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Green meadows and distant hills
The shepherd sings to the herd
An old folk song, of sparkling rills

The sheep graze, heads bent down
Little bells around their necks
Dance to the tune of the old folk song

The sheep love the water mud pools
Monsoon brings greens and browns
Shelter and food

The shepherd and his herd
From the neighbouring town
Enjoy the picnic, up the hills
On a road journey today
Life in monochrome
Has been smooth and safe
The world of colours, allures
Newer avenues, shores
Measured steps  
A journey to embrace
A rainbow awaits
Thank you so much, for the sunshine here, V, you are gracious and kind :) ☀️
 Jun 2020 Rajinder
Michael Perry

from my window
there to glimpse
I watch the birds; assorted
set down to feed, frenzied
from a slanting rain, they seek out
to gather peck and scratch
while in this moment of
lost souls, well-nigh contemplative
I look up and as the clock
chimes out the hour, feeling the
assault of lonely moments gather, I am aware then as
before the yard has emptied out once more

by Michael Perry
 Jun 2020 Rajinder
 Jun 2020 Rajinder
You said, "Together forever".

When did forever become so short ?
My days!!
Whose eyes are on duty
At this ungodly hour?
None but mine.
Who then shall watch me
Dance to the tune
Of beautiful INSOMIA?
Oh sweet disease!
I threw it's pills
Consented to its thrills
For diamond moments like this.

Yes fam.
Why shall I dose on pills
When mother earth is pregnant
With burdens?
Shall I not dwell
On it's thrills
Exploring my allowances?
How I worship
The magnificent repercussions
Of your presence!

For I,
Mute of words
As my tongue fell asleep.
Fingers crave.
Mind tortured, matyred for words.
My pen releases ink,
Innovating a remdesivir
To cure the world
Of the pandemic burdens
Of hate, segregation and violence.
Dare I say everything has an advantage, or will the word many be more appropriate?
Breathe and love as long as you live,
And you will have built a bridge over everything.
 May 2020 Rajinder
CJ Tims
I am ashamed
At how broken i am.
I apologize
For the amount of stress
I may cause in the midst of your
Efforts of trying to keep me held together.
I apologize
that i continue to fall apart
Before your glue has time to dry.
I apologize
That every time you pick a piece of me up,
Yet another breaks.
I am trying.
You are fixing me slower than i am breaking,
And i am ashamed.
Thank you.
Thank you for not giving up
On a broken piece of nothing.
 Mar 2020 Rajinder
David Lessard
I used to read your poems
but lately you don't write
you're silent and aloof
you know that isn't right.
You can't close a door once opened
you can't abolish all your dreams
you're a poet of the heart
mustn't fall apart at the seams.
Say what you can in words
they speak the message true
spoken from the heart
the poems will see you through.
A hermit's not your style
a recluse, you are not
never give up writing
of things that you've been taught.
I used to read your poems
I'd read them once again
if you would send them out
(this one's from a poet friend)
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