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Hunter Oct 2019
Thank you for making me the happiest man alive.
In fact thanking for making a man out of me,
Keeping me in check.
Thank you most of all for being you
Hunter Sep 2019
All the animals from the zoo,
They fill my gut when I hear your voice,
A heart that's young and beautiful.

I don’t really care,
About the funny way you wear your hair,
Bed head or not.

Every **** day,
I listen to the goofy things you say,
I hope you never change your ways.

Just love me,
There’s nothing else you need to give me,
Until the day you wear that ring from me,
Either way you’re everything to me.
You are everything
Hunter Sep 2019
I don't need you to brag about me,
Nor post about me.
Keep me in your pocket if you'd like,
It won't make me feel any different.

I don't need to be a gold trophy you raise over your head,
I don't need to be anything fancy.

Just make me the laces on your shoes,
So when you leave I go with you.
Make a music box,
So you can feel enlightened.
Make me into a medallion so I can possess victory,
Nothing flashy so I can have some dignity.
Make me into a locket around your neck,
So I can possess a picture of the man who made you feel the best.

You aren't one to search for gold,
I think that's why I'll always love you.
Don't make me into another excuse.
All I can feel is that your love makes me feel alive.
I don't need to be posted on instagram or snap to feel loved, as much as I'd like it I don't need it to prove to me that you love me. Just don't forget about me when you move, keep me close to your heart and let me follow you to the ends of the earth.
Hunter Sep 2019
I'm trying to be genuinely happy
Hunter Sep 2019
I take three long hits.
For a moment my lungs fill up,
The nicotine hits my brain,
And for a moment.
I forget how to breathe,
Like I’m suffocating.
Do It every night
Hunter Mar 2020
My mood is like the ocean.
My happiness comes and goes,
Just the like the tide.
My anxiety comes crashing down,
Similar to the waves.
Meanwhile everything seems to pull me under,
Same as the water would.
Hunter Sep 2019
I’m throwing in the rag,
I’m out of ***** to give.
My defeat is a temporary solution,
It’s what I gave up is permanent.

Things aren’t going well,
But I can’t help but go with it.
I’m making my white flag.
I don't know
Hunter Sep 2019
I wish I could play beautiful songs on piano,
Play unforgettable by King Cole.
Show my love through the ballads.

I wish I could play guitar better,
Play because by Elvis,
Show that I love you for who you are.

I wish I could sing,
Sing La Vie En Rose by Edith,
Show how much color you bring to my world.

If I could do all these,
I’d sit in bars and strum out chords.
Sing out words.
Words and chords to bring you back to my arms,
Words and chords to make you feel loved,
Words and chords to show you forever and always.
My love adores music, especially piano and lovely voices. Sometimes I wish I was better at these things, So thats why I'm trying improve my skills at these to show my love to her through arts she adores
Hunter Sep 2019
Despite my wrongs,
and the bridges I've burned.
I will make this a life worth living,
and one for the books.

— The End —