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 Aug 2019 Mekaylor C
Lost Soul
 Aug 2019 Mekaylor C
Lost Soul
i need you ...
where are you?
where did you go?
why did you leave?
I just found this as I was cleaning out my phone. It was supposed to be part of a longer poem but I ended up never using it. I kinda feel like with the weight of this questions, it is complete
 Aug 2019 Mekaylor C
Lost Soul
Once upon a time there was a happy little girl...
Then she grew up

There once was a confident teen...
Then her heart was crushed

Once there lived a wounded woman...
But no one cared to help

Once upon a time there was a lonely broken old lady...
but she died
 Aug 2019 Mekaylor C
 Aug 2019 Mekaylor C
Put  your hands
on my body
before dawn

I know it will hurt
make me scar

but my heart
only beats
under your
Religious practice
pervades the life in me
the entire week
a day of prayer
reenergises my spirituality

In your house of prayer
pray for yourself, your country
the vast globe

Happy weekend!
Spirituality boost
A demon once told me that:
"If you don't heal what hurt you,
you'll bleed on people who didn't cut you."
"is like giving someone a loaded gun pointed at your heart
and somehow, trusting them not to pull the trigger."
"how the world can teach a girl with tulips in her smile
                      and arms wide open
                                     that too much love
                                                          is a crime."
 Jul 2019 Mekaylor C
we might be
broken by design
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