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Nov 2020 · 266
-short poem-
GfS Nov 2020
And yet
the carbon
that could've been
instead made
Mar 2018 · 337
The Girl
GfS Mar 2018
You're the girl
that eats too much
too little
Yet reminds me all the same
to not do so
like all the food
is forbidden to my mouth
as it is welcomed in yours
and yet all your meals
the smallest and tallest
you un-finish just the same

You're the girl
that sings songs
with different lyrics
like each one from
the same writer
even your favorite song
would have different lyrics
every time
even your favorite singer
would be surprised to hear
different words to their rhymes

You're the girl
whose own forgetfulness
digs her own grave
bringing the fate of the sea
and the future of her children at stake
making you more dangerous
that at times make me shake
as you stare blankly into space

You're the girl
who hides all too much
yet claims to have shown me everything
and with most instances
of the past brought up
is forsaken and replaced
by an unforgiving face

Yes, you are the girl
that my mother warned me about
from my lips to my soul
stolen by your kiss
and with every embrace comes
a commonly unwelcomed warmth;
every emotion brings me closer to insane

you are also the girl
my mother never told me about
the unreasonably kind
and unusually gentle
and with every smile
comes sincerity
despite whatever darkness
hides behind it

You are the girl
who cared more than
I never thought could be
and loved the monster
I never thought
was inside me

You are the girl
who embraced all the warmth
I could give; all that I have
looked at me and smiled
like what I have is more than enough
even though what I have
will never be enough

You are the girl
who forgets all the songs and lyrics you loved
but you remembered me;
thought of me
more than I never could do for myself

You are the girl
who stole my lips and my soul
but you stole my broken heart
that I never thought was still there
and stuck all the pieces with every kiss
with no trace of a shattered piece

You are the girl
that looked beyond
whatever future I had left
and looked a plans A-Z
with every possible alphabet
while I stare at you
thinking of how long
will I still be able to

You're the girl
my mother should've told me about
You're the girl
that should've been all this time
You're the girl
I never though would be but did
You're the girl
You are THE girl
Jan 2018 · 359
Ikigai いきがい
GfS Jan 2018
I had a dream once
where the light
finally took me
and the pain stopped,
eternal bliss and euphoria
stepped up and gunned
me down to never ending joy
as if for once,
the universe cooperated
but you looked at me
with a pained look
in your eyes
more than I have ever seen
and it hurt me
to see you scream in agony
as your tears fell
clattering on my deathbed
wishing I could be there
to wipe your tears of
your lashes

but I lay there helplessly
only to regret
not holding you more
than I should have
before the light took me
Nov 2017 · 340
GfS Nov 2017
You stare at me
like there is
happiness in pain,
teardrops in laughter
and dancing
under the rain
Like there was once
joy with me
but all that
we’re left with
are just
Aug 2017 · 496
GfS Aug 2017
I wonder
if the cells in your body
have the slightest idea
that they are part
of something
or even the slightest clue
Aug 2017 · 389
GfS Aug 2017
Why fear nightmares
when there is
the false beautiful reality
that we call
**a dream
When you wake up from a nightmare,
there is solace cause it is just a nightmare
when you wake up from a dream
there is despair in wishing it was true
Jul 2017 · 521
GfS Jul 2017
You put your arms around me
and for some reason
I found my tears falling
Then you looked at me
for the first time
in a long time
but with the same I eyes
I fell in love with
you held my hand
and as I clasped yours
you smiled and said
"I'm so happy"
and for some reason
I found your tears falling
then I looked at you
like how I've always looked at you
like you're love
and everything beautiful of it
and for the first time
in a long time
everything was okay again

but then
I opened my eyes
with my tears falling
I start to remember
where I am
I start screaming
as the pain starts
to come back to my chest
realizing that
that was the reality I wanted
to wake up to instead
"I'm so happy"
words I've wanted to hear
you say for quite a long time
Jun 2017 · 353
GfS Jun 2017
the weight
of the world
feel like
Apr 2017 · 335
GfS Apr 2017
how can you stand there
so beautifully
and know nothing of it?
(poem ideas)
Mar 2017 · 489
GfS Mar 2017
If I could go back in time
and find the younger me
I'd shout your name
over and over again
to tell him that things
will all be better soon
and all heartbreak
will be worth it
Mar 2017 · 467
12:38 AM
GfS Mar 2017
I am torn
loving you
letting you go
deserve love
greater than
my debt to you
You deserve love
than what
you have shown me
I can only wish
the universe
to give you a least
a taste
of that love
you have shown me
Mar 2017 · 293
GfS Mar 2017
Don't cry, my dear
Don't come to my grave
I cannot wipe off your tears from here
Mar 2017 · 446
12:33 AM
GfS Mar 2017
You were once
a reminder
of what I am not
A Dead Man
no sooner, I hope
but when i see you
in every visit
to the hospital
I can't help
feeling the dread
I have caused you

In every fake smile
you pull
that you are okay
just so
I wouldn't feel bad
It breaks my heart
every time
that you
had to lie to me
Mar 2017 · 812
GfS Mar 2017
I remembered
that day
I played the violin for you
and only you
as you closed your eyes
so tight to listen
you leaned on
the back of the chair
and you put
your arms on
the kitchen table
as I played Mozart,
your utmost favorite
with Paganini and Liszt
in between
and you smiled
for the first time
without worry for me
and that's the first
I have ever felt
that you needed me

you listened so soundly
until you fell asleep
and I smiled
as I watched you
in slumber
I played ever so lightly
to not wake you up
hoping these moments
last a bit longer
You once told me
"That was the safest I have been
and I've always felt the safest
when I'm with you"

Tell me...
Do you still feel this way?
Mar 2017 · 266
GfS Mar 2017
"I was ready to die anytime
but then I met a special girl
She made me want to go on living
and for the first time in a long time
I was afraid of death
Mar 2017 · 404
GfS Mar 2017
I will be there
right where you left me
to pour you some hot tea
just the way you like it;
Mar 2017 · 617
GfS Mar 2017
I love you
even in our arguments
Still do
Jan 2017 · 397
GfS Jan 2017
I was meant to love
and never be loved
Dec 2016 · 358
GfS Dec 2016
I  always thought
I might be bad
now I’m sure
that it's true
cause I think
you’re so good
I’m nothing like you
Look at you go
I just adore you
I just wish
that I knew
what makes
you think
I'm so special
Dec 2016 · 362
GfS Dec 2016
If I could begin to be
half of what you think of me
I could do just about anything
I could even learn
to love
like you
I could learn how
to love
like  you
Dec 2016 · 442
GfS Dec 2016
Why are you here with me
when you can be there
with the people
who can
make you
Oct 2016 · 375
Another 4-word story
GfS Oct 2016
He spoke
things broke
Oct 2016 · 553
4-word story
GfS Oct 2016
Things changed
Stars rearranged
Oct 2016 · 458
8-word story
GfS Oct 2016
You were
I looked
forward to
Jul 2016 · 429
21st of July
GfS Jul 2016
Only the rain
the pain
I feel
Jul 2016 · 613
GfS Jul 2016
a voice behind my ears
golden fields
winds I feel
eyes shed my tears
sunbeam lights
pale blue skies
vast meadowy hills
voice I listen
her tone glistens
vision disappears
heartfelt stories
of sights of glories
and yet excites all my fears
I open my eyes
smiles so wide
vision suddenly clears
sits on my lap
then a gentle tap
as I sit with much drear
I close my eyes
awake to familiar sights
my eyes cover with tears
Jul 2016 · 491
Second Nature
GfS Jul 2016
Driving home
with 7 inebriated
at 2:30 in the morning
makes me question
what I am there for
As a man who does not
drink. smoke. do drugs.

I am no more than no one
in this band of drunks
seeing how their night ends
I wonder why I was even there
more so why I even cared
to even bring them home
as it pains me to say that
it hurts to see them
break. crush. suffer.
from whatever escape
they tried to pull
I wondered why
I am like this
a man who cared
for people who never did
maybe it's true
maybe I am stupid
Jun 2016 · 358
GfS Jun 2016
How could I
such a glow
of blessed light
with every
like photons
to make
stars and suns
the infinite
May 2016 · 340
GfS May 2016
Why does
a single
make me
all the
of the universe?
May 2016 · 328
GfS May 2016
star lover
May 2016 · 338
Rainy Days
GfS May 2016
I was never
to be happy
May 2016 · 420
You had him
GfS May 2016
The one
that won't let you go
that's afraid to lose you
that was there
in brighter
or darker days
kept you safe
in sunshine
or the rain
You had him

Yet here you are
about the ones
who hurt you
about people
forgetting you
and yet
here you are
forgetting him
who has never
lived a day
without thinking
about you

You had him
and now
She has
for my next
short film

Coming soon
May 2016 · 463
GfS May 2016
I'll admit
You and I
are from
different worlds
two different sides
you had yours
and I had mine
was there
ever one moment
where you wanted
to be a part
of my world
as I have to yours?
If there anymore space
for me in your life,
Please do say so
May 2016 · 418
You told me
GfS May 2016
that you were afraid
of losing people
look where
I stand now
Lost and never found
May 2016 · 461
GfS May 2016
The universe
is cruel
we don't
have to be
May 2016 · 426
GfS May 2016
I was afraid
that I'd find you
and your dark hazelnut eyes
would unwind
me for the first
and I'll smile
again uncontrollably
showing my teeth
for the first

I was afraid
that I'll fall in love
with you for the first time
that no one can stop
me hoping this
Apr 2016 · 443
Selflessness (?)
GfS Apr 2016
I guess
it's always
other people
even if
you're feeling
hurt yourself
Maybe, it's too selfish
a thought may be.
Apr 2016 · 529
You and I
GfS Apr 2016
are the
best liars
I know
we say
"I'm okay"
even if
we know
we're not
Apr 2016 · 376
GfS Apr 2016
I always
that there's
I'm with you
and I'd
look forward
to tomorrow
cause I
that there's
Apr 2016 · 444
You used to
GfS Apr 2016
You used to
sit on that
side of the sofa
stand on that
side of the room
drink from that
small white plastic mug
smell of that
fragrant perfume

You used to
write on
my blue notebook
sing everywhere
about any tune
go to the museum
to have look
talk to me
in the afternoon

You used to
sleep on this
side of my shoulder
rest your hands
next to mine
think about
when we'd get older
speak without
minding the time

You used to
do all these things
when you and I were
sadly, all that's left
is a blur
Apr 2016 · 913
GfS Apr 2016
At first
I thought
you were
a constellation
I drew
a map
of your stars
and then
a revelation
You are
as beautiful,
as endless
as the universe
I'm helpless in
For the girl who
warmed me up inside
Sleeping at last
Apr 2016 · 392
GfS Apr 2016
Sometimes, I wish
that I just stayed where I was.

In a place where
I was never greedy with
Mar 2016 · 476
GfS Mar 2016
Darkness exists
to make the light count
That's why stars
shine brightest
in the dark
Accept the darkness
Embrace the light
Mar 2016 · 359
GfS Mar 2016
I used to believe that
good things happen
to good people
that's not the case
Unless the good
is not good anymore
Mar 2016 · 703
Paradoxical Acquaintance
GfS Mar 2016
Getting close to people
will only give you suffering
but alas, sadly
so does getting closer

Maybe, that's why
if one day we do
I would yearn for you
more than I should
it frightens me
to my very core
that you'd leave me
like the rest would
History has quite the habit
of repeating itself
Mar 2016 · 326
GfS Mar 2016
It hurts
to see
spend on
sweet emptiness
when you
have not much left
to spend on
(for the greedy and ignorant spenders, the ludicrous and sinfully bored)
Mar 2016 · 430
GfS Mar 2016
It hurts
to see
love less
you have
less time
to love
(for the oblivious and heartless, the cruel and loveless)
Mar 2016 · 395
GfS Mar 2016
It hurts
to see
when they
have lives
longer than
(for the smokers and alcoholics, the fighters and criminals)
Mar 2016 · 355
For what its worth
GfS Mar 2016
Nighttime coffee
with just the two of us
etching memories
on that side of the shop
laughing, smiling, crying
with the cold air around
remembering and forgetting
whatever worries we had before
looking back at that moment
where hearts were
as transparent as they can be
the time we lost was realization
that we can never be
unless you make it be
for there will be a day
not too long from now
that you and I will part
farther than the universe
can ever imagine
where your pulse grows stronger
and mine grows weaker

if today or the next
will be my (hopefully not) last
know that I want to be
the last who'll ever be
the one who hurts you
For what it's worth
this is how I say
"I love you"
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