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 Jan 2020 Julianna
Caroline Shank
The music plays

on down the years.  

Her tears fall


a weep of 

years sweep


written on pages

old memories

the stationery bold

with sorrow.

He loved her not

to lose her but

he never knew

the mind around

her prayer

for his memories 


Her songs

are blowing 


to the wind.

Caroline Shank
Experimental for me
 Jan 2020 Julianna
Lillian May
Be gentle with us.
or not
it's your call
but keep in mind that we as poets
we feel too strong
which is not to say that that is wrong
we don't ease into love, we quickly fall
we love like we're dying
we live like we're small
but in our minds.
in our minds we are flying

we feel everything at once
you wouldn't think it by looking
looking at our normal fronts
a disguise, a charade
but prey don't believe a masquerade
a poet can be but anyone
existing silently
a poet can be but everyone
existing violently
we all make up stories
we're all acting to a degree
so things aren't so different
no not so different you and me

we notice the quirks
we notice the nothings
if you meet a poet then you should believe
you should know that we
we love what we see
and appreciate all forms of beauty
for to us imperfect is lovely
perfect doesn't exist
we have those markings on our wrist
of all the awful places we've been to we kissed
we've kissed the devil when we went
to hell and back again

so now that you have been informed
that a poets heart is easily scorned
knowing we feel deeply
knowing we feel more
more than we really should I've warned
we don't just love a person when we fall
we love their whole world
we love it all
and when we're hurt it is hard to trust
and thus
Be gentle with us.
 Jan 2020 Julianna
 Jan 2020 Julianna
you are the stillness
in my life


while all around the world rages

the hardest rock
strongest foundation

I have clung here for safety
warmth and love
immeasurably given
gratefully received
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