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 Nov 2015 K Poetry
Helsy Flores
They liked to get lost in books
They both enjoyed a good movie
They looked for beauty and looks
They captured them in photography

They both knew deep inside
They were just the same
They both preferred to hide
They are both to blame

She was crazy about his eyes
She, herself, was a catch
They should’ve rolled the dice
They were the perfect match

And now it’s such a shame
Neither was brave enough to try
Blackjack will no longer be the game
And the flame will surely die
November 2015
So we met in middle school
Feeling oh so awkward
Both of us alone and not "cool"
Not knowing the future we walked toward

Each time we meet
It's like I'm playing a guessing game
The sound of your voice is so sweet
Each time I'm hoping nothing's the same

So we burn in the sun
And talk together at night
Reading the clouds never seemed so fun
Falling asleep until twighlight

Shared whispers
Cracking jokes
Walking along the beach shores
I feel like my love is a hoax

Each time we meet
It's like I'm playing a guessing game
The sound of your voice is so sweet
Each time I'm hoping nothing will change

Then one night, after you get home
I tell you my feelings
For me it's a guessing game,
But you say, "I'm with another guy."

I'm always playing a guessing game
A guessing game, guessing game,
A guessing game!
Guessing the feelings of the world...

Each new day brings a new guessing game.
 Nov 2015 K Poetry
 Nov 2015 K Poetry
Would that I were lost at sea
Isn’t that best place to be?

Drowning or rotting, afloat or adrift
Searching, hoping, waiting for a gift

Sharks below, or sharks above
Depends on your view of what you once loved

Where were you going
A cruise or just boating

You ended up here through no fault of your own
Yet now you must live on the path that’s been sewn

Feeling scared and abandoned
Not what you planned on?

Say a prayer or stay silent
Get calm or stay violent

Get a grip on that mind
Solace you’ll never find

The ocean doesn’t care for you
Hell, can everyone join in too?

Alone in the ocean is where you’ll belong
Alone in the ocean is where you went wrong
 May 2015 K Poetry
The uniVerse
As vultures start to circle like flies
she stares into a dying mans eyes
his vision blurred, eyes swollen and glazed
any memories left have already hazed
he opens his mouth as if to speak
she leans in close and touches his cheek.

"Now i'm at my journeys end
no lover left for me to tend
a broken heart that will not mend"
--"no next of kin all alone
just worn out skin and dried up bone
all thats left has turned to stone"

She grasps his hand to her chest
knowing its his final rest
she squeezes it oh so tight
with all her strength and all her might
--just before the old man dies
"i am your lover" she replies

"I've been by your side for 60 years
i've shared your laughter and eased your fears
i gave you water and ceased your tears"
--"and listened to every word you said
washed your clothes, bathed and fed
now i sit beside your bed"

As he slowly turns his head
tears are falling eyes are red
one final look of recognition
as she adjusts his position
that single thought sums up their lives
as they say a final goodbye.
for my grand-parents
 Mar 2015 K Poetry
You know just because you said you're sorry,
That doesn't mean you can go.
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