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 Oct 2020 Sanek
Hey, don't worry about me.
Everything's ok in my
Life is good and there's no
Possibility of anything bad happening

My poems and other hobbies make me happy
Everything's great, and you shouldn't worry, ok?
I didn't tell you this, but you should read the first letter of each line.
 Oct 2020 Sanek

A dream worth fighting for

A smile worth fighting for

A love worth fighting for

I'm sleepy XD
 Sep 2020 Sanek
 Sep 2020 Sanek
Until I doze off to oblivion
I shan't stop writing for thee
My friend and lover through all the
Years of solitude
You have clung to me
Now it is time I cling back.
Thank you.
 Sep 2020 Sanek
 Sep 2020 Sanek
Picture this:
Broken glasses
Left on a timid table.

Picture this:
A blind child waiting
For her mother to come

Picture this:
Yesterday's pie still
Humming inside the

Picture this:
The sight of blood on a far
Off pavement spreading without

Picture this:
Lost shadows just
Waiting to be seen in the
I've always wanted to tell a story through a poem. I looked at my broken glasses and let the fingers do the work. This is what came out.
 Sep 2020 Sanek
 Sep 2020 Sanek
I guess I just needed one voice all along
To tell me love was indeed worth fighting for.
Cause there are thousands of voices constantly humming
My brain
Some pretty ugly, some really frightening
Even the most avid dark fiction writer
Would be shivering in absolute fear

One voice is now enough to set them all apart
Just like how Moses halved the sea
Your voice has and still
Reaches me.
Poem streak.
 Sep 2020 Sanek
I told myself a few years ago
when my heart was left abandoned
on a dusty, cracked road with no one else to go home to

"I wanna start writing poetry again"
as I numbed all the pain and prepared all the stolen luggage
to start life anew and take myself far from the people who knew
the lost soul I was back then
and maybe… forget

I remembered

I remember when I started writing poems at 11
I wrote my way through teenage angst and unexplained tears
regret, confusion, hatred at the world that didn't seem to understand me, when the words did

I grew older and by 16, I saw how anger turned into sadness and sadness turned into love
and every poem I wrote took me to places higher than my hands could ever reach
a world of connections, hidden meanings, and clarity

Clarity —

until love turned me blind and I began writing poems to lie
to myself that I loved the person who said he loved me yet touched me in places the words never did
as I hid in my own broken corridors for the last two years
with a poet who lost all the words she had to her fears
because she gave them all away to those who didn’t even know how to read poetry

Years passed and now the poet has awoken
A new light shining in the places she thought she had forgotten
endlessly flowing with words, words, words
serving as a ticket to the unseen tomorrow
she's now willing to take

And maybe until now she's still afraid to write the next line

But she has begun to realize —
she can never escape from poetry

She can only pick up the pen once again.
Hey, it's been awhile. Have a personal poem.

Thank you, poetry, for being the friend I could turn to through all these years.


I love you.
 Sep 2020 Sanek
 Sep 2020 Sanek
Oh, we’ll be going places
No traveller has ever seen
Rivers none dared to cross
Seas left unexplorred
Mountains untrodden
We’ll be doing that together
With just the essentials
Packed inside our bindles —
Hope, love, courage
To get through one end
Of the world to another
Circumnavigating to wherever
We want us to be
Us two
We are the journey.
A challenge to write a poem about the first blue thing I see. It was a blue map.

Unintentionally inspired by Dr. Seuss.

Maps are interesting.

Also, there’s a lot more to see!

Never stop seeing. Never stop living. Never stop asking.

Never stop exploring, young wayfarer.
 Aug 2020 Sanek
 Aug 2020 Sanek
We’ve got a sky full of diamonds
And you expect me to sleep?
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