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Isaace Feb 4
My companions left Remus Primoid— disapperaing like vultures into a Sub-Saharan vista of the night— and travelled back to Earth, missing the the life they had once lived. I, however, had no friends or family to sustain my sentimentality and decided to stay upon Remus Primoid, within the village of Tok-Tuu, hoping to create a life for myself, possessing the desire to become a true Tok-Tuuian.

In my fifth year as a villager of Tok-Tuu I was permitted to learn the oblong mutterings: sacred chants created by the pre-eminent founder, Oblong Jenkins-Kennedy, who uttered these chants under his breath as he carved the ancient structures of Tok-Tuu, as well as the hidden statue of Tei Romuloid, the mother of all life on Remus Primoid, a statue hidden within the depths of the ancient tombs, situated deep within the catacombs.

The mutterings were as follows:

"Oblongboidoid, Tok-Tuu, Tok-Tuu. Boid, boid. Bashin-gore— I sustain my left foot. Boid, boid. Tok-Tuu, Tok-Tuu. Helmonstap-hablefoot, caress carefully."

Upon my learning of the sacred mutterings, I was initiated into The Society of Sculptors. Such joy I felt, in this, my fifth year, to finally be accepted, truly, among the people of Tok-Tuu!
Isaace Feb 4
Now we travel to Remus Primoid. Here we shall study the flora, the fauna and the geological structures, becoming ingrained in the culture of its denizen people, a journey that will alter our perception of the cosmos.

Upon this strange land we beheld organic structures of oblong intonation and mosaic, bio-organic design. The trees grew in irregular shapes, reminiscent of cones and gelatinous globules.

The honourable Nipslip Cockhantuu now aligns with us!

Nipslip Cockhantuu would offer to be our guide— our emissary!— upon entering the sacred village of Tok-Tuu— a conduit, as it were, between us and the strange customs of the Tok-Tuu peoples.

Nipslip Cockhantuu granted us the honour of rubbing his dark ******* before the statue of the village's founder, Oblong Jenkins-Kennedy. His ******* were soft and delicate with a gentle, bumpy texture, very much like our own human *******.

Such wondrous celebrations ensued! And we knew our arrival upon this strange orb was a success, and that there would be many discoveries to be made!
  Jan 23 Isaace
William Blake
I was angry with my friend;
I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
I was angry with my foe:
I told it not, my wrath did grow.

And I waterd it in fears,
Night & morning with my tears:
And I sunned it with smiles,
And with soft deceitful wiles.

And it grew both day and night,
Till it bore an apple bright.
And my foe beheld it shine,
And he knew that it was mine.

And into my garden stole.
When the night had veiled the pole;
In the morning glad I see,
My foe outstretchd beneath the tree.
Isaace Jan 23
Visions of cornea, the sin etched into blank husks.
Concoction: of-the-brain bouts of ephemeral greed
Interlinking visions of violent dissent,
Once more printed 'pon cornea-husk—
These are the ******* Imprints!
The rancid souls of subterranean devils,
Gaping, flat-footed, throughout the course of time.
The memorandum of a navigation substance
Used during rituals for the ascension of the dead;
An imprintation upon the blank entrance void—
An interlocking location of ******-dread.
Isaace Jan 4
Burnished green,
Coloured crimson—
Reminiscent of the city of Dis.

Rising from churning seas of the onyx chagrin!
Carrying clandestine echoes of a civilisation within!
Dismantled— reassembled—
Delivering concrete messages to a futuristic kin—

“This is obscene, Esmerelda!”

Gaunt of the clergy,
Of the orchid,
Of a worship violation,
Conjuring apparitions of violent steam!
The blue and the teal, they kneel, unseen,
Receiving concrete messages from a cardinal, unseen.

Sun bearing down upon the straining, emerald trees!—
Many eyes and many limbs reach skywards,
Towards temple steams.
Isaace Dec 2024
Though the form is abstract in nature,
And the lines are intrinsically Art,
The eye reverberates— gyrations!—
Revelations of that which cannot be seen:
That which is wrought by design.
Isaace Dec 2024
Streams of dreams of consciousness,
Of streams of green of consciousness,
Of green of streams of consciousness dreams,
Of dreams of walls of consciousness,
Of streams of green, of green,
Of green of streams of green consciousness,
Of streams of green consciousness, of green, of streams,
Of dreams of green consciousness steam,
From streams of green consciousness streams,
Teeming— teeming— with green consciousness.
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