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 Apr 2015 Olivia L
Sad Case
I'm that one girl, who sits in the back of the class.
Just so I can go unnoticed, make my life last.
I always hide in my room.
Just so I don't get beaten, and bruised.
The kids at school, call me worthless, and stupid.
The teachers, say I don't try, but I do try...
I try my hardest at everything, but they don't seem to notice.
My sibling's all they do is torture me.
As if they feed off of my pain, and fear.
I'm that one girl, who only wears ear buds.
To block out the voices of anger, and hurt.
My arms, are not that clean, or neat.
I'm not pretty, and when I say that I mean it.
Maybe I'm not worth it, maybe I'm just a piece of *******.
I am stupid, and I have come to believe it.
Maybe I really don't try hard enough, and I am not trying harder.
My sibling's can feed off me all they want, I don't care anymore.
I've taken my ear buds out, and I'm listening to the screaming of hate.
Yeah my arms are cut, and they will always be cut.
Yes I am not pretty, and that's the truth.
But I am me, and that's okay.
Never before have I faced such a formidable foe as Adobe Photoshop
I give in, it has bested me.
Oh **** it, I need to make this rhyme.
Holy komodo dragons, a bee...
In America the legal age to be considered an adult is eighteen.
And were all so excited when were EIGHTEEN AT LAST
But, some of us were already grown ups.
Some of us grew up too fast.
When you're a kid
you should spend the night in your bedroom, your very own place.
When you're a kid
You shouldn't be afraid of who might come in to your room or invade your "personal space"
When you're a kid
You should have friends by the dozens
When you're a kid
You should spend the night at your friends house or your cousin's.
When you're a kid
You shouldn't spend the night at hospitals.
When you're a kid
You should't know anything about popping pills
When your'e a kid
you shouldn't be worried about paying the bills
When you're a kid
You should be spending the night on your roof under the starts.
When you're a kid
You shouldn't make your own scars
When you're a kid
you don't have to know who you are
When you're a kid
You should be a kid
When you're a kid
You shouldn't be spending the night on the street.
When you're a kid
You shouldn't get rides from any of the strangers you meet
When you're a kid
You should spend the night in a tent on a camping trip
When you're a kid
You shouldn't drink alcohol, not even a sip
When you're a kid
You shouldn't spend the night in jail
When you're a kid
You shouldn't need friends
just to pay your bail
When your a kid
You should spend the night somewhere safe
When you're an adult
you should raise
kids to be kids.

© copyrighted Nicole Ann Osborn
American Raised
 Sep 2014 Olivia L
is her abdomen showing? her shoulders are visible? her shorts just a little higher than her fingertips when her hands are by her side? is her back showing?
lets try this out. why not instead of demanding girls to change their outfits because they're a "distraction" for boys why don't we instead teach boys to keep their eyes to themselves instead of making girls think they should be ashamed of themselves for wearing what they want and being confident. don't perpetuate the idea that you shouldn't wear what you want and be comfortable and confident with your body.
i am a fourteen-year-old girl and i will wear whatever the hell i want.
 Jul 2014 Olivia L
summer has me missing winter
winter has me wondering where I went wrong
i'm a little too ashamed of the way I feel
and a little too comfortable with always feeling sick
plan ahead for disappointment, because nothing ever goes as planned
 Jul 2014 Olivia L
Kopter Zero
 Jul 2014 Olivia L
Kopter Zero
I can get over the things
That other people did to me,
But how do I move past
What I did to myself?
 Jul 2014 Olivia L
"I Don't Know."
 Jul 2014 Olivia L
"What are you feeling?"
I don't know.
"Why are you angry?"
I don't know.
"Are you still sane?"
I don't know.
"Are you okay?"
I don't know.

Because this smile on my face is not
An accurate representation of what I feel.
And the mirth in my voice is possibly
Even more false than a mirage.
And the anger is all-consuming yet
There's nothing in me to catch flame.
The sadness settles in like a winter night
And fades away as though it was never mine.

I don't know.
I don't know why I can't cry.
I don't know why I can't care.
I don't know why I can't rage.
I don't know.

I don't know why I idealize death.
I don't know when life became tedious.
I don't know when I lost my dreams.
I don't know when I stopped needing friends.
I don't know when it all began to seem so pointless.

I don't know.
And, at this point, I'm too far gone to care to find out.
 Jul 2014 Olivia L
girls >
 Jul 2014 Olivia L
theres a boy
back home
who will marry me
any day
and i love him so
very much but
i dont think i can settle
for anything less
than a girl who doesn't
care about the
fact that i snore when
i'm really tired
and that ****
i need to hold
onto your soft hips
and sweet lips
so much more
than some
stupid boy
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