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  Sep 2014 Shanijua
Life has always seemed dark
the struggles made me
lose hope in everything

After a long streak of bad luck
hope" felt like a fiction
death was always on my mind
What if I just died
escape all this tragedy

Now i can see a light
not the one at the end of the tunnel
but just a light
the one that tells me good things are supposed to happen
not meant to happen

I can't hope for anything
my hope was swept away
but i feel like the light is telling me
*God has not forsaken you
  Sep 2014 Shanijua
Lara Wan
you waited for the moment
when everything felt right
and you've finally decided
that tonight is the night
maybe you bought her a rose
or chocolates, who knows?
you walk up to her doorstep
you knock her door
she opens it and smiles
like the other times before
your heart beats faster
but somehow you smile as well
her eyes twinkle like stars
indeed it's time, you can tell
but when the words escaped your lips
her eyes lost their shine
and her smile disappeared
when you told her, "Be mine."
She frowned and said, "I'm sorry."
and she need not say more
you know what's to come
you've been through this before
you force another smile
and say that it's fine
but it hurts just as much
as it did the first time
  Sep 2014 Shanijua
Welcome to our society!
Were you will be judged on your skin color, what you look like,  how you talk,  how you look, how you dress,  what kind of music you listen to, what kind of house/car you have, you body shape and size,  your talents,  and everything else.
Hope you enjoy your stay! !)
Shanijua Sep 2014
Derpression is slowly creeping back into my system and I do not know how to stop it. Lord, please help me.
  Sep 2014 Shanijua
Sequoi devare eley
The voices in my head are crazy they yell at me
Bark at me scream at me I guess their all the same
I try not to listen it doesn't work they scream
My name, I scream "STOP IT""STOP IT PLEASE ""WHAT DID I DO WRONG" they torment me call out to me
Drive me, crazy what to do what to do
I look into the fire and see my future
I'm burning, dying and the voices laugh at me, they carry a tone, a tone of jolly, and cruelty,  
The voices yell at me, scream at me
The voices **** me
I can't  be saved
I'm already dead
Their is silence
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