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3.7k · Sep 2015
For My Mama
Kelsey Bohn Sep 2015
We may fight at times but I love her

Today I helped you fix you're hair and I rembered the way you did my hair every day when I was and I wanted you to do my hair like a  hot airballoon  

you did every day so thank you mama I'll rember thoughts day and be great full for all youve done

Thank you mama 17 years you've loved me so happy birthday mama

You're my mama and I'd never ask for more
Her birthday is actually next weekend but who cares I still love her
1.7k · Dec 2014
Life's Rhyme
Kelsey Bohn Dec 2014
Godless happiness, conservative mind
Blue eyed, blonde hair criticized
Big talk no bite
Vegetarian life
Life ***** when you have none
I scream.
Ruts ****
1.0k · Feb 2017
To the girls in coffee shops
Kelsey Bohn Feb 2017
To the girls who sit in coffee shops

That love the feeling they get when they sit in there favorite spot

Browsing the internet, listening to their favorite music

The taste off coffee running through your veins

I know how you feel, and how far you'll reach for the stars

I know who you are, because I'm that girl too
718 · Jul 2014
Sometimes I Wish...
Kelsey Bohn Jul 2014
Sometimes I wish that there wasn't pain
or it would just go right
or they wouldn't have left
or that happiness was forever
I just wish all the loss I've felt would have never been
the people that passed lived forever
but that's the thing with wishes... they never come true
668 · Jul 2014
more than others
Kelsey Bohn Jul 2014
parties, drinking, hating one another
these are teens lives
but not mine

yes I like to have fun
but I want more than wonder if boys like me
drinking till I don't know where I am

I want long walks, deep talks
world travels, music shows
book pilled up to my nose

I want more than the average teen
and I am so happy for that
658 · Oct 2014
I Crave the Dark Skies
Kelsey Bohn Oct 2014
I crave the dark skies I had in my country life
where the stars would shine so bright
not like these artificial lights

I miss the noise of the night creatures
not the night life and laughter

I miss thoughts night when only the moon lit the night skies
thoughts skies I so often crave
604 · Jul 2014
Kelsey Bohn Jul 2014
The fact that the music we listen to defines us
If its country, your a hick
indie, hipster
folk, hippie
heavy metal, ****
why can't music just be free?
why dose it define?
why judge by the thing that brings us pleasure?
I can't stand it
547 · Mar 2016
My Dearest
Kelsey Bohn Mar 2016
There's something I can't explain when I see you, that thing that happens inside of me

That feeling you give me, the way you hold me, they way you touch me

It means something to you, that I can see

You don't care how I look, baggy eyes, messy hair

You care, thoughts eyes, they way you look at me with them, so sweet, oh so kind

You that's all I want in this world, nothing more

Oh dear, you are something different

Something good

Something worth all that time I was waiting for

I wish I could kiss you right now, and forever more
536 · Jul 2014
The perfect Place
Kelsey Bohn Jul 2014
Green grass, large trees
The world around nothing but rustling leaves,and a million sounds, but none that honking horns or engine rumbles
Nature is the perfect place
519 · Aug 2015
Sleep Deprived
Kelsey Bohn Aug 2015
Sometimes I wish my dream took me away faster than my thoughts make me stay
514 · Oct 2016
I miss him
Kelsey Bohn Oct 2016
I just miss everything about him

His smile, his eyes

Thoughts days where we would just lay in bed all day

I miss my best friend, the best thing that's ever happened to me

I miss his skin,  and literally everything about him

I feel as if I am lost without him, he brought peace within me

I fell in love and I never want to lose him
514 · Mar 2015
Kelsey Bohn Mar 2015
looking at the love of her life, her reflection looked back
500 · Apr 2016
I Want You
Kelsey Bohn Apr 2016
I want to kiss you like there's nothing more I could do
I want to touch you hair and make it as messy as possible
I want to laugh at your terriblely dark humored jokes
I want you to hold my hand when we walk toghter
I want to be around you
I want to see your smile appear on your face
And I want to be the source of your smile
I want you touch my **** and I'll touch yours
But most of all I just want you
All of you
The good
The bad
That dark pasts
And the bright futures
When I tell you your mine I mean it, I want us to be a pair, two pice that fit toghter, because they don't work as well if there not toghter
Darling your mine and I'm yours
Cause he's the best thing that happened to me in a long *** time, so for him
Kelsey Bohn Jan 2015
It must be you thick Swedish accent

Or the way your smell raps around me as I pass you in the hallway

Or your dark skin and smooth complexion

Or thoughts looks you give me

You see that darling  is why you make me happy

If only I had the corage to talk to you it would make me really happy
491 · Oct 2015
Kelsey Bohn Oct 2015
All of this is crushing me I can not handle all the stress, or life, of school

I need time to think and to destress.
**** school
Kelsey Bohn Jan 2015
10.) what have I done that's good this year?
9.)have I changed?
8.)if so for better or worst?
7.)what have I learned?
6.)what have I seen?
5.)who have I meet that changed me?
4.)have I stayed true to me?
3.)where is this journey of mine going to take me?
2.)am I happy?
1.)am I following my dreams?
476 · Jun 2015
To the Romans,
Kelsey Bohn Jun 2015
I envy you and all you have given us,
for your politic that gave us the foundation for what is now this great nation
you building styles, thoughts famous columns
thoughts things you though, the problems you solved
you changed the world, your langue create our routes, your style of fight
so thank you, for all you great work
470 · Jan 2015
Dear Kurt Vonnegut,
Kelsey Bohn Jan 2015
I would like to start out saying thank you for all the work you made
for thoughts side comments in your books that make me want to have met you
I would just like to let you know that people are still reading your books
and if I may say you are a true writer that will last past my death
and you inspire me to be the same
so thank you
                           a true lover of your work
460 · Oct 2014
Kelsey Bohn Oct 2014
so different you would never believe they had the same mother
best friends
always looking out for one another
to see the world and call it there own
both grown, wives and children of there own
both together they grew, both  lived, they were always together almost one. until.
one stands at the grave of the others
now they lay side by side forever just as they lived. together.
Kelsey Bohn Feb 2015
It's ok to have doubts as long as they do not run your life.
Even the nicest person in the world has bad moments.  
You'll always not like people or hate doing something but you'll have to hold your head up high and do it anyway.
The age of a person can't always be determined by a number but by there soul.
441 · Jan 2015
The Prison
Kelsey Bohn Jan 2015
Earth Science
The thing forced opon me to learn
Thing i will propel never truly coprehend

But somehow they will better me
This I will never understand
Why can't I learn what I want to
Why can't I break free I this prison?
423 · May 2016
I love you
Kelsey Bohn May 2016
I love you

I love your smile, and the childlike mischief it protrays

I love your eyes, and how they look at me

I love your hands, and how they care for me as you hold me close

I love how tall my are and how I fit so perfectly in your arms

I love how you kiss my neck sometimes when I'm doing something, and the chills it sends down my spine

I love when we're holding one another so closely you press your lips opon my forehead

I love that late night drive home, when I tried to sleep but I couldn't and I heard you sing along to the song, and your voice made my heart swell so

I love how you found your way out of the crap you've been through

I love how you went for it and talked to me, even though you have great social anxietys

I love you, all of you the fighter, the mechanic, the dreamer, the adrnallen ******, every pice of you


I love you darling, and I know you love me too
421 · Jan 2016
Kelsey Bohn Jan 2016
Staggering breath
Skin and bones
You done eat anymore

I was six, white little thing in a sea I of black siblings

So young and and ready to run, Cookie boy hate you at first
But he grew old
Staggering breath
Skin and bones
Didn't eat
Kept falling to his feet
Cookie boy came and gone he was your friend

So many year have passed you grew old tumers grew, one on your head back and under, you grew weak

Buttercup came  and you came to life, she was so young and ready to run  

You grew strong she was your sister, mange hit you and you fell down, it took so long we thought you were gone.

You got back up and started back up again.

I love you, Chloe I thank you for reminding me to fight

Because that's all you did in your short eleven year life.

Fight for life, like Chloe did.
Choke was my family dog and she's getting put down today, witch ***** but she's been through a lot so in honer of her stay strong through all of life.
413 · Apr 2016
Falling in love
Kelsey Bohn Apr 2016
You hands define me, adoring me, finding my edges, my bums, scares, streach markes, taking it all in, they way you always do, your hands tell me how they love me so, as you hold me so close to you, our hearts in unison, I look at you dark brown eyes, and you look deep into mine as we hold one another so closely nothing but skin touching skin, just breathing one another in, it's hard to decribe such a thing, when you hold each other so close, the trust you feel, it's not a word it's a feeling so strong, that is love of course, I geuss that's the closest thing I could define it as, love. So strong, so pure, so undefined.
410 · Aug 2014
Dear World,
Kelsey Bohn Aug 2014
fear me.
because I am one, that sees the world through the eyes of the skies
I see the world's  hate, war , death
we look to each other brothers sister, and we see strangers
we are one of the same but we fight for what's 'right'
do not judge me for being a woman
do not judge others by faith, or race
we are the same in the inside
yes we may look, speak, believe different but we are man
were the same spices so please, put aside these different ways and look at our home as it dies.
you may look away as the acid rain comes down but were not here to rule, were here to be as one and help all not just us, our home.
so world, what shall we do?
391 · Sep 2017
I feel lost
Kelsey Bohn Sep 2017
I don't feel the same without you here
As I venture into this new life scared
I wish you were by my side like before
I need you here to not feel so lost anymore
376 · Mar 2014
Kelsey Bohn Mar 2014
We may be younger than you
We may look weaker than you
We may look smaller than you
Useless, nothing but helpless

The different between us is that we are dreamers
We dream to one day be big and tall
Stronger, brave, unstoppable

So do not look down on us
Because we look up at you
Be the unstoppable ones, the brave, the stronger ones
The dreamers
363 · Dec 2017
Kelsey Bohn Dec 2017
Slowly I feel myself drifting out to sea, drowning into the deep

No longer knowing who I am slowly I go, day by day I slip further away

Slowly feeling less and less of how I used to be.

You helped me change that but without you near, I see myself drifting deeper into the sea
360 · Nov 2014
Ten Things About Me
Kelsey Bohn Nov 2014
1.)I am a terrible person, but I can be incredibly nice in the flip of coin
2.)I listen to what some people would say is weird
3.)I quite a sport cause I didn't feel passionate about it
4.)I have never kissed a boy (refer to #1)
5.)I am absolutely terrible at school
6.)I drink to much caffeine for someone my age
7.)I don't sleep like at all
8.)I have no life
9.)I read books a lot (refer to #8)
10.)I am ******* terrified of the world and what it thinks of me
360 · Feb 2016
My first kiss
Kelsey Bohn Feb 2016
I don't know how it was so perfect, I brought him to a place I feel in love with all my own

A place where my small towns artificial fun, doesn't seem to reach.

The sky littered with bright stars, it was such a clear night

His blanket that tired to warm me, you asked me as we sat under the vibrant night sky, if this was a sign

Of course I replied yes.

It wasn't a suddel thing this kiss, it was so much all at once.

We sat there locked lips, under that night sky, I haven't wanted such a perfect thing in all my life.

He kissed my for the first time under the night sky

Now that's something I'll never forget
351 · Oct 2015
Why Now?
Kelsey Bohn Oct 2015
What are you thinking why do you look at me like that now.

I'm sorry but your just a friend.

I feel for the boy who plays football, and dances silly.

Your a great friend who I love, but I'm sorry not that way not now anyway.

I'm sorry to have to tell you this way but that is all I have to say.

Don't get heart broken your like my brother, if I needed you I know you'd be there.

Don't hate me, please don't leave me cause I don't fall head over heel for you.

This is how it has to be cause I want him, I have for a year, why now do you look at me that way?

No, I can't do that to you to our friendship, so I ask you to stop looking at me like that, cause what do I do when I loose you?
348 · Apr 2016
Toghter we laid
Kelsey Bohn Apr 2016
Toghter we laid, chest to chest, our heartbeats a tangled mess
343 · Jul 2015
Ski Town,Home
Kelsey Bohn Jul 2015
So many homes in this little ski town, most are empty now sitting awaiting the snow, to once again be full
340 · Feb 2015
The Decider of Fates
Kelsey Bohn Feb 2015
He looked at her and asked " and who are you to decide the fate of all of thoughts in pain?"
  "I am the one who has felt there pain, how they are more stubborn than a charging bull, or the hole they swear that is there instead of a beating heart.

I feel everything they feel that is why I can decide there fate, because I have felt there pain, there loss, there love, there hope, there anger, because I am them, there mothers, there friends, ever face they have ever seen. I am everything so there fate is mine.
334 · Sep 2014
Lovely eyes
Kelsey Bohn Sep 2014
brown, black, or blue there beauty shines with a sparkle in their eyes.
331 · Feb 2016
I finally found one
Kelsey Bohn Feb 2016
I finally found one
One who sees my character first

One to take to, long and slow
Anything and all things

I found a gentleman in a sea of horror

His jaw sharp, his smile bright

I don't understand how such a man could have not have been found
325 · Aug 2014
I Don't Believe
Kelsey Bohn Aug 2014
It may rain down red rain
there may be a pit of eternal flame
and you still ask me why I don't believe?

I don't believe that someone parted the red sea
or that his son would rise again
sorry I don't believe

you may think there is a greater power
but I don't so please stop forcing it on me
its just my belief
321 · Nov 2015
Christmas music
Kelsey Bohn Nov 2015
Killing me slowly with thought word full of glee
320 · Feb 2015
Kelsey Bohn Feb 2015
We thing of it so humble
it is true stability
all we want is for everyone to get along  

But our egos and our beliefs always come first
we are a stubborn kind we are mundane
so for that we are cursed with forever ciaos
317 · Mar 2014
The Wise Ones
Kelsey Bohn Mar 2014
Tall and wise they stand

they go pass far the day of man.

As they stand there are age less in beauty.

They are now bare and exposed,with only blankets of white.
These beauty will stand when all else falls,

these are the wise people who will be forever
317 · Aug 2014
i may never find peace
Kelsey Bohn Aug 2014
my heads too* young, my eyes too* old
314 · Jun 2016
Our greatness
Kelsey Bohn Jun 2016
I fell into something wonderful
I stumbled opon greatness they may say

Words not spoken we look at one another and know of the greatness we hold

A greatness that took not long to find, we moved on tandem from the start

Our beliefs the same, so similar it was hard to believe we had never met before

I fell for him quickly his looks so kind and strong, I couldnt believe  I had found someone who thought so wide as I, so young

He's mine and I'm his that's all I need

Nothing more nothing less
308 · Sep 2016
Our story
Kelsey Bohn Sep 2016
I fell in love with you so fast it was insane

we met at that coffee shop you use to work at, that seems so long ago
even though it was only a year ago

it took us so long to even speak to one another, both of us awkward and vacuous to one another's flattery  

you thought I was beautiful from the start, even when I didn't you did

I was so mean to you that first day that I walked in, and you stared at me, later you told me you couldn't look away

it took us months of brief passing, till you finally formally introduced yourself to me, you hate that, it made me ecstatic

we talked constantly for weeks, until we decided to go on a date

it was awkward, I was nervous, and so were you, but its something that can't be touch in its innocence, I still loved it

we fell for on another fast, and then after our third date as we laid looking at thoughts stars and you kissed me, was when we started to date

quickly we fell for one another hand and together

we laid staring into each others eyes when we told each other that we loved one another

I love everything about you, the good the bad every single thing

how could I not, you were everything I wanted, everything I need and more, you changed me, you made me better

we were happy, friends, and lovers

then this is the sad part of our story, there always is one, you were moving across the country in fact

I told you of what I had been like before you came into my life, I had opened up completely to you, I opened my chest exposing my beating heat, and you took care of it and did the same for me

then about a week later was the day that you departed, that morning the dat\y you went and I was leaving I loved you , seeing you lay there one the bed knowing that smile on your sleepy face was mine and that you loved me so made me happy, I cant stop loving you

after all your my first love

I hope someday we'll meet again, maybe when I'm older and your younger wouldn't that be a twist
307 · Sep 2015
Let us one day
Kelsey Bohn Sep 2015
Let us one day sleep through the night without dark thoughts invading our minds

Let us one day feel free to be that person we want to be

Let us one day see the world and the beauty we all seek

Let us find home whatever that might be

Let us all one day be better than we are today
305 · Nov 2015
The Last Choice
Kelsey Bohn Nov 2015
So you don't like me or love me or very much see me

No you might have I don't know but you don't like me now that much I know

You like the girl, she's young very young.

I know you don't owe me anything

I just have one question if you will take it

Why not me?

I have never been the first choice for anyone, I'm an after thought in your mind

Pretty, but is there something wrong that I did?

yes I have walls one hundred feet tall, but no one even bothered to try?

Just, why?

I'm not asking for your pitty just give me a reason, that's all I ask

So thank you for the year you invaded my mind even when I thought we could be toghter at last

You don't choice me

So have your fun with your little girl, I just ask for her sake give her space

She's not ready for what you ask of her I know I was on her place at one time

Goodbye for good this time.
302 · Sep 2014
fall ride
Kelsey Bohn Sep 2014
that smell that tells you its here
as I ride the trail
my nose getting cold I remember why I fell in love with fall
as my father turns the bend out of sight I close my eyes
breath in the beauty
ride past the walkers, joggers, and the slow riders
it's the perfect day
hearing the animals run in the woods
the leaves dancing down with painted lively colors
I reminds me of the times when we use to rake the leaves and jump
these days remind me why I love my home
why I could imagine living in any other place
the cold the warm, god it makes you love all life
#biking #fall #love
301 · Mar 2015
Kelsey Bohn Mar 2015
really hard
heart beat rises and you feel,
300 · Jun 2014
I Have Friends
Kelsey Bohn Jun 2014
We were close, closer than my sisters
I trust them with every inch of my soul
I loved them so
My friends they stopped, they no longer talk
I still love them so, but we've drifted  away
now I'm alone
I miss my friends
I really wish this wasn't so true.
300 · Mar 2017
Being in love
Kelsey Bohn Mar 2017
Being in love is like being a spring flower

You feel fresh and beautiful thanks to the winter that came before

showing you that you are strong enough to get through the cold

And have grown thanks to that cold and hardship

wether that love is for yourself or for another, you are beautiful and have grown

Be proud spring flower, you can do anything
295 · Mar 2017
My year with you
Kelsey Bohn Mar 2017
One year ago I was lost
Not knowing who I was, slowly collapsing into myself
Then I met you and something just kind of happened
I felt alive once again
You changed me and for that I thank you
Thank you for making me feel happy and I mean truly happy once again
Thank you my love and happy one year
In the show How I Met Your Mother, Ted has a quote that is super relivent to me, and he says a lot can change in a year
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