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Your expert fingers gently
    strum and pluck at my strings                
Making every inch of me sing.

My body thrums
    With each staccato beat
And goosebumps ***** my skin as we race towards the crescendo.

The music peaks
    And beautifully tuned notes entwine
In heart-stopping harmony.

Your bass blends
    With my soprano
In a perfect balance of tone and pitch.

In the stillness that follows
    The music fades
Into a duet of breathy sighs.

And then we :||
Let's make beautiful music together.
Poem 4 in my "7 Poems in 7 Days" self-challenge.  Bonus challenge: All titles must be school subjects.  Feel free to join me!
There is a forest old as hillsides
tall, majestic, dappled shades
fall on ground beneath the silent
gnarled defenders of the glade.

There they stand in ancient splendour
many souls have passed their way
often used as welcome shelter
from the heat of summers day.

Sweet the air they breathe in chorus
our life's breath their lungs provide,
soaking up our daily poison
so that we may live and thrive.

You seas of men intent to clear them
citing progress, peddling greed
tearing roots from precious mooring
laying waste to nature's seed.

**** the beauty of a landscape
displace creatures for your need
rupture fragile ecosystems
scar the earth and watch it bleed.

To you I ask a simple question,
as I see the land bereaved.
What need has man of all this progress
when he can no longer breathe?
 Sep 2014 Michael Amery
Summer's warm currents retreat
the advancing brisk amber sunsets.

Submerging the world under
the reign of enduring starry nights.

The maples blush as Autumn whispers
the gentle lullaby of Winter's sweet breath.

Erasing Summer's memory with a crimson brush
preparing the golden landscape's long frigid rest.

 Sep 2014 Michael Amery
Petal pie
To you I may just be a grain of sand, caught between your toes
But you will not have my experience, so you cannot know
How it feels to float on a shark fin or rest on a mermaid's breast
Or do a jig with a conga eel, now  that really was the best
So before you cast me aside to clean your human foot
Take a super duper microscope and take a closer look
At me and my sparkly sandy compatriots as we glisten in the light
A dazzling array of shell fragments and glass nuggets so bright!
 Sep 2014 Michael Amery
SG Holter
Your past is your story.
I will never demand you
Rip a single page
From it.

I'm a very big boy.
Tales of your yesterloves
Scare me as little as

Only hurt as much
As they should.
Never burn a picture
To please me.

Never paint over a
Secret, never camouflage
A single regret as
Bad luck.

Skeletons. Dust and bones,
Dead and harmless.
Tell me everything.

No blur nor bleep.
I want to know
What shaped you into
Someone so

Deserving of my
Interest. Let me into
Your attic. Turn out
The lights.

I'm a very big boy.
Even my ghosts are
Scarier than
 Sep 2014 Michael Amery
Lone Wolf
You say you like the feel
Of my nails digging into your skin
Leaving trails of red
And I know I like the feeling
Of your hands holding me
Leaving their blue marks
We cling to eachother tightly
Here, in your bedroom
And have the perfect friendship
Of insult based humor
And yet I'm still afraid to tell you
That I think I'm falling for you
We fit together so easily
But I'm afraid to hold on
Because I already know me
And I know I won't let go
Not until it bleeds
And the red startles me
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