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 Feb 2016 Olivia L
drinking and writing are much the same,
i know both by name
both become easy
when you're feeling too much

the only difference is

one is called an addiction,
the other a passion.
 Feb 2016 Olivia L
 Feb 2016 Olivia L
Let it all out
Let it breathe

If the sky can draw a breath
Then so can (*******) you

They're telling us to calm down
But it doesn't make me any more sane
 Feb 2016 Olivia L
 Feb 2016 Olivia L
GONE WITH THE SUN ON MY BACK AND THE MOONLIGHT IN MY HAIR, I proclaimed, and I left with a trace in the form of six footsteps perfectly aligned in the soil post-storm.

I PROMISE THAT ONE DAY YOU WILL FIND ME, I bade them farewell, my message scratched in stone with a knife that if it were any sharper then I swear to God time would've bent to it and not the other way around.

I LEFT YOUR MONEY IN THE FREEZER WITH THE WINE YOUR MOTHER STOLE AT HER FINAL MASS, I called back, the words rolling off my tongue like an afterthought, and this fleeting carelessness is all I wanted in life and I was ecstatic to finally achieve it.
 Feb 2016 Olivia L
"And if it takes forever,
Forever it'll be,"
I promised

And lying in the grass with
A perfect blue sky above me
I knew it had all gone to dust

And your perfect face haunted me for
Years because I began to wonder,
How could I have been so blind?
a tribute
 Feb 2016 Olivia L
I've tried to stop writing
Its full of feelings and vulnerability
Two things I no longer want to show

I tend to not show my feelings until I trick my mind into thinking I never had any
Feelings make me weak and I've grown tired of feeling weak so I'm going to stop showing them

If being tired is just another form of weakness I guess I'll open up myself once more just to finish this poem
 Feb 2016 Olivia L
Board Games
 Feb 2016 Olivia L
I feel like now playing chess
Through hasty key commands
We're on equal standing
 Feb 2016 Olivia L
Fix This
 Feb 2016 Olivia L
We were supposed to go to church
But you tried to **** us first

And I know you've gone too far and
Maybe now you can fix things for yourself
 Feb 2016 Olivia L
Sigh 2.
 Feb 2016 Olivia L
Sigh is not born from weariness,
Rather a sense that things have settled
Before they're shaken up again

A moment of rest before the rest I
Must come to weather

An instant of respite before I
Must face a lying world again

And Sigh will culminate at this
Time next year but its truth
Will follow me forever
 Feb 2016 Olivia L
God Complex
 Feb 2016 Olivia L
Don't destroy our safe haven
Because it ****** you up a bit
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