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 Feb 2018 Lj
 Feb 2018 Lj
mediocre and
the average poem
no longer strikes chords
in the heart's harp
use extravagant vocabulary
weave your words tight
until they seem uncomfortable
the original meaning lost
between the claustrophobic corners
covered in lace and pretentious boasting
try but don't try so hard
that no one but the classic readers
would be able to understand
the words you've worked so hard to convey
do not force a poem out
or it will stick your fingers and
it will create a mess
similar to a teenage boy
it will be long and uncomfortable with itself
unknowing of how to adjust
into this thing that is supposed to be
mature now despite wanting to be simple
do not rush poetry
find quiet inspiration
in silent observations
of yourself, of nature
rushing poetry makes it fast
too many unfilled thoughts
racing around in one space
not meeting each other
despite being so close together
tell a story with imagery
with delicate words of morality
tell a story with flashbacks
with soft lips and with stained shirts
tell a story with love
make your poems with care
 Jul 2016 Lj
Cycle of life?
 Jul 2016 Lj
that train on which we embark by accident
that tissue on which we wipe our tears
that pain which makes us stronger
that diversity which enriches us
that pill which lets us cross the borders of reason and logic
that fascinating quest whispered to me by a girl i like
that fight which we must win
that double-edged knife which can cut us
that drug which we can't get enough
these stars which we hope will shine forever
that last train station where we don't want to get off
That dark and cold room
 May 2016 Lj
David Murphy
 May 2016 Lj
David Murphy
To coax emotion and entice desire
To exaggerate feeling, exhaust and tire
Of twisted roots and seamless truths
That split at the end to love and offend.
Silence the burden,
Smile and pretend.
 May 2016 Lj
Thomas Alan
My hallowed eyes
Carved darkened shadows
In the floral skies;
And my endless wonder
Disheartens the sun
But it runs with the thunder
When all's said and done
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