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 Mar 2023 Colten
I am not the moon
And you are not the stars
We are simply two beings in love
But our love is something so rare
The moon and stars are jealous
 Mar 2023 Colten
How am I?
Is the question you ask
But it seems I can't find the answer
Maybe the answer is I feel everything
Drowning with emotions I can't keep in
But then feeling nothing at all
Starving for water that isn't coming
But you don't care  
So my answer is
'I'm fine'
 Jun 2019 Colten
Too Hard
 Jun 2019 Colten
I am afraid of lots of things
But mostly of myself
Because I love
Too hard
And I fall
Too hard
And I hit the ground
Too hard
I’m not sure I can get up this time
 Jun 2019 Colten
I dream of you
of your eyes filled with light happiness
of your smile that shines bright as the sun
of your laugh that lifts my heart
of your touch that I seem to crave for more
but I awake every morning
missing you more than words I can tell
I lie there waiting for the dream to pass
then wait for the heartache and loneliness that follows
after I dream of you

— The End —