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122 · Nov 2017
The debt collector
Melissa Rose Nov 2017
It’s never a gentle knocking
Whenever it comes a calling
Fists full of endless fury
Invoke pain with no warning

No forgiveness and no mercy
As white knuckles break the glass
Can’t escape the comeuppance
Nor out run your past

With causes all in question
The effects won’t be denied
Review all of your actions
And you may uncover the why

The totality of our existence
Every action, feeling, thought
Will make its way back to us
Because our karma can’t be fought
11/9/17 Karma has caught up to me, rough month.
122 · Jun 2018
Side effects
Melissa Rose Jun 2018
Her life fragmented
like shattered glass
too intricate to piece together
and I gaze in disbelief
at the reflection
the depth of every
unattended rotting wound
she has abandoned
and I writhe in anger
at sorrow’s failed attempts
to escape the tortures
of imprisonment
rendered by every false hope
she has given birth to
6/21/18 #trauma #healingoldwounds
121 · Jul 2019
Melissa Rose Jul 2019
She induces sweet slumbering
turns vintage vibrant
and boils a tepid rain
eyes the colour of wind chimes
her breathe hot across my skin
whispers in delicious undertones
my name
we wander drunkenly
My heart composing a symphony
her smile my muse
she is an ocean of mystery
and I bathe within her hues
two souls intertwined
there is no distance
between us
as we exist beyond time
until daylight devours
what was never ever ours
another morning rouses me
at love’s end
she remains untouchable
and so it is as it was
before it began
118 · Oct 2018
Elixir of shadows
Melissa Rose Oct 2018
They chitter chatter
whispers so low
Hateful words lingering
while judgements grow

They stab the unsuspecting
with their cruelty and lies
giggling as victims bleed out
near death not knowing why

They are master manipulators
if you’re lacking self esteem
Blatantly despising you
then stroke your ego to get what they need

You can fuel their fire
by keeping yourself small
by judging their judgements
You feed the cycle, slowly killing us all

You won’t win through retaliation
don’t let anger control your mind
Feel the sadness of their cruelty
and self compassion is what you’ll find

We, the bullied and near broken
must keep our spirits high
We have a soul responsibility
as Keepers of the Light

It’s never about the oppressors
and their selfish, evil ways
It’s about time to summon your power
and shine your brilliant rays
10/18/18. I’m 45 years old and struggling with two bullies at work. They come in many forms, shapes, sizes and ages. Until we step into the power of our own light we will never be free of the darkness.
112 · Nov 2017
The outer edge of in
Melissa Rose Nov 2017
Thoughts rush in
consuming at will
like breaking waves
gorging the current swill

Miles of redundancy
another storm settles in
as thunder strikes a blackened sky
familiarity floods begin

The wake of this fury
leaves no stone unturned
but hope drowns its sorrows
as the bridges burn

Chaos persists
with no end in sight
fear drowns all courage
with despair it’s plight

The eye of the storm
now center stage
reflects calmer waters
within a sea of rage

A deeper dive
redefines a battered shore
as lost meets found
I am within the cure
11/13/17 - Finding more of myself
109 · Feb 2020
Melissa Rose Feb 2020
Light glistening through Winter’s stillness leads awareness to its deeper truth
108 · Nov 2020
Melissa Rose Nov 2020
Beyond the pane
freedom drifts playfully
like tumbleweed
dancing across desert sands

***** white
covers frozen roads
a crispness to the air
leaves me feeling colder

Your words
echoing from all corners
pierce the drums
of my ears

Your hands
leave hidden bruises behind
it’s the fear of what you may do
that keeps me broken inside

You left the door open
still I remain trapped inside
this battered woman has
no escape and nowhere to hide

***** laundry
hangs on the line yet no one sees
shame can’t bear to know
why no one has rescued me

Beyond the pain
my mind plays tricks on me
drifting playfully
you don’t exist and I am free
107 · Apr 2018
The key
Melissa Rose Apr 2018
She sits inside the prison
arms outstretched to me
I don’t have the heart to tell her
I still haven’t found the key

She sees me as her savoir
spending years trying to set her free
She continues to live on false hope
with no one to blame but me

I trusted all the wrong people
but how was I to know
Her family just wouldn’t support her
and I just couldn’t let that go

Accusing her of hateful crimes
She was completely misunderstood
I tried so hard to convince them
but they just wouldn’t see her good

And so it occurred to me
I’ve been doing things all wrong
Trying to prove her innocence
to those who refuse to let her belong

I head back to the prison
and slowly take her hands
I have to tell the truth
and pray she understands

I look deeply into her eyes
feeling every ounce of shame
I just can’t free her
but she says I’m not to blame

She wipes away my tears
whispering stop searching for that key
You exposed the truth of our false hope
and that’s enough to set me free
107 · Jun 2020
In the heart of the desert
Melissa Rose Jun 2020
Sifting into long lines
the sand, white
the image vast
sun strokes the earth in a feverish decent

Blonde ashes linger
in thick air
as mountain peaks breathe the mystery
of moonlight

Sheltered beneath the stars
and the vastness of night
Lone wolf remains anchored
peaceful, purposeful, content

Red rock surrounds a centrepiece of fire
the density of wood disintegrates
a releasing as passion crackles through
flames and smoke into a crisp, black night

Traces of light
match the stars
the wind subtle in its intention
to breathe life into the skin

Waking up the senses, the voiceless speaks
it’s empty whispers
echoing back unto itself
it’s intention complete
104 · Apr 2020
True nature
Melissa Rose Apr 2020
Outside my window
darkness pervades naked branches
as dusk settles beneath the horizon

A pale blue sky lingers in quiet contemplation
while the last glimmers of daylight
ripple through puddles
soaking the outskirts of shadows

Today takes its final breath
and it's here I find solace
weeping inside its death

But ephemeral thoughts
quickly lose their shape
swallowed by the stillness of night

My body mind lets go
I become driftwood guided by soul
embarking on an odyssey
I come to rest outside of space, beyond time

Now rooted
I am the ground
the unwavering abyss
The Source of all that is
101 · Nov 2020
Melody’s pain
Melissa Rose Nov 2020
She sang the chorus
and melancholy hues thundered
through the silence like embers
burning the emerald out of the green

Each verse a deepening
of the beginning into the end
like ash claims the earth long after
the fire has burned

Still lyrics of hope
clutched tightly to the notes
like rainbows bridge the gap
long after the storm has passed

Again, she sang the chorus
this time tears spilled over the edge
of heartache
like rain striking the heat out of the flames

— The End —