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 Jan 2018 Owen C Swenson
The trenches are empty only full of fear and sorrow

The pit gets deeper everyday
Their is no sleep in the belly of the beast where all your dreams are swallowed

Looking threw the window of opportunity in days that feel they'll never see tomorrow

Clarity shows it's face in chaos like pain shows life to those grown numb

For the world will try to break your spirit we either fight or die in a battle never won.
Your flame is a candle the world wants to extinguish.
The windows are dark
Paint is chipping and faded
Life has left its mark
On this old abandoned house

There are whispers in the air
Ghosts of the past
From the people who lived here
In this old abandoned house

The roof is caving in
Allowing rain to sodden the interior
Creaky floors squealing in distress
In this old abandoned house

Shadows wander room to room
Some crying, others silent
Life for them wasn't fair
In this old abandoned house

Ignored within the neighborhood
Weeds overgrowing
Hiding the path
To this old abandoned house

Always in the dark
Shaded by trees of willow
Drooping down to hide
This old abandoned house
I broke bread with you
But you ran off with the butter
Was I
Mister melt my face
Crayola man
Dripping wax
Wherever I can
Head caved in
Rivers of colors
That skimmed
The inside hem
Of my skull
Mind hijacked
By the abstract
Not facts but that
Which painted the world
All shades from black
To light and prism split
Rainbow dreams
That turned to ****
Tears that cooled
This freaking mess
While I dyed my flesh
Pink, red, and bluish bruised
In such deep distress
 Apr 2017 Owen C Swenson
Deep defined distress
Flirting with sleeps mistress
Deadly sins devour
The simple minded
Trying to weigh in
On the balance of power
Dont sleep
This feeling i have is low
Chapter six write it down
"You reap what you sow"
 Apr 2017 Owen C Swenson
There is more beauty in the steam
coming out of my coffee machine
Than there is in a Monet
At least with my lonely eyes
it seems that way
When the sink drips its drops
To me it is art
Maybe cause my world
Is falling apart
I tend to find beauty in odd things
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