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 Dec 2015 Olivia L
 Dec 2015 Olivia L
We've done this before,
You and I

I mean, it wasn't
You and it never
Has been before but
The spirit never changes

When you look at me
I feel faint and
It's all I can do
To go to that spot where
We first met in hopes
Of finding you again

I don't know your name
Because our meeting was
Fleeting but maybe we
Could fix that, someday

Or not
 Dec 2015 Olivia L
I'm Sorry
 Dec 2015 Olivia L
I'm sorry I ran that way
I'm sorry that locomotive
Killed you on the tracks
And when I picked up the
Pieces you left behind, I
Found no way to repair you

Nothing short of God
Can mend shattered gristle
And blood spread over a million
Miles, I know that you still
Ride that train into the
Great forever

I take some comfort knowing
That you're seeing the world now
Like you said you always wanted to
Even if it's not like how we
Imagined it
 Dec 2015 Olivia L
Into Your Arms
 Dec 2015 Olivia L
We're a lost impossible
A doomed vernacular
Children of the Why and
Parents of the How;
I'm stuck between
Two ultimatums

I don't take thoughts hostage
Like my parents did and I
Won't forget the world like
Our descendants will

But I'm burning stolen time
And I don't plan on giving it back
 Dec 2015 Olivia L
You've noticed their struggles and it called to you
They just naturally gravitate towards you

And it ***** because I can feel feelings filling my body and It confuses me
Not because I'm not ready
But Because it's been awhile
I've forgotten how to react and I'm not even sure if I want them

It's taken awhile but I've finally come to the conclusion
I'm only a friend and I like it
So I will continue to fight it
These feelings that are unwanted
Are far over due
 Dec 2015 Olivia L
 Dec 2015 Olivia L
I have a theory that a new
Day begins only when you've
Had a chance to sleep after midnight
And for an added bonus, maybe
You'll wake to see the sunrise
As well

I've gone a few mornings without
Sleeping but I'm ready to put a
Big red bow on this night and
Call it a day

I mean,
Call it sacrilege but
A break is what I need
 Dec 2015 Olivia L
You're Crazy
 Dec 2015 Olivia L
I know the way you walk
On a bad day
The way your hips speak
To the wind and the way
The air listens

I can read the sway like a book
Or like a bible;
I haven't decided which yet
But I know that your eyes
Can't change my mind
No matter how hard you try

I know you're crazy;
The way your arms fly apart
Like a duck in a bird hunt
And when I walk away I know
You're falling too
The stage has always been my home.
The great curtains acting as a dome.
Memorizing lines, my get away.
Until you came and thought you would stay.
It was alright for a while,
You were everything except vile.
Soon you became by hope.
Turning my world into your  kaleidoscope.
You swept me off my feet.
I learned the kinetic theory of heat.
That was just what you were doing.
My heart you were pursuing.
The curtains acted as a dome.
Then I made you my home.

 Dec 2015 Olivia L
Take me where the sun glimmers off the beautiful blue sea.
Where the kids splash and the adolescents surf.
Where the kids prance while the hula dancers dance.
Take me to the place where everyone goes.
The beautiful get away.

I've only been there in my dreams.
It's as magical as everyone said it to be.
Long board walk beaches that seem to go to the end of the earth.
Villages built in the 1800's filled with kids that know nothing but happiness.
I aspire to be one of those kids.

Take me there so I don't have to feel like I'm drowning when I'm not even in water.
Take me because I've come bored of this place I call home.
The people who I call friends have come annoyed with me
And I'm unhappy with the ones I call family.
So take me away where I can start a new life.
I'm done here.
 Dec 2015 Olivia L
I don't know what's crossed your
Brain tonight but I know that
You shouldn't think I want you to
Know that I think highly of you

So please,
Kiss me and get it over with
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