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 Aug 24 Kalliope
Bekah Halle
Don't lose yourself,
to anyone or anything;
value your health,
free your heart to sing.
 Aug 23 Kalliope
long after i’m gone
this pebble will remain with
my touch turned to sand
It was truly a lovely pebble.
My motivations gone idle
My rhythm feels flat
I’m not suicidal
Because I chose to adapt
To see the silver lining
The light at the end
Of my tunnel of trouble
And it’s real, not pretend
I lift up and move on
I get out of my rut
I feel it, I know it
Deep down in my gut  
It’s my sense of survival
My yearning to thrive
That helps me keep going
And keeps me alive
It’s a sense of adventure
A curious query
To take a life that’s mundane
And not make it so dreary
I fill it with laughter
And what brings me joy
To be extroverted
Not bashful or coy
This is my burden
That I need to destroy
And become a man
Not just a boy
 Aug 23 Kalliope
I came for support,

but he doesn't know what to say --

He is at a loss.
Novel "The Sandcastle" (1957, Iris Murdoch), chapter Twelve

Collection "Unspoken"
 Aug 23 Kalliope
A slowly suffocating fire
Turning fuel to charcoal
No bright flames of light and warmth
Until stoked by disruption
it sputters to life
A final intense burn
that falls into ashes
Some things end beautifully...
 Aug 23 Kalliope
Jamie K
I love you
Always and forever

One truth
One lie

Spoken in naive sincerity,
undiscerning of myth and reality

Magic may be real,
but it’s the ever after
that makes a fairytale
I stand on the banks of yesterday
Watching moments slip away
Like leaves on a river's gentle stream
Lost in the current, a memory's dream

In the depths, I see reflections of you
A fleeting glimpse, a heart that's true
But like the water, you're gone from sight
Leaving me with just a fading light

The river flows, a constant beat
A reminder of time's relentless repeat
Moments lived, moments lost, moments dear
All swept away, leaving only tears

Yet, in the flow, I find a peaceful place
A sense of surrender, a gentle embrace
For in the river's heart, I hear a voice
Whispering wisdom, a heartfelt choice
memories, and longing
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