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It’s so gory,
There’s never a winning side,
The winters find a way
To stay 1 or two more days

In spring the rivers run
Off their course and
The flowers turn
Into pollen machines.

In fall the leafs
Dance with the wind
off the trees
All at once

And oh god,
The summer sun
Melts puddles into
My shirts

But you know
I can see some romance
In love

And how hugs
Feel like being wrapped
Around the mantle
Of the earth,

And water drips
From their lips
And i, lost.
With closed eyes,

Like a vagabond,
I’ll plead and beg
Through the traces
That fall in between
Your jaw and your cheeks

Just to pull out
As eyes interlock,
No words spoken
But so much said.
I gave her
took the higher
never works.
She drank all
my whiskey
and stole my
The Romans bathed
naked in the
Tiber, and she
wins wars with
a smile.
Never mind the
Check out my you tube channel where I read from my recent book, Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems, available on
It takes its sweet time to swell
but my rage is quickly quelled.

I love those stranger
and so I wave,
I greet the world
With smiling face!

I don't chose sides,
I strive for peace...
When it comes to human
I am but a beast.
Traveler Tim
The clouds refused to allow
the sun to shine as bright
but love will always find a way through the darkest dreary night

Take my word
My poetic hand
I am much more spirit
No less human
Don't believe those lies
you're telling me,
I have spoken your words
I've dreamt your dreams

Nothing can separates
The quantum hold
We are fractals
Of living souls
We are but dreamers
On different clouds
Shake me no more
I'm wide awake now..
Traveler 🧳 Tim
Greedy rich neighbors
and their “keep out signs”
no hunting, no trespassing,
no solicitors of any kind!

100 acres is not enough
for greedy rich people
who have a lot of stuff.
I reckon it’s all in case
their going gets rough.
Of course the rest of us
would just be out of luck.

If I had their money,
I would give it away,
you can’t take it with you
at the end of the day.
People simply gets old and broken
with all the wealth they have
put their hopes in.

Eye of the needle open wide
I’ll be broke as hell when I die!
🧳 TT
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