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(means 'peace' in Nigeria)

What is in a name?
Sometimes it is a story.
Sometimes it is just a dream.
Your story began,
as many stories do these days,
"The men came and they...
     burned my village-
     ***** my girls-
     killed my husband-
     cut off my *******.
     I ran away-
     through the bush-
     found a ship-
     crossed the sea-
     and then they put me in here..."
I read your story,
then had to put the book down-
especially when I could see
the woman with no name,
a woman who had no papers
to prove she was real,
dangling from the rafters,
chain gripping her neck
in a breathless embrace;
her feet swaying
showing her nakedness,
her paperless demise.
You told how she peed herself at the end.
Her once life a liquid puddle on the floor.
And I couldn't read anymore,
her image burned too brightly.
Even tears could not ease the realization
the cold-chained grip
was more loving
than living her life,
than being forced to return home,
facing the way every story began-
"the men came and they..."
Your story didn't stop there,
it refused to be quiet
and held me close,
as page after page
revealed more of your life;
made me question my humanity.
You gave me your secret,
whispered it in my ear
and asked,
"would you cut off your finger
for the likes of me"?
"Would you dowse the flames of oppression
with the redness of your blood?"
"Would you fall on the enemies sword,
let it rip out your beating heart"?
"Would you give your all to change the world"?
"Would you, would you?"
You gave me your secret,
whispered it in my ear...
You gave me your name.
You gave me your story
and more, you gave me
a dream, a reason to live.

~~redzone (Aztec Warrior)1.18.2011
(as you can see, wrote this poem a few years ago
using a different pen name)
written after read the book "Little Bee" by Chris Cleve.
It's a very good bookand I think they were going to
make it into a movie. I recommend reading it, though I think his
ending is simplistic and doesn't get at the root of the problem he is
writing about....

"Abdullah Thani Faris al Andzi lost both his legs in a U.S. bombing campaign in Afghanistan while he was employed as a humanitarian aide worker. After his first leg was amputated, he was arrested by bounty hunters and turned over to U.S. forces. While in custody, his second leg was amputated. He has been held at Guantanamo since 2002, where he has received inadequate medical treatment and often been forced to walk using prosthetic limbs held together only with duct tape."
- from "poems from Guantanamo: the Detainees Speak"


As the bombs rain,
they tell us they are for peace.
So I ask them:
Do flowers bloom
or grass grow
held in such chains;
or seeing humans
suffer such pains?
Mountains weep,
and I speak in tear filled oceans,
whose ebb and flow
erode my beach of hope;
all I have left are curses
told in Arabic qasid verses.
As the bombs rain,
ripping apart innocent people's limbs,
they say they are for peace.
And I ask:
will birds fly
and sing their songs,
or will they,
like so many of us,
have only plastic legs
held together with duct tape?

~~redzone (Aztec Warrior) 9.23.10
(Another earlier poem I wrote using a different pen name)
Even after promise after promise of release and proven innocence there are still over 100 detainees at Guantanamo (Gitmo)... everything about this represents war crimes and crimes against humanity... but the U.S. has never ever stood for anything but crimes against humanity...

It was exactly a year ago
Same day, around same time
I can't forget the moment
YOU leaned over me
To say something and smiled
And I smelled YOU,
Your breathe, your being
So close, You were so intoxicating
Like a ever open doors of heaven

And Then, there was sunshine
From that day on... in my LIFE
There were flowers blooming all around me
When I watched the sky in the night
There were sparkling stars around the moon

I remember it very distinctly
The MAGIC happened!
Your LOVE transmitted to me
Your LOVE energy injected within me
Through your breathe, your eyes,
Your smiles, your touch
Your fragrance spread all inside me
From your soul to my soul

The Alchemy of LOVE begins
Then and there
To never END ever...

[Remember the date, today...

YOU: so aromatic, so beautiful
So intelligent, full of wisdom
I still carry that MIRACLE
Of Your being
Everyday, Everywhere
Within my body, blood streams
My breathe & My soul
My eyes, nose and lips
The way I see things
The way I think
I think as YOU

Only a few are blessed
To be around YOU in this life-time
To experience LUNA like you
I'm destined one of them
I'm most aware of your LOVE being
My soul-antennas picked up
All the right signals and vibrations
That many miss even after living besides you
(Through their clouded
Screen of intelligent minds)

That's why I keep on telling you
"Drop the mind
Use your heart"

And YES, you surely did..
Remember the times...?
When you dropped your mind
For a while
We shared a crackling chemistry
Like two bodies one soul
That no other person on earth can equate
Our joy and laughter together

Since then... till now
I've given you nothing else but
And continue doing so
Till my last breathe

Only my death
can remove your being
From mine

Same Time, Same Date
Every Year
Till I DIE

I pierced my ear today.
        Emphasis on the I.
I bought supplies,
     took the needle,
     and pierced my skin.
Then cartilage and skin again.
Put the earring in and locked it up.
Cleaned up blood with watered down
I pierced my ear today
                         to get a safer rush of pain.
**** this brain that controls my actions.
Send my soul to hell,
it may as well live there.
**** the body I loathe so much.
This ****** mixture of mind, body, and soul…
It’s such an *******.
I want to thank all of you who have read my poem "I Fell In Love With You" (POEM 99). I am truly amazed that so many of you fellow poets have found this poem to your liking, re-posted, left comments or just read.

I will do my best to read and comment on your poetry, to visit and say HI in some way over the next few days.

For a lot of you, and me as well, writing poetry is like breathing air, we would die if we didn't (not sure who said this first, don't think it was a poet, but an author), perhaps not literally, but definitely inside we would be dead. So for me your reading and all is like fresh air and I am amazed and humbled by all of you.

Thank you.
okay, now lets all write like there was no tomorrow... and have a few beers (or whatever you drink) on me.. hell even throw them on me if you want!! lol ;0)
Take These Songs*

Songs flow through me
falling slowly in time
and these memories;
are they dreams,
are they true,
or fleeting fantasies of you.
If you want me
then reach out and touch me.
I am here
within your sighs,
within your melodies.
So take these songs
and take me home
there’s still the time to fly.

Aztec Warrior 12.9.15

(Inspired by the movie “Once”)
enjoy the music:  "Falling Slowly" from the movie "Once"
Just because I'm an atheist,
doesn't mean I lack morality.
In fact, my morality
is what I pride myself on.
I have this strong urgency
to love everyone
because I refuse to listen to
the God of discrimination.
I certainly don't need a book
that condones ****, slavery,
misogyny, and genocide
to teach me right from wrong.

Just because I'm an atheist,
doesn't mean my life has no meaning
It just means I have
the freedom to choose my own.
I have value
because I know how
to be a giving person
without having to be tempted
with eternal bliss.
If you're only being helpful
to others due to a promised reward,
does it not cease to
be a good deed?

Just because I'm an atheist,
doesn't mean I have no one
to look up to.
God doesn't create us,
women do.
And why the hell
can't I praise a goddess?
We are creating misogyny
young, claiming that
little girls are always to
put a him first,
instead of themselves.

Just because I'm an atheist,
doesn't mean I hate God.
It's impossible that which
you do not believe exists.
And I desperately don't want
him to exist, because if he does,
then that means he doesn't care,
that he's okay with
watching me suffer.
I don't need any more
people letting me down.

Just because I'm an atheist,
doesn't mean I worship the devil.
It's impossible to worship
that which you do not
believe exists.
But if he did exist,
then I would embrace him
at hells entrance -
tell him I too know what it's like
to be turned into something evil.
Thank him for taking all
the rejected souls that God
turned away without a second glance
Remind him that losing
something good can win you
something great.

Just because I'm an atheist,
doesn't mean I think
Billy Graham is a *******.
No, I actually do
think Billy Graham is a *******.
Anyone who has the audacity
to claim God wanted
marriage to be between
a man and a woman,
when marriage was constructed
long before Christianity was,
doesn't deserve to be
preaching to our children.
This is indoctrination
of the worst kind.

Just because I'm an atheist,
doesn't mean I hate religious people,
only what they preach.
I'm tired of people blanketing
their bigotry with
"religious freedom"
and getting away with it.
If you build a fire
to warm yourself,
and end up burning down
someone's home,
your warmth doesn't bring
their house back.
And it doesn't let you off
the hook for accountability....
Unless you're a Christian
because America was founded
on Christian morals, right?
***** John Adams who says
"The Government of the
United States of America
is not in any sense founded on
the Christian religion."
Or Thomas Jefferson
who encourages you to
"Question with boldness
even the existence of a god."
Or James Madison who once said
"Christianity's fruits are
superstition, bigotry,
and persecution."
But what do the
founding fathers know anyway?
This nation was created only
for those deemed worthy,
those who never realize
they have the right to
think for themselves.

Just because I'm an atheist,
doesn't mean I have all the answers.
But neither do you.
POEM 101
Devouring You In Poetry**

I awake to tangerine,
red licorice skies
staring at me with
chocolate covered caramel eyes,
creating apple spiced flavored,
cotton candied words
that kaleidoscope
off my tongue,
down my chin
moving my finger tips
to drip
gooey marshmallow
and smiling butterscotch words
across your lavender scented,
sleeping rhythmically
cherry cream *******.
With desirous morning sighs
your blueberry lips,
and open arms
invite me in;
into your humid jungle folds
to bathe in your gorges
and waterfalls,
unleashing my coppery nouns,
my amethyst adjectives
into your liquid opal synonyms,
devouring me in your rich tones
of ****** poetry.
With our metaphors
deliciously spent,
and a golden sun
rising toward the moon,
you nestle even closer
and whisper
in alive, wild poppy hues,
“tonight, my love, fill me with haiku,
as I come to you in sonnets.

Aztec Warrior 12.11.15
it's Friday....
enjoy the music:  Madonna, "Fever"  from her ''Erotica" albumn
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