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Kristen Apr 2014
Alone again, and it’s the middle of the night.

He got in too deep and gave my heart a fright.

I’d like to look back and say it’ll be alright,

But I know the truth: it’s all over, that’s right.

I could smile and laugh like it’s all okay,

But I just lost my newest friend today.

Begging and pleading wouldn’t make him stay,

Instead I guess I’ll lie down to cry and pray.

Just like skanks lose their virtue, I’ve lost my touch.

I guess now I have nothing. I never really had much.

The look on his face was imaginable, such

Contempt and sorrow with a side of disgust.

I would never had told. Would’ve kept my mouth shut.

How was I to know he’d bark and protest like a mutt?

I made a conscious effort to lock all that up.

Tried to conceal it within to avoid this vile cup.

If you can’t keep em, forget em.

Along with him, him, and him.

Make it easy as possible to walk an’

Never let you heart get too broken.

Maybe my mom was dead wrong,

Instead of letting him write me a song

I should tell him the truth! Before long

They’d all see through me and…

No! I can’t let any of them go.

I’ll keep them all on their toes

Just as long as each of them knows

How I care for all of my hoes.
Kristen Apr 2014
I scratch and scrape
And pull words together
To make a state-
No, there has to be a better…

Breathing in
And beginning again
From the start
To create “good” art.

But subjectivity!
Who determines the value?
Of my feverous venue
Aka attempt at creativity.

Maybe I could write of
Unrequited love,
Morals or Serendipity.
But today they don’t inspire me.

So instead…
I’ll sketch a portrait
Of thoughts in my head
Of what comes from my forebrain.
Kristen Apr 2014
I hope you know her.
The types of looks after slumber.
The books she reads in December.
Oh God, I pray you bless her.

My Dear, I hope that you see her.
Through your own eyes and through her mirror.
Every guy should want to meet her.
As a friend, there is no greater.

And I hope you look upon her,
With eyes smitten in wonder .
So help me, if I see you gaze on another.
For with her, your mind never need wander.

She’s the type all should marry if given the chance,
Never swayed this way and that with romance.
Warmth and love can be found holding her hands.
Serene joy found in her presence.

It’s a joy to have caught her
I hope you see what an honor
You hold as her “mister”
(And after this ceremony) her lover.

I wish you both the best,
Now and forever.
I hope the best for you, my sister.
And I welcome you, my new brother.
Kristen Mar 2014
When you know everyone but yourself
When you live everywhere but home
When you look anywhere but the mirror
When your thoughts are everything but still
When your mind is always occupied
When reflections scare you
You may be my friend

She is dear and she is sweet
Involved and giving
Shows love in every way but affection
Loves the game and forgets connections with its players
Floats through and everybody knows

But is it her they really know…

Active physically and mentally
Until almost 4 AM
Till her mind shouts
Sleep must come first,
We’ll reflect tomorrow
But tomorrow is another
Day of empty self-evaluation promises.

Instead she goes back to the premise
That she just needs to do one more thing
And stay that much more active
But all her mind needs
Is a chance to be reflective.

Her body tries to tell her
All she needs is ******, emotional, mind rest
But all she knows is everyone else
She lives in everywhere else
She breathes everything else,
When she needs to know
To my dear friend from college
Kristen Mar 2014

It’s been a long time since I finished…

I haven’t been able to get the right…

There’s something I can’t tell y…

I wanted to make some…

Wished you and I could h…

But I realized I just don’t know how to…

I just can’t finish any…

Maybe if you give me some time I’ll…

Don’t you think I could…

Or maybe I should…


A long time since I decided to finish
Kristen Mar 2014
Does an optimist or a pessimist write the better poem?

Does an optimist with his rhyme and meter

Writing songs of love, nature, and spring?

Or are a pessimist’s dirges

Of bitter betrayal and loss more inspiring?

Both pessimists and optimists sing

Soft, yet loudly their own song.

So who writes the better poem?

What is the better song?

One of the marriage bed,

Or one of love gone wrong?

All sympathize with sadness;

All feel the pangs of joy.

Songs of rotten apples,

Or of bouncing baby boys?

So what expression does the better poet employ?

Truth is they touch us daily.

All just parts of life.

Tears and laughter not unique to ******* or wife.

Yes maybe optimists and pessimists are not so far apart,

For both pessimists and optimists capture the human heart.
For my high school English teacher
Kristen Mar 2014
Hey you…

Is there anything I can do?

I want to hug you,

Make you new.

If I tried, what would you let me do?

Out there in the cold,

You live your life collecting mold

Sitting watching in the folds

Of your mother’s little scolds.

Will you ever break the mold

Of getting lonely, getting old?

Can you feel me,

Sitting silent while you plee

Letting nature drop it’s flees

While you just stare with eyes at he

Who does not look back when you plee?
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