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 Jan 2016 Sin
Denel Kessler
Fog Song
 Jan 2016 Sin
Denel Kessler
The night so long
ships calling
stay away

blindly pierce
at the waterline

engines throb
close, yet not
though eyes strain
soft white contains

opaque outlines
shapes familiar

arise, arise

melted wisps
ascend to kiss
returning sun

will illumination come
with fading notes
of this
fog song?
 Jan 2016 Sin
m i a
g r e y<
 Jan 2016 Sin
m i a
she was a brown-skinned girl,
who was trapped in this world
struggiling with idenity,
she couldn't find any serenity,
she no longer had dignity,
she was too white to be black,
as people told her and laughed,
she was too black to be white,
this was now turning into a
between her and idenity,
she needed to find serenity
so finally in may, she woke
up one day and decided to be
g r e y.

G r e y [gray]
of a color intermediate between black and white, as of ashes or an overcast sky.

but little did she know
that her skin colour
didn't define her
for it was the art in
her heart that did.
this is about a girl struggling with race and idenity, not realising that the colour of your skin doesnt define you. Youre perfect just the way you are. <3
 Jan 2016 Sin
Chloe Zafonte
Be with someone who gives you the feeling of the breeze on a warm night in the middle of July.
 Jan 2016 Sin
Thomas P Owens Sr
Some say I reflect only shadows
only darkness
only fear
am I to be negated for this
accurate observation?
did Poe write of whimsical romps
through flower gardens?
did VanGogh paint in colors of glee?

the dusk
the dawn
the unwitting pawn
the king who holds court
the peasant who merely survives

view from my pulpit before you judge
stand in my shadow before you declare
that I am without light
 Jan 2016 Sin
DaSH the Hopeful
I met Sally on the hill with a nickel bag of ******.
      She didn't pay me in money.
Instead, information and a little persuasion made the baggie leave my right back pack pocket
     “Dollars could never have made sense of it anyway
          We throw pennies away opting for the opulence that big bills entail
   Retail will never amount to the amount I've blown on blow”

    Or so she said behind Louis Vuitton shades shielding eyes half dead
           A ****** with a monkey on her back fed by a steady stream of opiates
       “I open this line of communication so you can see we lack foundation and stability and yet
      We're trying to build a sand castle with all the powder we can possibly get
And if we're forced to forfeit that fortress, we snort more, still trying to forget”
and with that she placed her sunglasses on top of her head

     I stood back with my back pack and I finally understood
                               Why drugs will make you richer than working ever could
                   They bag a gram put it on the scale and tell you what it weighs
      But they don't tell you how unnoticeable it is when your life slips away

         We sell the dream, we sell the aesthetics
    The drugs, the parties, the scene with guest lists
        Pretty lights.
                Fun. All a lie.

*I almost fell on my face walking down the hill, staring into those blue eyes over my shoulder all the while.
 Jan 2016 Sin
Paul Butters
The very first thing a poet should do
Is throw that ego in the bin.
For being Great, or finding fame and fortune
Should hardly be your goal.

Just say whatever you have to say
With passionate heart and Voice.
Forget about Perfection
As all is relative:
And simply be Inspired.

Don’t be a slave to rigid forms:
Variety is the key.
Pulsing rhythms may match the heart
But missing beats have clout.

Be respectful to other poets at all times
And always return their praise, where you can.
Never criticise in a negative way:
Always be positive and supportive.

Keep out of inter-poet politics:
Such a waste of time!
Just write and write and write and write:
I simply cannot help it!

Paul Butters
Ego is the enemy of poetry!!!
 Jan 2016 Sin
Chloe Zafonte
 Jan 2016 Sin
Chloe Zafonte
You've turned me so bitter and sour
You've picked the peddles off me
A delicate flower.
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