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 Jul 2014 Pushing Daisies
am just a picture on a screen
waiting to be liked
and it's funny how this is so much like real life
all we want is to be liked
but when your boyfriend likes that girls picture
your heart is broken

am just an update
every single post
boosts my self esteem
even though i feel like it's sinking
but i have 200 followers
might as well keep going
until i'm all drained out

and i would walk out in what God has for me
but i
am just a little picture on a computer screen
for someone to like me
 Jul 2014 Pushing Daisies
Mr Curlew stutters complaints
just outside the window;
it will take another curlew
to understand its complexity
Being Human I can only guess
because its outside my window
it must be something to do with me
I let go of it all,
and now feel happy, so free
like a bird, that soars high
leaving its nest
to the wind's whim.
In the space it is
all by itself
but so happy,
I am sure
or else, why does it fly
so high, again and again?

Material things
make me stick to life,
they are
like chewed gum,
a peculiar pleasure in chewing
although sweetness gone,
seeking permanence in life.

I no longer possess
that owning attitude
to anything, near or far
in the heart have disowned
all greed of the heart
conditioned all desires
to say "no" to anything binding.
No chewing gums in my mouth!

Disowned everything binding,
Now I own life
it coils to me
we are lovers
in freedom alone.
 Jul 2014 Pushing Daisies
Don't waste a second.
Look at her face
Memorize it.
Touch every inch of her
As if she is the most beautiful
Perfect thing ever to grace your presence.
Laugh with her
But always make sure you watch her laugh
So that you can save up those sunny memories
For the rainy days of your life.
Buy her things.
Give her anything and everything she wants
Things she would never ask for
That you know would make her smile
Give her everything you can
Every single day.
Hold her when she's sad.
Wipe her tears away.
Forgive her when she is cruel-
Life has been unkind to her.
Understand when she is petty.
She does not trust easily.
Don't waste a second.
If you fight
And you will fight
Because if you do all of this for her
She will be afraid to love you without hating you
If you fight
Let her win.
Nothing is more important than her kiss
Her arms
Her smile.
No pride is worth losing that.
No argument is worth knowing that someone else will be the cause of her laughter
Because she has turned away from you.
When you sleep next to her,
Put your arm around her.
When you wake up
Look at her for a moment in the morning light
Because it catches the gold in her skin and makes her glow
Like she is dawn itself
And it shadows the little space just under her lips
Making her look young and peaceful.
Don't forget that look.
Don't forget how lovely she is,
How alive,
How inspiring.
Don't let your time with her
Dull your wonder for her.
Have something so incredible.
And if someday she leaves you
And you are hurt
Forgive her.
Treasure her.
Treasure the time you got.
Comfort yourself with the fact that you DID these things,
That you gave of yourself
So utterly and so purely
That a part of you will always be with her.
Love like that
Never really leaves.
If she leaves you,
Try to let her leave.
You won't want to.
You will feel like someone is ripping your heart out
With the veins still attached and stretching.
You will want to hate her
And you will be sick with wishing you didn't.
But if she leaves you,
Try to love her anyway.
She is...
She's like the sun.
You will
Get burned.
There is no way around it.
But without the sun
No life exists.
No beauty.
No warmth.
No pleasure.
No growth.
No us.
She is brutal
And she is beautiful
And she is
The most incredible thing
You will ever touch
So touch her
Touch her as often and as gently as you can.
Make her feel loved.
Let her feel free.
Do whatever it is that you can do
That I can't.
You will never read this
But I hope you hear it somehow.
Is your chance.
This is your chance to love the woman of your life.
The person who will change everything.
The girl the universe revolves around.
This is your moment to give her
Whatever you can
And hope it is
Waste it.

 Jul 2014 Pushing Daisies
singing goes on all night
the birds down the shore;
their notes clear as the nightlight
which is daylight encroaching
increasing the yield potential of a crop
has been the aim of Monsanto
with great efficiency
this company has hit on a jackpot
it holds a monopoly on agricultural products
yet Monsanto are selling
a very dodgy line of seeds
the cornmeal and wheat
has not a taste
which is truly sweet
people must become educated
in what they eat
the Monsanto Company
don't tell of adverse findings
about products that it vends
they bring many cancers
which affect men women and children
we all want a wholesome loaf of bread
one that hasn't had it wheat
genetically tampered with
we all deserve clean and unadulterated
food on our plates
to decrease those ever rising
cancer rates
Monsanto is a company
who cares little for our health
Monsanto is a company
who has only an interest
in making profits and wealth
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