Sleep evades her as fire burns her cold skin.
Darkness shrouds like tapestries of terror
Warding off consoling light –
“Let me in… let me in.”
Boards creak and nails scratch the walls
Inching its way towards its fidgeting prey.
A monstrosity stands before her eying the
Trembling body –    
“Let me play…let me play.”
It leans forward to her ear and whispers,
“I know what you’ve done, what a shame,”
Its serpentine tongue licks her cheek.
“I thought you were better, free from blame.
But you’re like the rest, foul and unclean,
A lump of mass and unfit to live.
Unworthy of redemption, so obscene –  
Let me give… let me give.”
Sobs erupt from her quivering lips and gasps
For air from the weight of her filthy sin.
It caressed her hair with its skeletal, scaly
Hands, and kindly asked to
“Let me win… let me win.”
But a streak of light from the rising morning
Sun sent Guilt back into the dark.
A new day, a new beginning, an
Opportunity for a fresh start.
But from the depths of what has been,
There it waits for you to
*Let it in… let it in
 Aug 2016 SteffyWeffy
This moment unfolds
    bringing new thought
another day gone
blood soaking into the ground
there's reason for death
just another useless life
snatched away just to appease
the daily news body count.
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