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 Jun 2016 LJ
its gonna make sense
i am a mere word of this page
and you are the phrases i admire most that i can't have.
at least give me a proof of sentence,
that i am still part of your paragraph.
i've never thought that this boundless sea of whiteness
can be so lonesome.
the large gap between us and other words,
feels like the vastness of the ocean,
drowning me in and out of the pages.*

the untold story of the lonely word
 Jun 2016 LJ
its gonna make sense
drip. drop. drip. drop.
hear the pain?
dancing under the purple rain

'cause the rain is the bravest of all
for it is not afraid to fall
and you're all deaf
'cause you don't hear
the hurt of
and you're all blind
'cause you don't see
the color of
the falling purple rain
 Jun 2016 LJ
 Jun 2016 LJ
Blood spackles, like pretty pictures in a morbid scene of expression. It pools in microscopic indentions in the concrete, assuring this scene can never fully be washed away. The only witness to the crime has been whisked away, in lieu of a chalk outline. Yellow tape ***** in the wind, waving goodbye to the lost. Red and blue flashes ricochet off of every surface, momentarily blinding the shadows before flicking back off.
I stand, back against a tree, still in shock. The gunshots still echo off of the swollen pavement, the clink of the falling brass rings in my ears. But yet, I survived.
I dedicate this poem to all victims, both survivors and those lost, and also to families and friends affected by violence of any kind, anywhere in the world. #WeMustStandTogether
 Jun 2016 LJ
 Jun 2016 LJ
I dont know you
You've always been a stranger to me
A no one
If anyone asked
I would say
You were no one

How I need you now
I need you more than ever
I need you now
I need you

Please I ask
Keep me from the end I see
Grant me peace
I don't really know
If you are real
But youre all
I need
 Jun 2016 LJ
Pradip Chattopadhyay
What for you need a pen that writes black?
The man at the counter shot back
What has the blue done to offend you?

Look up the firmament
Over there the kingfisher
Once I had been to the sea
She was blue
Surely you prefer over black
A blue saree for her
So many men have staked their life
For the blue eyes of women

And then as if volleying the winning goal

Why not color all your wishes with blue
To paint the world blue-wish?

As I turned to walk away
My eyes caught the writing on his wall..

Black ink for the black heart
For the fool and the dull
Blue for the man of art
With matter in the skull

I had come to the wrong shop.
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