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 Mar 2016 Sin
Denel Kessler
Ten black crows
in a red-budded
cottonwood tree
basking in the eerie
glow of the waning sun
bruised, livid sky
weighted air
waves shush, shush
on the receding tide
serenity reigns
but I can feel it
hovering offshore
a curled fist
wound tight
ready to strike
 Mar 2016 Sin
Mankind in Ten
 Mar 2016 Sin
Mightily ' ******' in so many ways
yet still, we breed.
 Mar 2016 Sin
I am not black
Yes my skin represents a culture
And idea
A vision
A notion carried through generations
Being African American
But my attitude
It doesn't show the reality of the situation
I have never seen the movie roots
I don't like potato salad
the n word doesn't slither of my lips
and a lot of the black jokes I just don't get
I'm not black
and I'm sorry to have to admit it
Yes I am black. This is a piece to show what I have been told my entire life.
 Mar 2016 Sin
I guess I should write a poem about you
since you read my poetry
I know your depressed and I don't mind you stalking me
it's kinda cute
you still obessesed with me over all this time
still looking for the truth
To be honest
Nothing I ever said was really true
but I'm starting over now
at least I think I am
I'm figuring out what to do
now that we are finally through
so you don't have to stalk me anymore
you know what I'm up to
you can move on
if you want too
 Mar 2016 Sin
 Mar 2016 Sin

He doesn't realise...
The weight of his actions and words that pummel her to the ground.
Beating her down for every time she rises up to undo his ropes with which she's bound.

He doesn't see...
Past the darkened lenses that she dons.
She wears them,
not to shield her pride that was wrongfully taken,
but to protect him from the repercussions that would come with accusatory speculations.

He doesn't know...
Of the soaked pillow that accompanied her.
The rivulets of tears...
She had quietly shed without a whimper.

He doesn't hear...
The silent altercation between the treasure that beats in her chest and the thing that thinks in her head.
The struggle that ensues when the mind tries to rescind what the heart had wholly given and carelessly said.

He doesn't care...
To think of the devastating waves that come.
Only to erode the last bastion of hope she nurtures...
This frail wall that she prays for nightly.
Just so that it would hold up through another day's endeavour.

He doesn't feel...
The need for empathy.
For he thinks that he's god with one devout follower.
He commands her loyalty with his deluded testaments
and his fists as sceptre.

She doesn't live...
To see future suns.
For her day finally set when it all came down.
The wall she had feebly held together with her life...
Easily gave way when he came at her armed with a knife.

 Mar 2016 Sin
 Mar 2016 Sin
and again, the gritty path,
for visiting the houses, ruined.
time fled and life stood still,
strangled in suspension points.

i come, to collect lonesomeness,
feed my senses upon bygones.

window sills to inner spaces.

there, the place of a fire,
the grime inks a flame in black,

crock pots, iron pots,
cracked, bumped.
soup. boiling.smoking.
cendrillons wrinkling
by the fireplace
in yellowished orange blossom gowns.

a skeleton of a bed.

leaning roof.

a wall in blue.

the view from the back window.
the door to the backyard.

houses grow blind.
i come
to lend them my eyes.

eventually they'll have me,
bind me, seed me,
a tree-creeper to sight
the swallows, tell them
we have a vacant eave
in a falling roof.
Deep in the creek
where speckled light kisses the saline shore
and mud hole bubbles leave crab trails
I knock upon her door.

She opens with a whisper on her skin
licks my **** with her southern tongue
winds rise the dusts within
the mangrove falls quiet to her moaning song.
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