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 Apr 2020 Pagan Paul
And then there’s something tantamount to this sunbeam in these bleary times—
the wildflowers, which grow everywhere in their own paradise;
a kindergartner running by herself even a few feet away from her friends, picking dandelions,
still with a sunny smile.
The ray of light shining through the window of isolation rooms as a sign of hope from heaven.
Sparks will still flow within our hands.
To still feel the everlasting warmth of sunshine.
The light we needed to surpass this cloudy shadow of our current circumstance.
 Apr 2020 Pagan Paul
And that great love lingered
He at 22/23 -me at 18/19.
Beside me, on the left, appeared an angel in ****** form ruddy blonde
he smiled the smile I was smiling
our eyes moved scanningly about both sharing same soul.  
He was not tall neither short just like me and just perfect in manner and in form and very beautiful my twin flame soul,
a G* like heaven sent real man
a mad passionate lover was he
just like I was in his arms..

His face was so aflame that he appeared to be one of the highest rank archangels, one who seemed to be all on fire,
my ever ready honey bunny just like me by the mare sight of him;
He entered swiftly as if from a parallel reality to wriing my story down,
from a larger a beautiful world.
Mine was a small world in shambles.
My thoughts projected to his future
seeing another woman in his world
and I froze instead of fighting to earn
his love
he was really easy to win with just
the simple truth of my life the
spilling of my heart.
He was fantastic romanticaly covert.
In his hands I saw a great golden spear, and at the iron ruby tip there appeared to be a point of great fire.
This He plunged into my heart several times so that it penetrated to my entrails.
taking my breath away.

When he pulled it out I felt that he took them with it, and left me utterly consumed by the great love of such Adam's nature and the love of G.

The pain was so severe that it made me utter several moans never felt before.
The sweetness caused by this intense pain was so extreme that one cannot possibly wish it to cease, nor is one's soul content with anything but G
loving transforming passion expressed through such a man.
His kissing breath gave me life.
I was all his, body heart Spirit soul all.
This was not only physical but a spiritual pain, though the body had some share in it, even a considerable share
a lovely ingering exstasy.
Saint Teresa describes an intensely spiritual encounter in physical, even ****** terms like I did with my lover Why me and why St Teresa?
Both St Teresa and I deeply loved
and our ****** lingered.

We know that an important goal of Baroque art is to involve the viewer.  
Teresa explained her vision in this way to help to understand her extraordinary lyngering experience
just like my excstasy lingered
for both
I fell in love with one angel man
and with G* who sent him to me.
After all, being visited by an Archangel and filled with the love of G
* is no common event but it happens
as it did to me too.

Today what else to feel?
when I experienced such beautiful heavenly love in a man's arms?
who else but G* can fill that space?
I have the love and protection of G.
His Archangel did kiss me!.

I believe what is given to us that's valuable and good is more than just a blessing it is because others sacrificed their all unselfishly for our benefit.

Some people threaten lie cheat and steal to keep selfishly what they want from others for themselves enough is never enough for them, they want it all.
(this isn't me.)
is that love? Is that a blessing?

Some of us let go of loaded good ships trains castles even
because they aren't within our reach
to enjoy simply as that.

Even though, our loved ones have moved on they still have a space in us that rightfully lingers on forever.

I accepted all that heaven sent,
good along with tough through my free will or unwilling terrible decisions affecting me and everyone else.
By: Karijinbba/ Copy rights.
Inspired by St Teresa Sànchez
who had my last name she loved G

like I loved my twin soul and G
(Angelina San-Gutier)
04/16/5. Michoacan a native perupecha tribe
(A Mestiza mix- French-&Irish.)
 Apr 2020 Pagan Paul
Through the last few years in Hello poetry I met your tender caring comments becoming engraved in my heart giving me strength as I grew butterfly wings writing about my innermost feelings my truth.

I have grown more since then fond of most of you your tender grace.
I apologize if anyone of you ever felt neglected
unattended the truth is I am like you are kind of sellective
I too learned from all of your writing;
basically, your style simple, direct, and unadorned as well as the intricate mind drilling metaphorical styles
this is the beauty of HP
we simple express our inner cores
many write like myself
truth as the basis

I might not have much in common but as people I love you all regardless of being afluent or not on here.

I sincearely mean it you made my life worthwhile meaningful
and I am eternally greatful to all who crossed my lonely path
all of your ink was my teaching guide.
Before I got here I never knew I had ability of courage or strength to dig in for treassures lost and found triumph and defit a soul purifying tool.

I saw your grace your courage and jumped into the awesome pool and swam transforming by Cimi me
white as you swans gracefully swimming in rhyme with truth
swinging the ball of ink writing
and I found support intrigue
allarm and criticism competition
as well as kindness direction from the best of gifted famous poets.

I even crossed roads with my old twin soul.
indeed a blessing fullfilled.

I love you all because you are the only family I now have.
I need your tender grace kindness and understanding
stay please let's swim swinging our tennis inky rockets cheering one another
continuing infused united in gold ink
Lets praise one another awarding
Emmy statues as we remain in gold ink

K a r i j i n b b a
on April 16 is my birthday
I have had only one birthday party to celebrate my birthday
in all my life but I love
and honor myself just the same.
Happy birthday ;*)::::
dear family H.P.
 Apr 2020 Pagan Paul
Dearest precious eons old
caterpillar the playful ***** rushing swimming to the food bank a Matrix egg; birthed as babies growing to man to women to grand-parenthood transforming aging to
cross to grave in short,
what a ride bittersweet journey.
My friend, pro life I am.

Indeed we the human race are
absolutely magnificent with all the poisons we over come by air bad foods;
all the enemies we face from the womb, to the mystery of daily living.

This goes for all of mankind indeed
In this world we are born to belong!
but remain strangers dear fellow men
and women poets poetessess.

Death is so common yet so dreaded perceived untimely unnatural.
Life so delicate so graceful,
and utterly short to be marked
for pandemic depopulation.
Life is precious mysterious!

I was born pro life though couple
children were lost an RHO negative motherhood Mom maligned but
other wonderful children lived
my dearest butterflies
my fireflies beloved.
K a r i j i n b b a
beware of vaccines it may sterilize our boys and girls our children. reducing the "diverse" population
in fifty years all billions sterilized
will be no more.

naturally the very rich their kids can have many children for who forces them to mandatory killing vaccines..or to anything
naturally the wealthy thus become the mayority in due time Don't you agree??

We are in a titanic only the rich will safely not freeze.
 Apr 2020 Pagan Paul
 Apr 2020 Pagan Paul
It didn't hurt to say his name
This is it,
This is when life begins.
Can you make anything
Believable from doubt?

Only in scrabble
Worth 8 points
The word Doubt cannot be scrambled as a five letter word (but doubt can be changed)
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