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 May 2018 Khrome
 May 2018 Khrome
you say i love you
like it was some kind of recitation
and i was fool enough to listen till the end of the recital
 May 2018 Khrome
Jonalyn Ruiz
During an unexpected night, I saw you
To an unforgettable ride, where I sat in front of you
Everybody was in a hurry, I’m too little but too luck
because I was just next to you.

In the middle of our ride I caught you looking at me
Made me feel so conscious of what you think of m
Do I look beautiful and good or ugly and untidy?
As my hair blown by the wind,so cold. . .

How I wish the wheels won’t stop turning
Sad to know you’re leaving
I wanted so say goodbye or even just a simple hi
My eyes was with you, till the darkness hide you
away from me..

When I got home, my mind was still with you
Telling to myself that there will be tomorrow
and I will see you again
That night I can’t sleep and it made me feel so sick.

But I was wondering why, it’s been months ago
But I kept on searching
and kept on finding
Till a friend told to me, I should stop what I am doing

I lost my faith, and I lost my hope that I will know you

I never thought that was the first and last. . .

That I can take a look at you;(
 May 2018 Khrome
i like to see my loved ones happy,
even though this sounds quite sappy.

but ever since i wore a *****,
i can’t quite grasp what it’s like to be happy.
 Sep 2017 Khrome
I wanna have lunch with Poe,
at Burger King,

because I'm sure he would appreciate how ghoulish that King in their commercial is

I don't want him to recite verse
while we fill our medium cups with corn syrup nectar--a giant leap
down from laudanum

I do want to ask about the Cask of Amontillado and being walled in slowly, for eternity

for to me that is creepier than all the crimson cream in the Masque of the Red Death

I want to know if he likes the fries--will he dare to dip them in scarlet paste we call catsup

mostly I want to know if he remembers the alley where he was found,

not yet a legend, consumed by consumption and delirium in equal measure

and if there were rodents privileged to hear his last whispered words--or even a gasp

I am buying, Ed, so grab that Whopper with both bony paws and tell me terrible tales, evermore
 Sep 2017 Khrome
My Tree
 Sep 2017 Khrome
In my garden,
I've planted a seed.
It took a while,
But eventually sprouted a tree.
I would sit underneath,
In the relief of shade.
It was the hottest summer,
The sun had ever made.
I pondered of things,
Untold and unseen.
The tree would support,
My back as I lean.
As the winter dawned,
Something happened.
I stopped visiting the tree,
And it gradually blackened.
The tree grew old,
I did too.
It was there many years,
But I visited it so few.
That very tree,
That had kept me cool.
Held on to its life,
Although life is cruel.
It held on for me,
And that I can't repay.
So I'll set it free,
I'll walk away.
The tree has many more years,
Than I.
I'll hold it back,
If there I lie.
Someone will come,
To take my place.
But until then,
That tree will hold an empty space.

— The End —