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  Sep 2014 NuurSeraph
Cailey Weaver
Today is the first day of the rest of my life.
I will be strong, no matter what happens.
I will not concede to weakness.
Pain will not win. Failure is irrelevant.
It will not exist in this world of mine.
I may fall, but I will get back up every time.
Negativity will not stand in my way.
I will not shed tears, lest with a smile.
Those who give me strength, I will draw them with me.
I will protect them from the harms from which they protect me.
I will not see pain inflicted by my own hand.
I will be a leader of tomorrow. I will bring the world in my wake.
Today is the first. It will be the first of many.
I will be strong and I will be proud.
I will love without fail and remain loyal to those who hold my trust.
I will be honest and thoughtful and as kind as life will allow.
I will never again look behind me.
I will not let my past drag me down.
I accept this challenge, for I have written it.
Thus, I start a new chapter of my life, and it begins with these words:
Today is the first day of the rest of my life.
  Sep 2014 NuurSeraph
Haydn Swan
The alchemist,
See's what others do not see,
Finds peace in the pursuit of their quest,
Endeavors to do what others say cannot be done,
Thinks internally and is not swayed by the views and opinions of others,
Knows that the path is more important than the goal.
© H V Swan
  Sep 2014 NuurSeraph
Ann M Johnson
Do not just merely follow your dreams
Chase after them
Visualize them coming true
Overcoming all obstacle's
Keeping your eyes on the prize
The joy of your dream coming true
You will then inspire others to make their dreams come true
This poem is inspired by one of my lessons in a class I am currently taking.
  Sep 2014 NuurSeraph
K Balachandran
Our destination we knew beforehand

we did set sail to distant galaxies, that create

rainbows out of light years and star dust.

We forgot the meaning of the word 'return'

never imagined a coming back, ever

the journey of no return  every moment,was

only we were there,needless to think

about the beginning or any one other than


we didn't bother about the moment of culmination,

the phenomenal world, after all is not ours
*Noumenon--An object or event discerned without the help of senses.
NuurSeraph Sep 2014
Distinguished* ~ one seasons' stronghold
Lavished ~ yet it leaves no mark
Harkened ~ still it bleeds no stain on us
Ravished ~ some lost to the dark

My King!
My Queen!

My Majesty!
You state your Name by Divine Decree,
yet Silence has claimed your Kingdom.  

For Eye could cast one trillion (1,000,000,000,000) sparkles into the night and no one would care to notice.

What a shame, says Eye...too wrapped inside.

Tho' one day soon a Flame unfurls and
wisp-ers condense into new Worlds so that once again we must all commence the Journey to reclaim our Innocence.

*"Lions, Tigers and Bears...Oh My"!!!
Dear Toto, I couldn't help but envision those beautiful ruby red slippers

* References & Quotation taken from the movie The Wizard of Oz and my Poems Songs I've Felt & Unfurling the Flame and a previous comment I made on a Jim Morrison Poem.
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