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It's been thirteen
Thirteen years
Since I last saw you
Just a little kid
Only five.
And all I want
More than Anything is
To see you again

To see you again
Is all I want
But its not
Not my

So I hope
More than all
That you want to see me too
Because I don't
Know what I
Would do

If you didn't want to
See me too.

I miss you, my Sister
What’s meant stays,  
quiet and sure.  
True love waits,  
even when we turn away.  
What isn’t ours  
like water,  
gone before we know it.
....sun will rise tomorrow
To go back in time
would bring me joy
To see you again
is my only wish
If only I could go back in time

To go back in time
Would give me a chance
to find peace
to find a place in the world
that I hate
If only I could go back in time

To go back in time
Would bring me pain
of all the memories
Of the things we've been through.
Why do I wish so much
To go back in time?
They say
Look both ways
You cross a street
But maybe
Just maybe
You should
Look both ways
You cross a new person
So many people are good
But too many
Also bring pain and hurt
So look both ways
The pain I feel now,
Is the pain we all feel
At some point
in our lonely lives.
The peace we all want,
Is what our dreams create
for our minds.
Our false reality.
It twists and turns,
Until we make it
Make it real.
A never-ending cycle.
No matter how hard,
We try.
It never stops.
The possibilities,
Dispersed like the seeds
Of a Dandelion.
As you watch
They disappear,
Before your eyes.
And with them,
Your hope,
For better days,
Is gone.
The pain I feel now,
Is the pain we all feel
At some point
in our lonely lives.
The peace we all want,
Is what our dreams create
for our minds.
Our false reality.
It twists and turns,
Until we make it
Make it real.
A never-ending cycle.
No matter how hard,
We try.
It never stops.
The possibilities,
Dispersed like the seeds
Of a Dandelion.
As you watch
They disappear,
Before your eyes.
And with them,
Your hope,
For better days,
Is gone.
Loneliness is
like a sickness—
a poisonous,
raw emotion
that’ll make you
fall into

But toxic love
is the deadliest
of all
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