A poem can be a statement,
A poem can be a song.
It can be a piece of music,
Playing all night long.
First we have to go up,
Then we must go down.
Then we have to go all around
To find this ****** town.
Poetry is music,
Singing us a song.
Any way you choose it,
Bing, bang, ****.
Assonant sounds assemble,
Alliteration lilts our lyres.
Raps and rhymes are pulsing,
Kindling all those fires.
An orchestra is playing
On this very page.
Letters and words are strumming:
It’s a Golden Age.
Choirs of Angels Singing,
Guitars with a twang.
Ear that piano playing,
This may or may not scan.
If a pawn’s the soul of chess,
As Philidor did say,
Then letters and the sounds they show
Are what brighten the poet’s day.
So get those letters running,
All along the page.
Those sounds are our chess pieces,
Ready to engage.
Paul Butters
Word Music!