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  Jun 2019 Emmanuella
Autmn T
When Heaven says 'no more entrance', Hell's going to start taking volunteers
  Jun 2019 Emmanuella
Matt Shao
So sorely do we wish to find
A person who’s just like our kind
Someone who’s just as weird as us
That we can know and love and trust

A person that just lets us be
And even when we disagree
They know that we’re still meant for them
They do not argue and condemn

Because when love is tried and true
It is not only about you
It is a union that you share
A contract, where you’re both aware

That life is meant for everyone
And when our time is gone and done
You’ll find that what we all should do
Is live it not with one, but two
  Jun 2019 Emmanuella
Naveen Tiwari
A writer writes to hide his pain.
And a reader reads to find someone who feels the same.
  Jun 2019 Emmanuella
Dr Peter Lim
I have nothing to say today
99.9% had been spoken yesterday.
  May 2019 Emmanuella
I’m dying for a lover
and a good night’s sleep
but I’ll settle for a song
and some CBD
maybe throw in a short cry
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