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  Sep 2014 NuurSeraph
Black Sheep, the label starts to be applied
slowly, sneakingly, one comment at a time,
and when that is not working,
the wolf turns into a disabled lamb,
and all a sudden you are a Black Sheep beyond redemption
While the wolves eat each others words
never was going to be easy... the only Catholic (personal choice) in my family
  Sep 2014 NuurSeraph
The Hopi people plan all things
for seven generations
of progeny

could we?

Soul Survivor
The Hopi are an amazing indigenous people.
Peaceable and
living on the mesas in
the southwestern United States,
they were never conquered by
*any other race*
  Sep 2014 NuurSeraph
Listen do you hear the silence above the roar of life?
Do you hear your heart beating to your life's song?
Do you see the sky above blanketing and comforting?

Do you feel the world spinning around? With you standing still upon it?
Hush! Sshhhh! Quiet.
Listen to the flow of earth's blood in her rivers and streams,
feel her warmth from the sun like an adoring parental gaze.
Touch her thrumming life in her growing forests, see her wonders created for us her children.
Hear her lullaby before she is muted, choked, buried alive by us, with
our waste, our destruction, deforestation, over fishing, hunting.
****** the fruitful earth 'til she our mother is barren and useless.

Mother Earth is weeping and above the roar of our selfish modern sound, we do not hear her crying, or see her tears silently falling.
Falling onto selfish mankind.
Gaia that great mother to all, giver of birth to earth and it's universe
is a woman reclining upon the earth surrounded by a host of jealous warring infant adults the fruits of her labours.

*Oaths sworn in the name of Gaia, in ancient Greece, were considered the most binding of all.
16:50 BST
  Sep 2014 NuurSeraph
Through lines
attach themselves to me
I'm a zip line zipping through the canopy.
Zip lines
through lines
My life in dots and dashes.

There was that darkness
before I was born
don't remember much about that.

Parents were through lines
for a long while
then they died
grandparents before
they all had their time
through lines
zip lines
the true string theory.

Homesickness, school, bullies, too
the Sunday Night Blues
riding those zip lines
through lines
what are you gonna do
they aren't leaving you.

private fantasies
too private to tell
through lines too
on  the old zip line.

The voices in your mind
that's been a through line
through and through.

Poverty that was true too
that's what happens when you
peak too soon
you're a late bloomer too.

Children, the through lines
children of children
and you too
through lines zipping through
along the old zip line.

Poetry, a through line
sharing secrets
sacred circles
those are through lines too.

Body parts
hearts, limbs, lungs, guts and toes
though those tonsils
had to go.
Every breath
Every heart beat.

My through lines
your through lines
we all got'em
parallel points on parallel lines
I can't say
I know we sometimes together zip
along that same highway
then one will fade
and one will go away.

But where we all meet
each day,
I can say,
in the molecules
of every breath we take.
  Sep 2014 NuurSeraph
Roberta Day
Rested and on time;
I am in control—Today,
the day is all mine.
Two jobs is rough.
  Sep 2014 NuurSeraph
A lovely fellow poet
did comment
about how an
ignorant soul had nerve
to complain that
they’d no longer read
the poet’s words anymore,
for the poet
made them

Really genius?!
Imagine that!

So, a much needed
heads up...

ANYTHING you read,
be it Poetry,
News articles,
and even
the Lyrics of a song
may cause you to
‘think’ and ‘FEEL’...

Alas, such is the
price of Poetry
and the pouring out
of personal views
or fiction
onto parchment.

Poetry may not be
YOUR particular cup of tea,
and that’s ok...

I certainly couldn’t see
me sitting
  to watch a long,
drawn out sports event...
but that’s just me.

If you, poor soul,
cannot handle the
inspired by Poetry,

please, just close
your laptop,
and walk away,
so, we poets,
can resume our

-by Mercurychyld
  Sep 2014 NuurSeraph
Sia Jane
She was an
unorthodox spirit,
never owned, certainly
not ruled. She broke the
rules; rebellion soul. Winged gypsy;
ocean day flights. In awe they flew,
not beside; behind her; they insisted on protecting this
archangel. They named her Silver -  her wings provided the
means; desires for travel & adventure. As white as pure
silk; eyes a crystallized stone blue.

© Sia Jane
I wrote this back in June/July and never shared.
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