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Sally Soe Jan 2015
I could learn to love you,
but that’s not the point.
It should burst out of my ribcage
With flowers and knives
Beautiful and bleeding
Singing with joy and
The pain of bullet wounds.

If we learned anything from love,
Maybe we wouldn’t love at all.
Sally Soe Jul 2014
I told him that my soul was tired
but he didn't understand
How can you explain to someone that your light is dimming?
That the lightbulb is burning out
and the only way to change it is to sleep
is to sleep
or to rip open your chest
with a scream and a knife
and to pull out the monster within
who's reading his book in your light
your precious light
How do you explain this?
and then explain that you can't
You Can't
because he lives
and you can only sleep
Sally Soe Sep 2012
That was
cool waves tickling the soles of my feet
a favourite spot to sit, nestled with a book and steaming cup of joe
the glowing smile of a parent teaching an infant to take it's first wobbly steps on this mysterious planet
Seeing an old friend
That you don't see often
It's nice
You can catch up
Rekindle old jokes
Remember that you're not alone
That's the good one
Even when everything is erupting
a volcano begging to explode
Even when you think you're so very alone
lost in a crowd of 7 billion faces
Begging to fit in
Dying to stand out
You're not
There's someone
You might not expect it
Think they're gone
It's nice
Just plain nice
Sally Soe Sep 2012
I went to your old house today
It's still standing
Incase you were wondering
I didn't go in
I just parked there
You're still there
Kind of
It's as if your laughter is still reverberating
Waves from your being are still coming outwards
I want to grab one
I want to hold it and never let go
But it's not the same
It's not you
I didn't love you
Not in That Way
But I loved you still
There's no closure
for losing a friend
for losing the smile
for losing the laugh
I wish the house was gone
That you could be erased from there
Because it reminds me of you
of missing you
And I'm not ready
to deal with that
one day
I hope you visit
Because waves
and reverberations
will never do
A close friend of mine recently moved away to University... unfortunately his family also moved away, which means he won't be back over holidays. It's a harsh reality of growing up.
Sally Soe Sep 2012
Da n  pen
do sn t  wo k
I  gue s  th  tho u hts  are  stay ng  in
t e  id a  pr bably
suc ed
so  w atev r
dam   pen
*A pencil's just not the same
Sally Soe Sep 2012
I am from first impressions as shaky feet grip unstable rock. The path winds endlessly in front of you with unsure direction. Moss devours the cool, ancient limestone. A satisfying crunch echos with each determined footstep over dried and fallen leaves. Sometimes not knowing where you are headed leads to the best destinations.
I am from beauty everywhere. For what is not beautiful in it’s own dilapidated way? Certainly the sun, setting over silent waters in a rainbow of peaches and soft yellows, is astonishing. But is not the misshapen tree, aged and withered with time, as pleasing to the eyes? Time has beaten and bruised it, and it still stands proudly, bearing every single perfect imperfection, for the world to see.
I am from adventure. Standing somewhere that no one has stood. Seeing something that no one has seen. Living something that no one, not a single person, has lived before you.
I am from a rocky cliff face. With water slowly deteriorating nature’s well-seen splendor. It seems that too many have made their way into the daunting dark cave, squealing with childish delight as they fly off the unsteady ledges. Yet every time you see it, it manages to feel like you are the first one who has ever set foot in that cool sea-cave.
I am from blend out, not in.
I am from water and time carved boulders. Not one the same as the next. Beaten by the endless undulating waves from an ever-full lake. Each one has a story a few million years long. Each fracture, crack, hole, scratch and blemish is just another page to a book still being written.
I am from what is the difference between ordinary and extraordinary? That little extra.
I am from that little extra.
I am from a warm spring night. Just listen. Can you hear it? Every lonely frog croaking, every peanut guzzling blue jay singing, every leaf dancing in the tender breeze has a story. Every footstep, every tree, every rock, every grain of sand, every soft wind has a story.
I am from I never want to put down this book.
A personal favourite of mine - written last year for a school project. The idea was that each line began with "I am from" followed by a description of something that defines your life. Mine is mostly places, ideas, thoughts. I went outside the box, instead of describing my favourite food, I described my favourite feelings.
Sally Soe Sep 2012
Hello there,
New Friend
still not sure what to make of your presence
I like it
I think
I don't want you to get the wrong idea
New Friend
I don't want you to get the wrong idea
that were aren't just Friends
that we might hold hands
that we might spend time
getting to know each other
really getting to know each other
not like Friends
New Friend
please stay
don't go
New Friend
don't go muddling this up
don't go whispering sweet nothings
don't go away
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