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Renée Brookes Feb 2017
The color of royalty claims her,
a purple pool of shadow.
She is majestic,
her wings spread to be the size of the earth.
Her unique display captivates
as she sits and as in motion.
She is limitless.

I think I can love her.

The color of the skies cloak her,
the stars her favorite.
She is free,
unbound to soar every inch of this world.
Her eyes pierce into my very existence
seeing all that I am.
She is timeless.

I AM in love with her..

I want her all to myself.
I NEED her all to myself,
to love the only way I know how.
I cut off her wings and throw her in a cage.

Now she can be, MY Queen.
I wrote this in the perspective of my boyfriend.
Renée Brookes Feb 2017
Does not mean I am a *****.
Yes, ******* is fun. Bianca tells me so,
Greg too, and his crew.
You think so,
we all do, but I want more.

It all starts the same, with an ordinary encounter.
She starts with her name and where she's come from.
I want to hear about her life;
her home/ her heart.
You know that saying.

I can feel curiosity filling me,
The ropes of our bond tighten with each word.
I ask him questions, just to hear him speak.
I stare deep; behind his eyes, undivided.

His company gives me purpose,
Gives me ecstasy.

I can see her everything.
The walls she's built, tore down to rebuild;
The preciousness of what she protects.

We are nothing but human.
We need love, companionship, friendship.
That does not make me a *****.
Renée Brookes Feb 2017
Strip me of my rights, my Liberty,
I do not wish to be free.
I need direction, a director, a commander.
I will follow you blind.

Deprive me of my senses,
We both only want to feel.

I want to feel helpless,
Restrained to my knees.
I need to feel pain,
Whipped until crimson.
I hope to feel exploited,
Pushed into ******.
I feel satisfaction,
Permission to hear yours?

You are my commander.

I am trained well into compliance.
You reward me in throbs,
Deep pulses from inside.

The motions are familiar but u are entirely different.
You can surprise me, excite me, command me; a formidable leader.
You give me everything,
all that I can feel.
All that I need to feel, alive.

— The End —