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 Aug 2017 Blake
 Aug 2017 Blake
Sleepless nights haunted me
Now the insomnia is a habit  
My nightmares are a part of me
Writhing at the edge of my skin
Is it really my mind that is breaking
Or is this really who I have become
 Aug 2017 Blake
You would love me more

if you knew
the things I don't say

love me more
for the tears repressed/unseen

the thoughts that rise
yet fast sequestered,
virus quarantined,
lest infection spread

moan groan
an Ebola moon June
inquiring ears overhear
and ask...

but quick deflected
with a
** hum,
nothing luv,
pushed back into
the hidey hole of opprobrium
and acid reflux

why why
if loving you better
the net net of it?

this is not the candy coated,
but the coal glow strife
that cannot be
quenched nor
solved with

so put away, aside,
push back inside

you would
love me better
for the sharing,
but love me enough
for the be I be,
let my roughened edged pains,
be buried with my remains

a love unfettered
will place no obstacle
before you
from within me

love me for the man I am,
just the average man iam,
knowing that not knowing all,
not a deceit,
but a reprieve,
what I share,
strained and sleeved,
tho unrelieved,
it is relief
that burdens but,
only me
 Aug 2017 Blake
Misael Lopez
We Carry Depression,
Depression Carries us,

A Daily Battle is almost always Fought,
For some, almost always lost.

The trick, if there is one, almost always is,
To Keep battling minute to minute.

One moment you may walk through
A door, feeling lower than low.
But the next thing you know...

A sudden change so small you wouldn't notice, renders your woes mute.

All you have to do is hang in there,
Fight Minute to Minute.

Drinking a cup of Starbucks Helps Too.
First poem in a while :)
 Aug 2017 Blake
Crystal Freda
You walked away, why oh why.
You walked away before her first cry.
You walked away from your could have been wife.
You walked away from your could have been life.

You walked away from your baby girl.
You will never be a part of her world.
She will try to replace you.
She will think this will help her too.

You missed her first crawl.
You missed her first fall.
Yo missed every birthday.
You are missing her life every day.

You left her with a void.
You left her with a pain she can't avoid.
You left her with an abusive man.
You left her unable to stand.

This happens every day to girls
Fathers don't want to be a part of their world.
This makes their hearts sore.
It makes girls look for more.
Wrote a year ago. Sometimes I wished people understood.
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