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CJ M Aug 2015
Where the hell am I?
what's going on?
I can't tell anymore. I feel like I'm in the middle of a spiraling atmosphere. I sink into the couch like a black hole and stick there, smiling at passersby as they look at me and smile in confusion and disconnect of my thoughts
Smile no more, I'm uninterested in petty conversation, don't feel like cutely arguing with the brunette by the grandfather clock, spilling whatever's in her cup on her bra, forcing looks from perverse passersby. I'd rather be chilling on the computer typing a poem in the middle of the dark in a room with no furniture and listening to music that I can't relate to.
Smiling at the crowd as my spirit warms enough to politely leave, I stand up and blink. Immediately, the vision of the crowd disperses, I see nothing but the light emitting from the laptop on the floor. I look around, blinking more.
Where did they go?
Where am I?
I'm back to the start, back in my unfurnished room, alone in the dark as the street lights shine in through the cracked blinds. I shake my head in realization. It was a mirage, nothing happened, all of my insistence on leaving was for an event that never happened.
I shrink to the floor and lie down,hand on my head in frustration. I want the scene, I want to want to leave from somewhere rather than not be anywhere. So I pick up the laptop and tap a few keys, sending me to lover's land as I effortlessly type more and more of stories long forgotten. I wish It would stop, wish I could stop loathing in self-withdrawal and become more than I feel.
**** these visions, **** these thoughts, let me slip past them and get comfortable, let go of my mind and allow me to become less concerned, let me be lonely in mind again.
I don't honestly know again
CJ M Aug 2015
I want to lick your tears away
Replace the feeling of sadness with a feeling of lust,
A feeling of love
Or something,
To take away the pain you feel
CJ M Aug 2015
I- I want to know love.
I want to know you.
so I'll suppress my fear to ask if I can kiss you.

I want to know us.
To know what's in your mind.
To be the firm shoulder that you lean on from behind.

I want to now intelligence, though ignorance be bliss.
To be educated in you, my love, which is why I ask of this.

Can I have a kiss?
don't know anymore lol
CJ M Aug 2015
I have a confession. I feel empty.Like I've been struck down with the burden of keeping myself afloat as if I were in the middle of water.
What is this cruel fate?

When I sleep, it feels like purgatory. When I eat, it's my last meal. When I think of the things I've lost, no remorse and no regret of the past, just fear of the future.
But why? Why should I victimize myself when there's so much to be done? Why should I sting myself in the shoulder when I know the heart's the best place to ensure demise? Why should I consider myself lucky when I'm told bad news when I know it's only a matter of time before I'm next?
There's mo more thoughts in my brain that I can feel.

Tangible emotion.

I've lost it, I can't touch what I feel anymore. Love, ***, anger, sadness, death, abuse. All foreign to me as if I've not been an attempt of a guinea pig to each and every one of them.
I don't even know myself, even as I read these words, they look to be in another language, I can only see what I'm typing, I can't feel it.


I realize that though I'm not, I'm alone in this world, maybe not in number, but certainly in spirit and thought. I haven't an associate that I can speak frank to, and each relative has a certain speech with me: a certain voice and certain word usage. Some consider that to be fake, I consider it to be me.
But alas, I have lost my way on my path, my mind and soul now belong to the abyss that swirls uncontrollably spiraling downward, landing me face-down on the floor of endless falling.
Where am I? What am I? I guess when my decent is finished, I may finally find my answers in the pits of time, the pits of the beginning, the pits of my own creation...
The Pit of the abyss in my consciousness.
Who am I to be told what and who I am? I shall not know, but what I do know is that everyday I grow emptier and emptier, dry like a plant in the sun too long, more useless than old bones and thrown out like the trash I accumulate. I don't know why I feel this way, but I just do.
CJ M Aug 2015
I fell in love with a profile and a personal text, does that make me weak? I fell in love with a personality rather than a person, does that make me a statistic?
I’ve never been able to form a real physical bond, yet I’m intimate with intimacy, I’m contained by caresses and blessed and blissed within a warm kiss.
I’ve wanted love from you for a while, kiss the forehead, munch the lips, tasting the love spawned physically between us. What would you think of me if you knew?
What would you say if I kissed you right now, locking lips with my love and making a show of stroking your long black hair? What would you say if I told you I loved you and wanted what was best for you? Would you listen to me, love, would you?
I long to be heard by you. Apple cinnamon, sugar sweet, so sweet to bring a pain to the heart of a double-crosser, so sweet as to bring any man to his knees in submission to you: a ghostly figure, luminous dark eyes, yellowish pearls as teeth, body fit for who it was meant, and a love as strong as the chemistry that keeps our hearts pumping and our minds alive and well.
I want you, I desire  you, I am in a state of infatuation so deep under myself it gets hard to breathe, but the only one who can help me out of this hole is you.
Let me be your poet, I’ll lust you in words oh sweet as to instantly cause cavities.
Let me be your infatuation, I light a spark in your heart and tend it until it roars into a flame, then into a fire, a fire as hot as to melt the shackles around you, around your soul.
Let me be your love. This I beg of you. I want to be your everything, your anything. I want my name to be synonymous with “heart”, I want to cause jamborees and jubilees in your mind by simply saying the phrase I’ve meant for so long to say.
I love you.
I do love you, so let me. Let me be the light in the dark tunnel. I don’t mean to open this to interpretation, I only mean to pray to be around and help you through.
Let me love you, let me love you, let me love you. Sitting as I am, with my mind in disarray, this phrase is all I can repeat.
I am bare, love, and you clothe me.
I am pained, love, and you heal me.
But I am lonely, and as of this moment, I anticipate your cure once more.
this piece was just a vent I did. I'm getting exceedingly lonely (fancy that) and so I'm just, you know, letting of a little steam.
CJ M Aug 2015
An association of two souls that makes them feel less vulnerable to the outside world. It's a different type of commitment to musiq soulchild, but some take it further.
Will you ever marry a buddy? Depends on who she is, what her motives are, and what yours are.
think hard, who is your real buddy? What do they want? Are they worthy to be yours? Are you worthy to be theirs?
No idea whatsoever lol
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