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Matthew Sep 2017
This is more of a song then poem.

I dont like the confused games you don't mean to play.
And I dont mind if you need to walk away.

You tell me that your leaving, but honey you're already gone.
I try to keep you here though I know we must move on.
Tears fill my eyes and my love for you is still strong.

But.....I remember.

All the days I held you close.
Not wanting to face this world alone.
Dying inside but cant lose hope.
I just needed you to know.

All the days I held you close.
Not wanting to face this world alone.
Dying inside but cant lose hope.
I just needed you to know.

To know
To know

Now days go by I cant remember your face.
A empty house broken and erased.

The terror it continues ripping at my heart.
A life I couldn't give you, its what pushed us apart.
So now im just bleeding, wishing you would hold on.

And remember........

All the days I held you close.
Not wanting to face this world alone.
Dying inside but cant lose hope.
I just needed you to know.

All the days I held you close.
Not wanting to face this world alone.
Dying inside but cant lose hope.
I just needed you to know.

To know
To know
Matthew Aug 2017
Now a days we are all just a little bit broken.
Fractured, ****** up puzzle pieces sitting in a box never to fulfill our purpose.
Yet every so often another piece gets thrown into the box and come to find one day you and that piece fit.

Here you two are kept in that box spending every waking moment together, becoming more than two pieces you begin to feel like one. Then that glorious day comes when you are pulled from the box and are now part of the bigger picture.

I was that piece.......
And my love......well she was the other.

Now the picture has faded, the pieces have come apart and she is gone. I have no idea of what the world will bring, but I will stay strong with my head held high, because I know somewhere out there she is hurting, she is troubled, confused by the future and what it may bring, staying in a constant battle of uncertainty and unease, hopefully searching for the place at my side.

I am incapable of removing this pain from her even though I would tear heaven from the sky if it would make us whole again. Yet I sit this box........waiting.........because no other piece has ever fit so well.
Still miss her.
Matthew Oct 2017
I turn this corner to see you're not home. I open the door only to be greeted by an empty house. I go to sleep in an empty bed just to wake with you still not there. My phone never rings because you're not calling. My skin is always cold since I don't have your warm touch. My insides twisted with the passion I can no longer give. My hand left empty since yours is not there where I'm reaching. Movies with no sound or understanding since there is no laughter next to me to fill the silence. Songs come on and they remind me of a better time whilst ripping my heart out. I'm keeping my head high and my heart open in hopes of these painful memories eventually being released by someone or something. Understanding and accepting a life knowing that I will never see you again as painful as this reality may be. You were my everything, the only light in my dark unforgiving life, the only heart paired with mine in this ******-up world. I am suffering, yet the biggest pain is from knowing you're hurting more and I may well be the true cause. I wish every moment of every day that life brings you peace, because you..........truly you deserve eternal happiness. I will love you until this world takes my body and my breath, then still I will love you after.

— The End —