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  Aug 2014 NuurSeraph
Spencer Dennison
When the very ground beneath me cracks
and my brittle sword lies broken
then I will ask that no quarter be drawn
andwhen the victor next sees the dawn,
no words of regret are spoken.

When I approach the pearly gates
treading upon the clouds above,
I will not weep for you nor I,
for I know the code we both live by
and the cruel gods that we both love.

When the victor has met his demise
and meets his victim in the next world,
let us let the past be the past
and not allow our anger to last
for you cannot shake hands when your fist is curled.
  Aug 2014 NuurSeraph
jeffrey robin
<(                                                             ­  )>
<(                O               )>  
<                                 (    )                                  >
(        )


The city streets

The child's heart

We are still here


Eternal is the MOTHER

amid changing forms


The Rain that puts out the fire

(   the  Drought is here    )


Only the child's Will remains

It is all of the child that is left
  Aug 2014 NuurSeraph
jeffrey robin
(  )
)    (
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Settles over :


It's a wonder I can see at all

I'm only guessing you are even near


The mountains have crumbled

The seas writhe in agony

The air chokes on itself


Settling in -- we

Throw our Bundles against the wall

Tiny child shall have


(    if there's any left    )


He was reading some very weird love poems

As the bombs started falling

Falling faster than the mountains

Into dead valleys

Where no water was running

Toward writhing seas
  Aug 2014 NuurSeraph
jeffrey robin

(                                                                ­)
(                  ()                  )
)  (
(      )


g­entleness          THE UNSUNG HERO          gentleness

the people !

Scattered like leaves !



We have no words to describe what we are doing here

( we do not know what we are doing here )

Let us walk amongst the vague images we see as if they are not there

Let us only see each other !

Let us give no power to false authority



Of our gods

(  our cultural ---- heroes )

are real ?

NONE !!!


Let us only see each other face to face

Let us see what happens then
NuurSeraph Aug 2014

Here lies below a (very) brief list to review, welcome to my nightmares,
I bid you adieu....


Back in the day, when I was a kid
I'd so many nightmares, oh Yes! indeed I did.
There were monsters in my closet and under my bed, gnomes that would hunt me and hags on my chest.
Zombies were mobbing, roaming my street, right out of Thriller, minus the beat.
I would get so scared that I'd tremble at night, restlessly sweating, awaiting the Creeps, I muffled my sobbing under my sheets.

So, now that we've visited those very few, let's look on to my Teens for new mares to review.

Sooo....Nighttime falls, and here we go, where I meet up with sleepers, ghouls, the undead, on stretch of empty highway, I'm deserted with dread, except for the drones swooping down overhead.
I've had my fair share of falling dreams, nighttime terrors, and muffled screams, ones where I'm blind, buried alive or running like molasses while helplessly knowing that something is coming to do me harm, all filled with a chill~guaranteed to alarm.

As I grew older, into my twenties, I'd dream of ex~lovers, back then I'd had plenty.

Some were seductive yet chillingly cold, setting a jealous scene to unfold. Some were so vicious, I would wake up crying, still others were heartless and hauntingly frightening in their callous displays of cheating and lying.

Of course, now in my thirties most of my mares center upon guilt, and regretful dispairs.
Reliving my shame, the losses and tragedies, taunting me with the full scope of all my inadequacies.
I still often get the nighttime paralysis, I can't move a muscle, though lucidly I realize that this time the fight seems to come from inside.


So now that I've shared an abbreviated list of some of my nightmares, well, you get the gist.

I hope you've enjoyed a jolly good read, just don't be afraid when it's your time to sleep.

For a more detailed recollection of any one dream, give me a holler or a blood curdled scream.
:-)) Sweet Dreams :-))
  Aug 2014 NuurSeraph
you must allow for the possibility
in theory
anything can happen
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