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175 · Dec 2017
vast & beautiful
Melissa Rose Dec 2017
The truth lies in the undercurrent of wishful thinking, relentlessly bubbling just below the surface, in a mind so polluted it can no longer sustain us. The mind is powerful and if given too much control can run amuck, wreaking havoc in our lives and causing us to believe we are powerless.

Every single one of those unfulfilled wishes continues to reside within that murky mind just waiting for the right stream of light; that one spark of hope, to be reborn. The time for trusting and believing in ourselves is now.

Can you count the times you have felt creativity flowing through you but you held back pursuing your dreams because of fear? The “what if’s” becoming so overwhelming you shut down all that passion and joy just so you could go back to feeling safe? The ego LOVES to keep us safe and should be appreciated when the need for survival arises. But we aren’t living in a world full of sabre tooth tigers anymore and there is a great cost to us when we are simply choosing to exist and become unwilling to accept there is a powerhouse of infinite energy within us. If nourished and attended to, it would change our lives forever. Think of the ego as one dust particle in a sea of infinite stars.

The truth of who we are is vast and powerful.

I want you to know I see you. I see what you are capable of, I see the brilliance of your light and I want you to know that you can see it too.

Take a moment now and put your hand to your heart, connect to it, feel it beating. Close your eyes and feel the beauty that is you. This is your powerhouse and we are the infinite stars my friends. It is time to be vast and powerful, it is time to soar.

#lovemorefearless ❤️
174 · Nov 2014
The Victim
Melissa Rose Nov 2014
I am lost in this place
filled with silence
chilled by lack of ease
drowning in misery

She sits in wrong
by societies views
this pretty creature
a sheep clothed by wolves

Passively she looks on
few decisions to make
its not worth the bother
to plan an escape

They will hunt you down
and tear out your soul
they know no mercy
death is their goal

So just take your place
and please keep still
it won’t take but a moment
one more victim to ****
174 · Aug 2019
Silver lining
Melissa Rose Aug 2019
The moment she let go
fear loosened its grip
and she was clutched
by the hands of Hope
where they knelt and wept

Sorrow fills the spaces
of her deepest wounds
oceans rising to their edges
an outpouring of regret
as the familiarity of suffering looms

The pain is not subtle
reminding her again and again
the grief she began to bury
a thousand lifetimes ago
unearthed the heart she must mend
172 · Jan 2019
The wick of Hope
Melissa Rose Jan 2019
She sits with misery, emptiness by her side
heavy waves of noisy despair
rush in and out of her mind
like the discordant crush of evening tides

Love waits patiently not far behind
for the perfect moment
to tickle her tepid heart in a
secret chamber where Hope resides

The first light of dawn glitters in eyes
time to heal won’t stand still
so Love’s spark ignites the wick of Hope
setting fire to her desires inside

The truth rejects every lie
as she gives birth to inner wisdom
there’s no room for despair
so misery takes emptiness outside

She sits with joy, compassion by her side
light waves of quiet peace
flow through her hopeful heart
like the rhythmic perfection of morning tides

Love exists from earth to sky
every moment is perfect
while the wick of Hope burns
so does her desire to shine
171 · Sep 2016
The Place
Melissa Rose Sep 2016
You know the place
Where you hide
Truth disguised
Somewhere beneath
Drama and bravado

Where deception is perception
In the eyes of all you meet
Somewhere beneath
Apathy and imperfection

Where you keep those secrets
***** and enslaved
Somewhere beneath
Guilt and shame

Where you layer the lies
You told and were told
Somewhere beneath
Justification and betrayal

Where fear prevails
In the pit of your stomach
Somewhere beneath
Loathing and rage

Where self-doubt debates
In mindless chatter
Somewhere beneath
Arrogance and swagger

Where you acknowledge its place
Coddle and groom the space
Somewhere beneath falling from grace
You know the place
171 · Sep 2019
Summer’s sweet grass
Melissa Rose Sep 2019
Lie down gently upon the last
of the summer’s sweet grass
and quench your thirst for beauty
upon which each moment drifts further
into a cloudless sky
while yellow leaves dance in periphery
to the harmony of Fall
breathe slowly and deeply
welcoming the fragrances
as they playfully invigorate your senses
just be in this placeless place
listening as time stops ticking
where stillness prevails
all other sounds they are like waves
sinking silently into the depths
of its bottomless sea
become the vastness now
and close your eyes
know yourself as the last
of the summer’s sweet grass
and that cloudless sky
those yellow leaves dancing
to the harmony of Fall
you are the harmony and
the fragrances invigorating your senses
you are the breath
from which the winter wind blows
existing as everything
defined by nothing at all
170 · Sep 2016
Melissa Rose Sep 2016
You preach about acceptance
Do you even know what it means?
It’s not about the false pretense
Or silent discrimination

It lacks the room for ego
Or to justify your authority
Acceptance dignifies the obligation
To brand us all as equal

It holds no place for gossip
With a friend or sibling too
Breeders of hate can’t collaborate
When acceptance owns the room

You pick apart my perfections
With your elusive expectations
Acceptance perfects the blemish
By upholding my existence

The expression of my feelings
Or the thoughts that I may have
Aren’t there for you to critique upon
Or use for future extortion

You may just throw this back at me
To practice what I preach
I can say I’m not always accepting
But at least you’re all aware  

So do not profess
To fully accept
All that encompasses Me
When judgment is all you bear
167 · Feb 2017
I am
Melissa Rose Feb 2017
I am the ragged rock
Amidst a seamless shore
The undercurrent
Of the ocean's floor

I am the whistling
As the wind sings through the trees
I am the sorrow
As true love leaves

I am the blinding white
Of a winter's snow
The piercing fright
Of a lion's roar

I am a flickering ember
Of a burning bush
The sweet surrender
Of a lover's touch

I am the night fall
On a sunset strip
The utter shame
Of a controlling grip

I am the last word
In a senseless quarrel
The painful regret
As I beg, steal & borrow

I am the fragrant scent
Of roses in bloom
The grim reaper
Of my impending doom

I am the galactic dust
Of this cosmic realm
The devil's muse
Of this living hell

I am the light at the end
Of this twisted tunnel
The timeless treasure
In a pile of rubble

I am the nothingness
Of the limited whole
I am the home
Within this wandering soul
166 · Feb 2019
In the shadows
Melissa Rose Feb 2019
Subdued sapphire
embodies the western skyline
the evergreen waits patiently
for the moon’s light to shine
so as to cast its shadow
across a hardened ground
extending its presence
without the slightest sound

a tender moment
encompasses profound serenity
as she IS with grace

Desperate to find my identity
longing to find my place
I run, falling to the snow
unable to feel my presence
unable to feel whole

I scream out to the moon
in a primal rage
blind with envy
while their lies take centre stage

The moon lit up my fury
and pulled me in from above
“humbled is the heart
whose every beat
emits love.”

The stars chimed in,
“The answers you seek
will never be found
if you look outside of yourself
you will always feel alone”

I knelt within the shadow
of the evergreen tree
surrendering I listened
as it whispered to me
“the existence of your presence
is not separate from me”

I sunk into the depths
of our ever growing shadows
I wore the anguish of our past
and cried a river of sorrow

I began to shed my masks
saw beyond the constructs of my light
lost the illusions of my essence
and self judgement for not always shining brightly

I remain within the river
accepting all that I am not
my roots entwine with the evergreen
the moon and stars align
grateful for its stepping stones
I now leave the past behind
2/1/19 I have expected so much of myself most of my life. It has been so painful but I allowed myself to remain in the shadows for as long as I needed to. There is a plethora of wisdom if you can sit without self judgment or fear. I sit with acceptance and a grateful heart. <3
165 · Nov 2018
Melissa Rose Nov 2018
There is infinite peace
in the blackness of morn
Contemplating myself in solitude
waiting for light to explode the dawn

My hopeful heart yearning
for the inspiration of today
to spill into my bones
keeping the mundane at bay

Light illuminates the shadows
and the dullness of these four walls
Temporal boundaries crush my wings
and once again my spirit falls

Out of the celestial blue sky
plunging into the blackest of seas
With desperation I scream
but there’s no one to rescue me

The subtle cruelties of this world
are not for the faint of heart
Protect yourself at all cost
for it will casually rip you apart
11/12/18 Lost in the weight of this earthly world. Temporarily blind to the magic of the cosmos. Feeling hopeless today
164 · Nov 2018
You no longer serve me
Melissa Rose Nov 2018
I devoured it
every last morsel
your beliefs and concepts
the distorted images and judgements
you baked, I ate
knowing they were the only meals
I would ever get from you
I gorged on your infection

Years would pass
before my stomach began to churn
poisoned by your scanty rations
the thought of another mouthful
was more than I could bear
You tried spoon feeding me
But I choked on every toxic ingredient
you blended into my existence

Not so long ago I found someone
who knew exactly what I was craving
she dishes out compassion
bowls full of the sweetest of truths
I consumed platefuls of her love
until I satiated my starving soul
and devoured every last morsel
as she taught me to nourish myself

Today I tend my fruitful oasis
planting bountiful seeds of intention
appetizers of love I serve myself
with impeccable kindness
followed by self-respect; a favourite ingredient in all my main courses
and the toppings on my dessert
generous sprinkles of serenity and awe
11/18/18 Reflecting on and purging all the lies I was fed maternally about who I was as I continue to nourish the truth of who I am.
162 · Feb 2021
Melissa Rose Feb 2021
I will meet you at the table
even pull out your chair
invite you home for a while
to feel the depth of my care

I will pour my heart into your cup
in hopes of quenching your thirst
feed your soul with my love
to satiate your search

I will nourish your desires
by filling your plate
with a delectable closeness
never forcing you to eat

I will listen as you serve me
what you’re willing to share
even if it’s how I’ve hurt you
I’m willing to swallow my share

I will sit with your anger
and the sorrow underneath
the cloth may hide the table
but the scars remain beneath

I will stand when you stand
wishing you would pull me in close
invite you to stay
tell you this heart is yours

I will meet you at the table
but I won’t sit here alone again
hoping you will join me
while starving for the war between us to end
162 · Nov 2018
naked nameless unknown
Melissa Rose Nov 2018
I want to cascade over the edge
a deep dive into the abyss
shed every mask of false identity
unapologetically formless

I want to re-emerge entirely
naked, nameless, unknown
sole heiress of my light
divinely nurtured never alone

I will bathe in all my colors
become the bristles of my brush
each stroke unto the canvas
unveils a spirit that won’t be crushed
11/14/18 A deep desire to wash away the toxins of the past and reconnect to my Soul. The innate knowingness of my being yearning to be free.
160 · Jul 2020
A sigh
Melissa Rose Jul 2020
beneath the anguish of sorrow
within the resistance to hope
I let go
into the sigh of surrender
where a tenderness washes over
this wounded heart
whispers of love
emerge through its cracks
crowding the silence,
filling the emptiness
and subtly piercing the dark
159 · Jun 2018
Too full
Melissa Rose Jun 2018
Blue skies
Warm winds
The sun glistening
on my winter skin
Trees lengthen branches
and sprout their wings
A joyful birdsong echoes
in a sea of green
Bees lustfully caressing
flowers in bloom
Young lovers falling
into a swoon
Summertime energy
Is all around
But the emptiness inside
has already filled me
to the brim
6/25/18 #deepsadness #trauma #healing #writingsoothes
159 · Feb 2021
Let it burn
Melissa Rose Feb 2021
She dances shamelessly
beneath gazing stars
as midnight’s mystery
envelopes her heart

A pregnant moon
glistens upon naked skin
giving birth to an untethered
fire within

Subtlety cuts in
crisp and cool
tempering the passion
yet unable to contain its fuel

This fire is not passive
it is Love in action
setting her heart ablaze
unapologetic for the ashes
2/2/21 - my attempt at loosening the grip of writers block
156 · Apr 2019
Melissa Rose Apr 2019
seeping like red wine staining a white blouse
it implodes into each delicate fibre
exposing the loose threading
of its unsuspecting host

It is underestimated
like trickles of muddy water
filling superficial cracks
seconds before the flood

interwoven become the strands
of hatred and harmony
as sorrow unearths the hardened soil
around those densely habitual roots

emerging from its confines
it spreads the contagion of loss
disables the cure for love
unleashing the inevitability of suffering
155 · Mar 2019
At home with the wind
Melissa Rose Mar 2019
I beckon to you
ever changing wind
guide me into your softer flow
teach me to soften
and resist not as you challenge me
with gusts of that which
I would rather ignore
sweep my mind free of earthly densities
and lead me with your sound wisdom
to the fullness of life
and the timelessness of now
Lastly, greet me with your gentle breeze
allowing my lungs to fill
with the beauty of your grace
so that I too may remember my own
155 · Jul 2019
Melissa Rose Jul 2019
Stillness embraces the sensations of life
be still and feel your own aliveness
nurtured by the sustenance of awareness
154 · Nov 2017
The beautiful mind
Melissa Rose Nov 2017
My mind has this place
where wisdom conquers madness
and beauty meets grace

where I surrender to reverie
into slumberless dreams
a fleet of ships drifting the open sea

A shallow brook travels slow
its lure a whisper
as I sink into her flow

Where honeybees buzz as wildflowers sway
a tango with the wind
and I am carried away

Sunlight glitters through endless trees
where I inhale deeply
and draw in the summer’s breeze

Soiled by the earth, my skin in bloom
where we reunite
as I am nestled into her womb

Where I am greeted by love and welcomed home
conceived into wholeness
and never alone
154 · Aug 2019
Room for rent
Melissa Rose Aug 2019
Her love left home today
evicting our happy place along with me
so my heart closed its door
and threw away the key

It’s hollowness overflows
filling the abandoned spaces
as the sorrow of this aching heart
repeats in resounding echoes

Only remnants remain of a blissful life
soaked into creaking floorboards
this home now barren
mirrors my broken heart tonight
153 · Dec 2018
Secret chamber
Melissa Rose Dec 2018
The embodiment of truth
and the unequivocal acceptance
of the sacredness
and divine essence of Love
reside within the intangible
purity of the heart’s
secret chamber of
Melissa Rose Nov 2017
It’s dark I should be sleeping
but the worries are a creeping
into my head like spider webs
I beg until I’m weeping

I fluff the pillows and make the bed
I pull the covers up over my head
and in they prance like army ants
to feast until I’m dead

I flip and flop, then toss and turn
Getting mad at myself, will I ever learn?
There’s just one way to make them pay
off I head to the nearest tavern
11/13/17 -
150 · Jan 2019
Melissa Rose Jan 2019
I experienced bliss, infinite love
and powerful light
witnessed the magic that surrounds me
spread my Earth angel wings and took flight

Uncovering a world where judgment
has no power
where the mind is subordinate
to the hearts wisdom, the divine flower

I nestled into her womb
nurtured and at peace
felt the wholeness of my existence
as endless suffering ceased

I believed I had made it
to the proverbial Promised Land
I was void of deep emotional pain
until fear grasped my hands

Cast into the shadows
I was a prisoner to panic’s grip
the mind became unruly
I lost heart’s feelings and our kinship

Thoughts torment present moments
I judge my past and careless mistakes
bliss, love and magic have left me
because I failed to stay awake
149 · Jun 2018
I ripple like water
Melissa Rose Jun 2018
I ripple like water
as you cast your stones
Sinking to inner depths
as I swallow them whole

My body becomes muddy
as each wave hits the shore
I’m visibly choppy
but you keep throwing more

No signs of mercy
as I bubble at the surface
My chaos feeds your sadism
and you become more ruthless

I froth at the mouth
churning in your squall
as I’m nearing the brink
Still waters call

Mist escapes me
as the undercurrent flows
You may have agitated the surface
but the extent of me will never be exposed
149 · Feb 2019
Clear blue water
Melissa Rose Feb 2019
Acceptance trickles by with the current
slipping through her fingertips
as ***** shards of rejection
cut deeply into delicate skin

she bleeds imperfection
as intolerance dislocates her
from the placid waters of freedom
void of the voice of reason

a sudden squall
feeds the inner storm
as a flash flood of blame
leaves her drenched in shame

waves of misery subside
but she’s living on borrowed time
there is no hope in tomorrow
as she drowns in the depths of sorrow
149 · Oct 2017
I breathe (10w)
Melissa Rose Oct 2017
this present moment,
is a gift to us all
148 · Dec 2018
Harmony’s expression
Melissa Rose Dec 2018
There is no distance between space
and this truth stands still with Time
so I sway to the rhythmic pulses
trusting I am universally aligned

In this land of dreams so sweet
I walk through cobble stone streets
inhaling the delicate notes; your song
as it’s texture unequivocally fills me

Her ripples ebb and flow
as I wade through crystal streams
the composition of my heart’s desires
reflect the chorus of this dream

I trust the affinity of these chords
to conduct this unfinished symphony
Perfecting the melody of its notes
she orchestrates it’s love effortlessly
Melissa Rose Nov 2018
Will you ever cease
to permeate my words
and stain my pages
with your bloodline?

Time after time I consume the cure
still your pathogens infest my clarity
sulphuric droplets of your despise
sadistically corrode my freedom

Will I ever finish
self serving the Victim?
Unresistingly obedient as I gorge
on your indiscretions

Removing your strands seems futile
long after separation
I remain unwillingly infected
soaking in the poverty of your love
11/24/18 Sometimes I wish only beautiful thoughts escaped my mind. Reality is I continue to remain infected.
145 · Dec 2018
muddy water
Melissa Rose Dec 2018
I have bathed in muddy waters
run by my family of origin
soaked inside the toxins
let them seep into my skin

One two three they target me
holding my head under water
mocking me when I couldn’t breathe
Obey her orders; punish the daughter

Still I rose up
choking on their cruelties
convincing myself to do better
I learned, to be loved I must please

So I moulded into pliable pieces
of acceptability
and lost my soul to the
hierarchy of family

Consumed by imitation
I wandered alone aimlessly
chained to their beliefs
indoctrinated never to break free

But every spirit has wings
we are all meant to fly
I felt the urgency of a greater calling
not understanding why

So I drained their muddy waters
and soaked inside my restless soul
where the truth of my existence
never surrendered to their control
142 · Feb 2017
Wake up
Melissa Rose Feb 2017
It is 5:30am
Back to work I go, again
Same structured routine
Expecting nothing to change

Patiently I wait
Upon the transit platform
A lonely pigeon's cooing
Amidst a darker foreground

I listen as the notes
Softly leave her tiny throat
This unassuming melody
Becomes my soul's remedy

I smile
Lost within her beauty
I am gone
Whispers of love embrace me
As she welcomes in the dawn

Neville said,
"A change of feeling
is a change of destiny"
Today it set me free
141 · Sep 2016
Melissa Rose Sep 2016
My words may be simplistic
Lacking rhythm, flow and ease
But the depth of my emotion
Runs deeper
Than you think

As I process your silence
And what
It truly means
Sadness fills this empty page
While rage begins to fade

The love you lost between us
Isn’t written on your face
It hides behind the masks
You wear
They keep you feeling safe

While safety has its purpose
When you step into the street
Disguising fear
With apathy
Will strike you to your knees
141 · May 2019
Just. One. Breath.
Melissa Rose May 2019
Exhale let sorrow breathe
offer your secret tears a path
down shameless cheeks

Inhale the light of hope
let go of old habits
trust me I know you can cope

Be brave let love reside
give your heart the key
unlock the prison of feelings inside

Pause, let stillness be
in a world that’s unforgiving
choose to set yourself free
134 · May 2019
Lost without you
Melissa Rose May 2019
Where are you oh creative one?
drowning in a downpour of sorrow
or seeking love where there is none?

Words no longer ripple into an open sea
I long for your egress
where I escape the demons in me

Why did you leave me on my own?
did you disappear into the same shadows
that keep me lost and alone?

I miss your expression so vibrant and true
I am nothing without that which
is solely defined by you

Compose with me a wordless tune
teach me to dance whimsically again
by the light of a silent moon
134 · Aug 2020
Melissa Rose Aug 2020
Nighttime bequeathed it’s darkness
to the lightness of morn
while silence lingered
in the stillness of dawn
the whispers of life
made themselves known
8/7/20 appreciating the beauty and transitions of nature
133 · Nov 2020
Autumn rain
Melissa Rose Nov 2020
Suspended sunlight
shimmers inside
silver ***** of magic
dancing blissfully
under arms
of naked branches
their silent melody of movement
pierce my eyes
inflicting blissful movements
132 · Jun 2020
Melissa Rose Jun 2020
Insights are the seeds which grow the roots that unearth the buds which opens its blossoms and flourishes within the wisdom of light
132 · May 2019
Buried treasure
Melissa Rose May 2019
The current of unworthiness runs deep
plunging headfirst into murky waters
knocked clean off my feet

descending into the abyss
where darkness reclaims it’s host
where light fails to exist

ripples of regret rise above
breaching the outer surface
waiting for the waves of love

only regret washes into more regret
and hopelessness grows
and soon I hit the rocky bottom

but I do not die, my life does not end
in fact I stop thinking
and begin to transcend

you see far beneath the surface
underneath the choppy seas
there lives an inner stillness
that without the current of unworthiness
I would never have found within me
131 · Oct 2020
Through the veil (10w)
Melissa Rose Oct 2020
I am the graceless note that ruined a perfect symphony
131 · Feb 2017
Oblivious (10w)
Melissa Rose Feb 2017
130 · Jun 2020
Into the woods
Melissa Rose Jun 2020
Direction is cryptic along this path
passageways to freedom
wound tightly into thickets
leave answers dangling in plain sight
overlooked by their simplicity

Rain keeps time with my tears
as I navigate the endless cul de sacs
lost in the mazes of foreverness
as each step towards it
takes me further away
from myself
6/7/20 a spiritual seekers endless journey for truth. Only a seeker who has given up the search can discover that truth was within them all along.
130 · Jun 2018
Doors to daydreams
Melissa Rose Jun 2018
Wide eyed and open mouthed
by river’s edge by broken boughs
swiftly sifting through grains so fine
unearthing gifts meant to find

Over rocky paths
beyond treacherous heights
with fear inside
I take flight

A deep dive
to open seas below
trusting the water
I let imagination flow

Doors to daydreams
open wide
a journey begins
I embrace the ride

A step back into the present
that I open with delight
I find myself smiling
as my soul ignites

Chaos’ chatter is low
while epiphany chants
“I see you, I see you
my long-lost friend!”

Greetings shake hands
as my heart starts to swell
the girl in the mirror
knows me so well

The shedding of layers
resurrecting my pain
a sudden death to identity
apart from my name

Waves of wisdom
wash over my eyes
as the girl in the mirror
reflects who I am inside

I undress their critique
and every ******* lie
their confinement never fit me
no longer will I comply

I clothe my self in ****
despite judgmental eyes
and frolic with freedom
under pure blue skies

Adorned in my new knowing
I give thanks for all I see
and while grief healed the Mother Wound
she unearthed the gift of Me
130 · Sep 2017
Through the trees
Melissa Rose Sep 2017
An Autumn breeze
Leaves resting at my feet
I oblige
These gifts
So graciously enchanting
Call to me

I wander unconsciously
With brazen disregard
Crushing beneath me
I leave them for dead
Blindly being

Involuntary steps
I hold the cosmic GPS
Down this path
Already chosen
Awakening the slumber
The memories gently unfolding

I sit naked
Starkly white
Wide eyes staring
Intently through the trees
I am vulnerable
Yet wildly free

I remember
and joyfully surrender
To the beauty,
love and grace
To the home that never left me
We lovingly embrace
130 · Oct 2018
Mending the wistful heart
Melissa Rose Oct 2018
A cascade of tears create an inlet
while a desert of scars leaves me stranded
The subtleties of the wounded spirit
won’t always bleed from my wistful heart

I reflect in the ocean of sorrow
whilst famine feeds my storm
Quenching the longing for insight
I am witness to the rising of a new dawn

I will betray this spiritual darkness
by tending to my sacred garden
Soaking the seeds of compassion
I lie in wait for my soul to blossom
10/19/18. The lesson is learning to be patient and trusting all things meant to be will become in time.
129 · Jun 2020
Skin deep
Melissa Rose Jun 2020
I wept an ocean of tears and left you in the depths of sorrow
126 · Jul 2019
Dear reader
Melissa Rose Jul 2019
Should you find yourself weary
and in need of a rest
take a moments’ breath
let the words on these pages
be a reminder to throw caution
to the wind
to love without boundaries
and never let your fears win

We are all meant to find our light
never stop seeking
even through the darkness
light can shine
You are brilliant beyond the shadows
wisdom whispers when you are willing
to listen to the never ending melodies
your heart will always play for you
be willing to listen now

You are loved
just as you are
I see you
all that you are
and all that you are willing to become
we are only as able to soar
as we are willing to fall
so fall with grace
125 · Jan 2019
Secondary characters
Melissa Rose Jan 2019
I am a secondary character
in your story of Life
you only give me purpose
through what you decide

You define what I am
by how you perceive
but the truth is
you don’t know me

Knowledge gives reasons
for what you believe
even though it’s all lies
you continue to agree

It’s not fair to judge
by what you think you see
logic disconnects our nature
reducing us to domestic debris

Yes I am a secondary character
living my own dream
but I know purpose through feeling
so you can never define me

You are a secondary character
in someone else’s dream
so don’t be defined by their judgments
and you will set yourself free
1/8/19 inspired by the Toltec wisdom book, The Voice of Knowledge
124 · Nov 2018
Melissa Rose Nov 2018
In the midst
of these poetic lines
I hesitate
For to confess
the depths at which
these soulful desires
my crimson heart...

...Dare I?....

....release the expressionist
the passionate prose
Bearing witness to
the Undeniable Truth
As it
onto honest pages
the unsuspecting

...I do.
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