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“I love you so much
that you will forever be mine”,
the Earth promised the lava,
“nobody must look at you
and you mustn't look at anyone.
I will keep you for me,
only for me,
you won't need anything
but me,
you mustn't have anything
but me.”
She locked her for years and years
deep inside her core,
happy prisoner
of a great love.
But time is a temptress
and passion
has a short life.
The volcano listened
to the lava's moans
and opened his mouth
to let her out
until the Earth
locked her up again.
It's always been like this
and even if her escape is short
under the Earth
the lava hatches
because without freedom
there's no love.

 Feb 2017 Raven
The Jester
 Feb 2017 Raven
You must've been a queen in another life
Cause you act like royalty
Holding out for a chivalrous knight
To pledge his loyalty
When you clap your hands, men fall in line
Quick to compete for their honour
So you never notice the devoted jester
Standing in the corner
" I don't want a prince on a white horse, I want a ****** that makes me laugh"
 Feb 2017 Raven
Pauline Morris
The sun was shining very bright
In my very darkest night
The stars' they misaligned
The moon I simply couldn't find
Left frozen on that August day
A blizzard of emotions in the way

Amongst the pain and agony
I found myself on bended knee
No longer able to stand
Buried in your life's sand

So now on my belly I'll crawl
Banging my head against the wall
Knowing I'll never see the light
This situation I can not fight

For you see our darkest hour
That leaves us all to cower
Rarely ever comes at night
It attacks when the day is bright
So sleeping with that gun under your pillow
Won't stop the winds of change that billow

©Pauline Russell
Take me from this silence;
This bitter-sweet end.

Break me from this cage
so you can lock me up again.

Love me 'till it's over.
Red as my blood is its stain.

Follow me over,
my love again is sent.

No pardon this man receives;
He has gone and killed his kin.

I'm ready for my judgement;
Now **** me for my sin.
Story: A jealous man kills his lover and comes to wits with his eventual death.
 Feb 2017 Raven
Sebastian Macias
There is a desperation
In the eyes of a certain few
Who know this is it
This blink of an eye in time
And after that, that's it
The eyes tell it all
The stories the storms
The winters the secrets
The whiskey the memories
Those eyes man,
They see the end of time
From books they know the past
And from their soul they have today
Tomorrow comes so fast
When you know the clock ticks
Tick tock tick tock
This is all we have and we know it
A desperation so pure
The desperation to live
To live and to forget about dying
 Feb 2017 Raven
Kayotic Tragedy
Anger in his eyes, his fist raised again
Where is the compasion? What is it that lacks in him?
Daddy, what happened to you? When did you change?
What caused you to grow heartless and deranged?
The days grow darker, mommy is gone.
Some days present battles that cannot be won.
The more violence I see, the more I wish to run
I want to go back to the old days, when time with daddy used to be fun
But the storm is raging, darkening the skies
The hits get worse the more the child cries
A man who used to be a guardian has lost his glow
And one day the child will escape his blow
 Feb 2017 Raven
Kayotic Tragedy
I once was a doll, one who was broken
Assigned to scare those who waltzed into my home
I wasn't alone, but my partner has never spoken
Her figure cold, porcelain and never roamed

I was unlike other dolls, able to move, able to speak
And at times, I only wished to gain a friend who was alive
But humans as I have learned are rude and quite unique
But none wished to remain with me, I wonder why?

At one time I was as sweet as Candy
Until I let out my Cin
Started off playing games, those which I considered handy
Until they never stopped them from leaving, then I could feel my other side kicking in
She was mean, heartless should I say
And she was not one to accept people, she made them go away

Now I sit alongside my frozen friend
Waiting until I too, meet my frozen end
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