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619 · Dec 2019
The Fearless Soldier
Andrew Vitans Dec 2019
Fear's unknown to him
All wish their courage was like his

Loyal soul an' loyal heart
Being a warrior seems such an art

He yearns the glory feeling
Gettin' honor feels as good as lusting

But all he sees are ****** fields
Hearin' pain an' swords against shields

He's not scared of death
Pagan, in divine judgement, he's no faith

Crested helmet, drawn sword
"For the motherland", not another word

At the signal he'll unleash hell
After slaughterin' hostiles, he'll feel well

No one will be spared, he's merciless
But primarily, he's a fearless
This poem is about the perfect ideal of a fearless soldier.
The soldier is pagan, not christian so it's refered to the classical roman or greek warrior.
220 · Dec 2019
I'm a heartless, it's over
Andrew Vitans Dec 2019
For the good and the bad
Never wished on me gore
Can't go far from my bed

You'll not tell me anymore
Like you promised all this
Consulating me with a "no more"

Sed eam fecisti

I'd never regret my choise
Like trust to be thrown away
As you'd not tell me what it is

Remember the first time on May
How can you forget it
When all the fears I threw away

Durāre non poterat

As I notice ya' strange for a bit
My sixth sense never lies
I realise that ya' made it

How direct my being wise
Put all the guilts all over
Feelin' it never seemed so nice

Novum moralis natus est

Forget me to be a lover
And never come back
I'm a heartless, it's over
This is the first lyric of a collection of poems.
The title of this work which includes more poems is "Heartless Soul" and tell about my personal experience about being heartless after getting used in a relationship several years ago.
I'll post one poem every day.
The phrases you might not understand are written in latin and these works are 100% written by me.

— The End —