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Q Feb 2014
Earth may try to break you
And Life, she'll try to take you
Love may live without you
And Silence my let the pain through

But Nature will love you kindly
And restore all you've lost
You're a creature of the Earth
Of nature hard and soft

Stress may do you badly
And Anxiety may wrack your bones
Apathy may take you gladly
And Tears may drag you from home

But Wind and Water will grow you
Laughter and Love will heal you
The Sun will hold and cradle you
And let Joy come through

Don't let the Fire take you
Don't follow behind Regret
You're a spirit of Nature herself
An Earth sprite born and bred.
Q Feb 2014
Half past nine
And the night feels so young
Despite eyelids too heavy to open

On the tip of the tongue
And tapping fingers on keys.

Thoughts prevail wrapped in affection
And the door to originality is awry
Affection and Muse mix seamlessly.

Confusion in delusions
What could and should scrape by
The heart and the pen are insoluble.

Panic within existentialism
No words come to mind
Affection is not Muse.

Separation of heart and hand
Leave old alliances behind
For Muse or for Affection?
I was told never to confuse muse for affection. It is a rather troubling thing to do.
Q Feb 2014
It boggles the simple mind
That one such as you exists.

Adoration, Admiration, Awe, and Respect.

Like water through the deepest valley
Or snow on the highest peak
You exude creativity
So brilliantly bright and clean.

It baffles the simple soul
That one like you remains unknown.

Humility, Modesty, Understanding, Calm.

You're a quiet shock to the system
Of what society's expected
You're a reflection of a vision
Of a utopia unblemished.
Literally, I have never met someone so inspiring.
Q Jan 2014
Is it you within that smile
That shows so very fake?
Is it you behind the pages of that book
And no one sees your face?
Is it you behind the crinkle of your eyes
Are the lines from laughter or tears?
Is it you behind these expectations
Your voice that no one hears?
The world isn't waiting
The world cares not at all.
The world isn't waiting.
You choose to rise or fall.
Q Jan 2014
The almost whispering scratch
Of your pen upon a paper
As you feel creativity's beckoning
Calls and calms the muse.
There have been others
So volatile, so crass
And everything made with them in mind
But you who calms my Muse,
The phrases flow like water
And the letters dance like whispers of wind.
Through your spark
Does my own creativity wonder
And take flight.
Ever-present beauty lives in what you create
And every word is a melody
The silent sound of the breath in your lungs
Begets a kind of sanity.
There have been others
And all that was made for them
Is ravaged by the hands of madness
But you who calms my muse
Contents my soul's cry
And allows my creative heart to fly.
In the purest sense of inspiration,
In the most surreal, ethereality of existence
Words respond and gravitate to the paper
Liberating themselves in sentences.
There have been others
And then there is you
And there will be others
*But then, there is you
Q Jan 2014
It seems to be
All fallacies
Of things to be
That I'll never get the chance to see.

Jive and jeer
Laugh and sneer
A cough, a wheeze
Laughing at me
And all my pleas
I know in truth I'll never be free

But to clarify, don't let vague by, description of the fallen
Every molecule I'm made of has an infection, a problem.

Is it in my brain, I wonder?
Because even I'm afraid to check.
You've seen my anger, my fury
And my graphic imaginings of death.
And the jealousy that festers
And the perversions that I flaunt
And the lengths I would go
Simply to get what I want.

I've spoken of Misophonia
(God, I hate my ears)
I've explained how every sound
Causes abject anger or fear.
I've talked of how my brain
Just doesn't understand
A single 'trigger' noise and
I've either screamed or ran.

I've discussed my depression
I've described why and how I cut
I explained that my Heart wants blood
Though my Brain screams 'Enough'
I've mentioned my memory lapses
That are no longer quite selective
How the line of my memories aren't
Sequential; aren't consecutive.

I've written and erased just how lonely I am
I've written of tears through tears
I've written of hurt and of love
And even hope, or maybe fear.
I've written my family whom I hate to love
I've written my desire to be owned and kept
I've written my straying from beliefs and religion
I've written ****-themes of what has and hasn't happened yet

I've written my thoughts: why was my life like this?
I've written my thoughts: can I be someone else?
I've written my thoughts: can you change my colour?
I've written my thoughts: why wasn't I born male?
I've typed my heart: someone somewhere is gonna love you.
I've typed my soul: no one needs to see it.
I've typed my mind: you're useless, ugly, crass
I've typed the facts: I'm a *******.

And that's only a fraction of my brain.
Only a portion of what hurts.
That's only a taste of what makes me insane.
A glimpse of a wasteland of dust and dirt.
We'll go no farther there, not today
We've much more to explore.
It's not safe in my brain at all
But, perhaps later, we'll see more.

Now the problem could lie on my skin.
That's riddled with scars and life.
My skin that tells a story
Of pain, of hate, of strife.
My skin, god I always hated it
The color, the scarring, the texture
There's not a **** thing about it
That doesn't make me feel lesser.

My skin, you don't understand
My skin makes me, me.
My skin, you don't comprehend!
Color is all you see.
I was raised to be wary
Of everything, alive or dead
But skin was the selling point
I was the monster under my bed.

My skin explains stories
I never thought to tell
My skin holds trauma
In every atom, every cell
My skin is calloused
From scars and hurt and work
Like an ever-present melody
It's driving me berserk.

But the problem may be in my organs
Perhaps inside my lungs.
I remember at thirteen I felt trauma
And almost picked up and fired a gun.
But instead I chose a lighter and
A stick filled with cancer
Instead I ****** up my voice
Just so I wouldn't remember.

Maybe it's in my heart
With its irregular beating
And the constant stress
Chilling and overheating.
The unending adrenaline
The paranoia never stops
The suicide attempts
I'm sure my heart's about to pop.

And yet I may never know
There's too many issues
Every molecule I own
Needs to be made anew.
This was a checkup
And a shoddy one at best
But should I ever go in-depth
I'll write it all, I'll write the rest.
Q Jan 2014
Friends we are
Friends we will be
We began as such
It's now habit for me

Friends we were
But you want more
You'll never confess
I'll never implore.

I'm addicted to my habits
And friendship is habitual
If 'friends' lasts awhile
I'll stick to the ritual.

So catch me fast
Before 'more' is scary
And make it last
So you'll always have me.
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